Job Vacancy Lowongan
Monday, June 30, 2008
Vacancy: Web Developer
System Integrator
Company for retail and restaurant looking for a front-end web developer to join
our team. This position is full time. Your responsibilities will include:
• Update and
maintain websites for a number of our clients
• Translate design
mockups into XHTML pages.
Required Skills:
• Knowledge of
CSS, XHTML and creating table-less websites
• Knowledge of
Adobe Photoshop, and image optimization for web
• Able to hand
code XHTML in a non-WYSIWYG environment
• Able to code
HTML/XHTML which validates against current Web Standards
• Understanding
of cross-browser and cross-platform issues.
Nice to have:
• Experience
with JavaScript, DHTML, AJAX, or any other fashionable acronyms
• Experience
with Eclipse is a plus
• Previous
experience working in an agency with multiple clients/projects preferred
only considering local candidates who are available to work on-site.
Apt.Laguna Pluit
Lt.Dasar. Blok B No.58
Jl.Pluit Timur
Raya Blok MM
Jakarta 14450
Formasi pegawai Departemen Keuangan R.I. Tahun
Anggaran 2008, Departemen Keuangan memberikan kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia yang berijazah Sarjana (S1) dan Pasca Sarjana (S2) untuk diterima sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang akan ditugaskan di lingkungan Departemen Keuangan R.I. yaitu :
1. Sekretariat Jenderal;
2. Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran;
3. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak;
4. Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai;
5. Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan;
6. Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara;
7. Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan;
8. Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang;
9. Inspektorat Jenderal;
10.Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan;
11.Badan Kebijakan Fiskal;
12.Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan.
Sarjana (S1)
Administrasi Negara
Hubungan Internasional
Akuntansi (mempunyai Register)
Ekonomi Akuntansi
Ekonomi Manajemen
Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan
Ekonomi Syariah
Hukum Internasional
Sastra Inggris
Sosial Ekonomi
Pertanian (Agro Industri)
MIPA (Matematika)
Sistem Informatika
Manajemen Informatika
Teknik Informatika
Teknik Elektro (Arus Lemah)
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Pertambangan
Teknik Geodesi
Teknik Geologi
Teknik Industri
Teknik Mesin
Desain Grafis
Pasca Sarjana
Manajemen Keuangan
Manajemen Aset dan Penilaian Properti
A. Persyaratan Umum
1.Warga Negara Indonesia;
2.Berusia minimal 18 tahun, pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008;
3.Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan
Pengadilan, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
4.Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri
atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS, anggota TNI/POLRI, pegawai BUMN/BUMD
atau pegawai swasta;
5.Tidak berkedudukan sebagai PNS atau CPNS;
6.Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan keterampilan yang
7.Berkelakuan baik;
8.Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani;
9.Bersedia bekerja pada instansi-instansi dalam lingkungan Departemen
Keuangan, dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan
Republik Indonesia.
B. Persyaratan Khusus
1.Mempunyai Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang-kurangnya 3.0 dalam
skala 4 bagi lulusan Sarjana (S1) dan 3,25 dalam skala 4 bagi lulusan
Pasca Sarjana (S2);
2.Umur pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008, tidak lebih dari 27 tahun bagi pelamar
lulusan S1 non Akuntan (batas tanggal lahir 30 Juni 1981 dan setelahnya),
dan 30 tahun bagi pelamar lulusan S1 Akuntan beregister dan lulusan S2
(batas tanggal lahir 30 Juni 1978 dan setelahnya).
C. Tata Cara Pendaftaran
1.Pendaftaran dilaksanakan secara online melalui Portal Departemen
Keuangan www.depkeu.go. id mulai tanggal 30 Juni 2008 Pukul 00.00 WIB
sampai dengan tanggal 6 Juli 2008 Pukul 24.00 WIB;
2.Pelamar yang telah melakukan pendaftaran secara online akan memperoleh
Nomor Registrasi;
3.Pelamar wajib mencetak formulir pendaftaran secara online (setelah
memperoleh Nomor Registrasi), membubuhi pas photo berwarna terbaru ukuran
4×6 cm dan menandatanganinya sebagai salah satu syarat pendaftaran ulang
(pengambilan Tanda Peserta Ujian);
4.Pengumuman tempat dan waktu Daftar Ulang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11
Juli 2008 melalui portal Departemen Keuangan www.depkeu.go. id;
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Penyaringan/ Penerimaan Calon Pegawai
Negeri Sipil ini dapat dilihat melalui portal Departemen Keuangan
www.depkeu.go. id.
Dalam proses pendaftaran, Penyaringan/ Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri
Sipil di Lingkungan Departemen Keuangan Tahun Anggaran 2008 berlaku
ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1.Dalam rangka Penyaringan/ Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil ini tidak
ada bimbingan tes atau persiapan pendahuluan, tidak diadakan surat
menyurat dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun selama proses seleksi/tes.
2.Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi selama mengikuti tahapan tes ditanggung
oleh pelamar.
3.Setiap Pengumuman, ditayangkan secara online pada portal Departemen
Keuangan www.depkeu.go. id. Setiap Pelamar dapat melihat Pengumuman hasil
setiap tahapan tes secara online pada portal Departemen Keuangan
www.depkeu.go. id. dan Papan Pengumuman di Kantor Perwakilan Departemen
Keuangan di daerah sesuai dengan lokasi tes (TIDAK DIUMUMKAN DI SURAT
4.Bagi mereka yang pernah mengajukan lamaran untuk bekerja ke
lingkungan/unit Departemen Keuangan yang sampai pengumuman ini belum
mendapat balasan, sepanjang memenuhi syarat dalam pengumuman ini, supaya
mengajukan lamaran kembali sesuai prosedur yang berlaku (lamaran yang
pernah dikirim ke Departemen Keuangan dianggap tidak berlaku).
5.Unit pilihan hanya merupakan bahan pertimbangan panitia untuk penempatan
peserta yang dinyatakan lulus/memenuhi syarat dan dalam hal kebutuhan unit
eselon I yang dipilih telah terpenuhi, maka peserta yang dinyatakan
lulus/memenuhi syarat harus bersedia ditempatkan pada unit eselon I
lainnya sebagaimana tersebut pada angka romawi I.
6.Keputusan Panitia dalam hal kelulusan pendaftar/pelamar pada setiap
tahap tes bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
7.Kelulusan pelamar pada setiap tahapan tes ditentukan oleh kemampuan dan
kompetensi pelamar. Apabila ada pihak/oknum yang menawarkan jasa dengan
menjanjikan sehingga dapat diterima menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di
lingkungan Departemen Keuangan dengan meminta imbalan tertentu, maka
perbuatan tersebut adalah penipuan. Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab atas
perbuatan pihak/oknum tersebut.
8.Apabila pelamar memberikan keterangan/data yang tidak benar, dan
dikemudian hari diketahui, baik pada setiap tahapan tes, maupun setelah
diangkat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil di
lingkungan Departemen Keuangan, Departemen Keuangan berhak menggugurkan
kelulusan tersebut dan/atau memberhentikan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri
Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan Departemen Keuangan, menuntut
ganti rugi atas kerugian negara yang terjadi akibat keterangan yang tidak
benar tersebut, dan melaporkan sebagai tindak pidana di Pengadilan Negeri,
karena telah memberikan keterangan palsu.
Keterangan Lengkap Kunjungi http://ppns. depkeu.go. id/
IT Secretary/Admin Di The Batavia Hotel
Alamat: Jl. Kalibesar Barat 44-46 11230 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
A Four Star Heritage Hotel located in old town of Jakarta.
Lowongan Kerja:IT Secretary/Admin
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- IT or secretarical background.
- Female, Single & English Speaking.
- Fresh Graduate are welcome.
- Hotel background & Web design knowledge will be an advantage.
- Willing to work hard as a team or independent & have strong
- Fast learner
Tanggal Tayang: 06/26/2008
Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Negotiable
Tanggal Penutupan: 07/31/2008
Silahkan Login di http://Jobindo. com untuk melamar Lowongan ini.
Jika anda belum jadi member, silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu
PERAWAT Di PT. Brawijaya Medikatama
Alamat: Jl. Taman Brawijaya No. 1, Cipete Utara, Jakarta Selatan
1250 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital is A First-class women &
children healthcare center with healing ambiance. We provide first
class Services such as First class care providers (super-specialist
medical doctors and nurses), Modern medical equipment, Patient
focused Attitude, Homey ambiance of the building, Management
involving hospitality concept & Affordable.
Lowongan Kerja:PERAWAT
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
• Wanita usia maks 40 tahun
• Minimal D3 AKPER / AKBID
• Mempunyai pengalaman teknis min. 3 tahun di RS/Klinik
• Berpenampilan menarik, sabar dan ramah;
• Bersedia bekerja dalam 3 shift
• Menguasai Bahasa Inggris & Komputer.
Tanggal Tayang: 06/30/2008
Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: negoisasi
Tanggal Penutupan: 07/14/2008
Silahkan Login di http://Jobindo. com untuk melamar Lowongan ini.
Jika anda belum jadi member, silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu
Lowongan CPNS di Departemen Keuangan(Depkeu)
Bergabung Bersama Kami Membangun Bangsa
"Departemen Keuangan memberi kesempatan kepada para sarjana Indonesia untuk menjadi calon pegawai di 12 unit Eselon I Departemen Keuangan yang tersebar pada 1.063 kantor di seluruh Indonesia."
Departemen Keuangan adalah salah satu departemen yang mempunyai fungsi strategis, karena hampir seluruh aspek perekonomian negara berhubungan dengan kebijakan Departemen Keuangan, antara lain perencanaan, penyusunan, serta pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Selain itu, terdapat pula kebijakan perpajakan; kepabeanan dan cukai; dan penerimaan negara bukan pajak. Termasuk pula kebijakan di bidang penyusunan dan alokasi anggaran; perbendaharaan negara; pengelolaan kekayaan negara; perimbangan keuangan pusat dan daerah; pengelolaan utang; serta pasar modal dan lembaga keuangan non-bank.
Departemen Keuangan memiliki kantor yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, yang memberikan layanan langsung kepada masyarakat, dengan jumlah pegawai mencapai 63 ribu orang. Oleh karena itu, menjadi wajar bila publik menuntut profesionalisme birokrasi Departemen Keuangan yang mampu menghasilkan kebijakan yang berkualitas dan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada publik.
Untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut Departemen Keuangan melaksanakan Reformasi Birokrasi yang bertujuan untuk (i) menciptakan aparatur negara yang bersih, profesional, dan bertanggung jawab, serta (ii) menciptakan birokrasi yang efisien dan efektif sehingga dapat memberikan pelayanan publik yang prima.
Proses Reformasi Birokrasi yang saat ini tengah berjalan membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang profesional, kompeten, bebas dari segala bentuk korupsi, dan penyalahgunaan jabatan serta memiliki keinginan untuk senantiasa memberikan pelayanan publik yang sebaik-baiknya, mampu memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat, dan mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat.
Apabila anda, putera-puteri terbaik Indonesia, berminat serta mempunyai kemampuan, integritas, dan komitmen kuat untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik pada masyarakat, sekaligus berkeinginan berperan dalam proses transformasi bangsa menuju masyarakat adil, makmur, dan berperadaban tinggi, kami memberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama di Departemen Keuangan.
Departemen Keuangan memberi kesempatan kepada para sarjana Indonesia untuk menjadi calon pegawai di 12 unit Eselon I Departemen Keuangan yang tersebar pada 1.063 kantor di seluruh Indonesia.
Selamat Bergabung.
Sekretaris Jenderal
Mulia P Nasution
NIP 060046519
Persyaratan Umum:
- Warga Negara Indonesia;
- Berusia minimal 18 tahun pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008;
- Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
- Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS, anggota TNI/POLRI, pegawai BUMN/BUMD atau pegawai swasta;
- Tidak berkedudukan sebagai PNS atau CPNS;
- Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan;
- Berkelakuan baik;
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
- Bersedia bekerja pada instansi-instansi dalam lingkungan Departemen Keuangan, dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Persyaratan Khusus:
- Mempunyai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang-kurangnya 3.00 dalam skala 4 bagi lulusan Sarjana (S1) dan 3.25 dalam skala 4 bagi lulusan Pasca Sarjana (S2);
- Umur pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008, tidak lebih dari 27 tahun bagi pelamar lulusan S1 non Akuntan beregister (batas tanggal lahir 30 Juni 1981 dan setelahnya), dan 30 tahun bagi pelamar lulusan S1 Akuntan beregister dan S2 (batas tanggal lahir 30 Juni 1978 dan setelahnya).
untuk mendaftar online klik disini
q Male/Female, max 28 years old
q Bachelor degree (S 1), all disciplines
q Must have experience in handling payroll, Jamsostek, Compensation & Benefit
At least three (3) years experience in HR functions
Computer : Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point
English : Proficient both spoken & written is a must
Please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, copy of your diploma/certificate s and transcript within one (2) weeks after the date of this advertisement, to the following address:
HRD Medifarma Laboratories, Inc
Jl. Rawagelam V Blok L Kav. 11 - 13
Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung
Jakarta Timur
E-mail: ika.nurul@medifarma .biz
Please state ONLY the code of your chosen position in the left corner of your envelope or your e-mail subject
Junior Web Developer - for Bandung Office
You will assist in the development of a corporate website for UK business audiences, maintaining and extending the site after launch. Working under the supervision of a senior developer, you will have the opportunity to increase your skill base and learn best practice methodology.
Maintain corporate website
Monitor web analytics
Search engine optimisation
Develop landing pages and microsites
Develop multi-part MIME HTML/text emails and implement online marketing campaigns
Extract website data to Excel
Adobe Photoshop & CS2/3
Send CV in ENGLISH to enquiries@javainspi with EXPECTED SALARY
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, over 57 years, has four branches and eight
representative offices in Indonesia as well as subsidiary in Singapore
and offices in Shanghai & Thailand to oversee regional activities. To
facilitate manufacturing activities, Lautan Luas established 17
manufacturing subsidiaries and affiliates, with five manufacturing
plants operating out of China. To provide support to our customers,
Lautan Luas established four support and service subsidiaries - a supply
chain company, a R&D laboratory, an IT consultancy and a water treatment
company - making it one of the most integrated total solutions provider
in the chemicals industry.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer with over 100 international
principals, more than 1,000 chemical products and over 2,000 clients
nationwide. As we continue to expand in the regional market, the
corporate vision: "to be the leading regional integrated chemical
distribution and manufacturing company by providing value to customers
in becoming preferred business partner, challenge and opportunities to
our employees, and superior return to our shareholders" , has been our
foundation for growth and expansion.
We provide our employees internal and external training programs for
professional and personal development to ensure our professionals
continue to find the Company an enjoyable, rewarding, and challenging
place and to maintain a highly crafted and learned professional. To
maintain our "Total Quality Management Mindset", PT Lautan Luas Tbk
places great emphasis on continuing development of our Human Resources /
Therefore, PT Lautan Luas Tbk & Group challenge you to join us for the
opportunities :
1. Finance Manager (Fin-Man)
Responsible in managing finance activities especially in banking and
* Min S1 Accounting / Management
* Experienced in handling banking and or treasury in operating
company or banking institution with min. 2 years experience in the same
2. Finance Supervisor (Fin-Spv)
Responsible to generate report relating to Finance matters
* Min S1 Accounting / Management
* Min.2 years experience in finance with min. 1 year experience
in the same position
* To be posted in Cibitung
3. Financial Planning Analyst (FPA)
Responsible for recapitulating and analyzing financial report
* Min S1 Accounting
* Preferably having 1 year experience in the same position;
fresh graduate are encouraged to apply
* Familiar with financial report, financial ratio and financial
tool analysis
4. Accounting Staff - Consolidation (Acct-Consol)
Be responsible for preparing accounting consolidation report
* Min S1 Accounting
* Min 2 years experience in the same position
5. Account Receivable Staff (AR)
Responsible for controlling credit accounts, analyses accounts,
identifies and reports those that may require difficult collection
* Min D3 Accounting / Management
* Min 2 years experience in handling cash management or A/R
6. Finance/Accounting Staff (Fin)
Responsible to compile and to record all transactions for Financial
Report purpose
* Min D3 Accounting / Management
* Preferably having 1 year experience in the same field; fresh
graduate are encouraged to apply
1. Sales Executive
Grow sales in existing customers and develop new business opportunities
a. Sales Executive - Food/Feedmill (SE - FF)
b. Sales Executive - Paper (SE - Paper)
c. Sales Executive - Branches (SE - Branch)
* For SE-FF, graduated of Chemical Engineering / Food
Technology / Industrial Engineering
* For SE-Paper, graduated of Chemical Engineering
* For SE-Branch, graduated of Chemical Engineering / Food
Technology / Industrial Engineering / Engineering
* Having min. 1 year sales experience in the same field
* Work independently and traveling is a must
* Have domicile in Bandung / Semarang / Surabaya for SE-Branch
2. Sales Engineer / Technical Engineer - Water Treatment (SE - WT / TE
- WT)
* Graduated of Chemical Engineering or Mechanical / Electrical
* Having min. 1 year sales / technical experience in water
treatment chemical and or filtration system
* Work independently and traveling is a must
* Have domicile in Bandung / Batam / Makassar / Medan / Pekanbaru
3. Customer Service Representative - Surabaya (CSR-SBY)
Partnering with Sales Executive to ensure all back office sales activity
are completed and to grow business
* Graduated of Social Science
* Preferably min 1 year experiences as Customer Service; fresh
graduate are encouraged to apply
* Have domicile in Surabaya
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position applied write down on your email
subject to :
Recruitment@ lautan-luas. com
For further information about PT Lautan Luas Tbk and Group, please visit
our website at :
www.lautan-luas. com
Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager & Manager
Email : cardianto@destinasi
Please do not forget to state your expected salary" All applications will be treated confidentially & only short listed candidates will be notified "
SENIOR FINANCE OFFICER Vacant positions at shipping company
of ships, logistic, stevedoring & warehousing is looking urgently for the position of :
1. Male/Female, age < 35 years old
2. Good command both spoken & written English
3. Minimum S1 degree from accounting & finance from reputable university
4. Posses at least 3 years in same position with total 5 years in accounting & finance and in
the shipping industry
5. Experience in annual budget
6. Report & analysis of financial statements
7. Familiar with computer applications (spreadsheet & word processing)
8. Good interpersonal skill, attentive to detail, has strong integrity, hardworker, has positive attitude
Please put the position applied on the SUBJECT of email. Only shorlisted candidates will be notified.
No phone quiries will be entertained. Please send your resume within 14 days to recruitment@
or to shipping.indonesia@
q Male, max 30 years old
q Bachelor degree (S 1), Pharmacy or Apothecary
q Experienced as Production Staff / Supervisor for two (2) years in manufacturing industry
q Monitoring GMP implementation during process running
Computer : Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point
English : Proficient both spoken & written is a must
Please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, copy of your diploma/certificate s and transcript within one (2) weeks after the date of this advertisement, to the following address:
HRD Medifarma Laboratories, Inc
Jl. Rawagelam V Blok L Kav. 11 - 13
Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung
Jakarta Timur
E-mail: ika.nurul@medifarma .biz
Please state ONLY the code of your chosen position in the left corner of your envelope or your e-mail subject
lowongan DEPKEU, regristrasi online mulai tgl 30 Juni 2008 s/d 6 Juli 2008
untuk link, silahkan klik dibawah ini :
urgently seeking for the following position:
• Min. 5 years in People Development and Training; and minimum 3 years
in managerial level
• Max. 43 years old
• Suitable industry: Multinational company (FMCG is preferred)
• Bachelor degree
• English skills is a must
• Have experience in competency based people development; sound
understanding of organizational behavior
Job Purpose:
Develop, plan, coordinate and evaluate the development of employees'
capabilities in their skills, knowledge and behavior in their job or
for future career growth to meet individual and company human resource
Please submit your resume to: careeradvance@
Only the shortlisted candidate will be contacted
Vacancy - Sales Trainer
for young professionals who have big passion in challenging environment to join
our team as:
for delivering sales skills training and ensuring the sales teams understand
the products, the rates and are motivated to achieve targets.
Bachelor degree / Master from
reputable universityHave min. 5 years experience as
TrainerAble to develop motivational
plans for Sales team to achieve target.Excellent in Training Need
Analysis & Sales Training ConceptsExcellent communication &
interpersonal skillExcellent presentation and
Training ManagementProactive , hardworking,
disciplined and result orientedGood leadership, individual
skill and able to work in sales teamMust have fluent English both
written and oral as well as communication skillsComputer Literate
Please Submit your complete resume and
write the position in subject e-mail to:
VACANCY -Investment Officer
Our client, the Development Agency, is a specialized financial institution part of the French Government, financing sustainable development projects in selected development countries carried by government local authorities, public companies, the private and the associative sectors.
Currently, they is looking for an Investment Officer who will work within the Indonesian team dedicated to the generation, appraisal, funding and management projects mitigating climate change issues with corporate, banking and infrastructure sectors.
Please Send your CV to HYPERLINK "" with subject “IO”
For Futher information and Details Responsibilities, Please visit link below :
this year.
1. To be placed as cost accounting team member.
2. Proficient in MS.Office, especially in EXCEL worksheet.
3. Detail, able to work underpressure, able to work individually & team
work, having good analytical skill
4. Good communication in English, both written and verbal.
5. Fresh graduate is welcome to apply.
For those who meets the above requirements, please send your resume to
Rinintha.Hidayat@ nutricia. com.
Thank you in advance for your attention.
Rinintha Hidayat
Operations Finance Department
Phone - 062. 21. 87 111 78 ext. 508
Fax - 062. 21. 87 111 76
Ce message electronique et tous les fichiers attaches qu'il contient sont
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Indonesia Vacancy-Junior Consultant
providers of management assurance consulting services, including
corporate governance, risk management, internal audit, IT audit, IT
security and IT / business process services. In addition, we provide
these services throughout South-East Asia, as well as the Middle-East.
We are now looking for fresh graduates to join our consulting team, as
• degree in related discipline (preferably: Accounting, Banking, IT
Management) from reputable local universities, with a minimum GPA of 3.00
• good technical skills
• good interpersonal skills, including management and communication
• good analytical skills, including logic and common sense
• enthusiasm, self-motivation and creativity
• good business sense, i.e. "street smart"
• ability to work in large or small teams, or as individual
• ability to work under pressure, and achieve deadlines in adverse
• ability to work and communicate in English, including verbal and
written communication
• willingness to travel internationally and domestically.
Please submit your application before July 4 2008, including
application letter, detailed CV, recent photograph and current /
expected salary by email to jobs@insight. Please limit the size
of these emails to 250KB, otherwise your application might not be
Freelance Action Script Programmer -Freelance Illustrator
Full Time Graphic & Interactive Designer
From Identity, Print and Collateral design, Packaging, Web Development, Interactive Design and help our team to develop campaigns trough Digital Marketing, as well as Direct Marketing programs.
Full Time Creative Sales Strategist to develops innovative trade ideas and assists in the launch and marketing of our product and services.
We also need FREELANCERS!!!
Freelance Action Script Programmer (URGENT)
Freelance Illustrator
Send your application to with position on the subject.
- resume
- photo
- softwares handled
- sample of portfolios (5 - 10 artworks) / a link of portfolio website
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Is looking for young, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated persons to fill the following positions for its expanding banking operation :
Key Responsibilities:
* Ensure you are fully conversant with any situations.
* Develop new systems using IT standards, tools, systems, and methodologies.
* Researching and understanding code that is to be modified.
* Writing and executing unit test procedures.
* Maintenance of existing and new systems to quality standards and in a timely manner.
* Track all new work, bug fixes & enhancements.
Required Qualifications and Skills:
· Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in relevant Information Technology field from a reputable university with GPA > 3.00
· Having experience at least 1 (one) year as System Developer
· Has strong understanding in at least 1 (one) language programming (Cobol, C/C++, Delphi, FoxPro, etc)
· Good knowledge of SQL programming, knowledge on Oracle or MS SQL Server is a plus
· Conversant in Unix and shell programming
· Good knowledge of banking system is a plus point
· Has understanding in how to use AIX is plus point
· Proactive, full of initiative and able to work efficiently and cooperatively within a team environment
· Highly motivated, disciplined, and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision.
· Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
· proficient in written and spoken English is a must.
Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph to:
Human Resources Department
PT Bank Commonwealth
P.O. Box 8367 JKSMP
Jakarta 12083
(Note: please put code CB-SDO on the top left side of the envelope)
All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Talentpool Indonesia
Talentpool Indonesia is a human capital solution provider focusing in the services of executive search and Human Resource consulting firm in Jakarta .
Our client is a largest shoe manufacturing and retail Distribution Company, with global connections across the world, produces a full range of footwear including leather shoes and sandals, canvas built up, casual and sport shoes, injection molded sandals / slippers. The company has wide range of international licensed brands next to its main brand.
Currently looking for highly qualified candidate for:
(3 positions open)
Reporting directly to the Internal Control. This position based in Jakarta .
- Female with 25 - 30 years
- Must have min 3 years experiences in retail – store audit) or at least n the same position
- Min bachelor degree from reputable university (Master degree preferred) with accounting background.
- Detail oriented
- Able to work under pressure in time dateline manner
- Able to work independently
- Self motivated and high level of integrity as well as discipline
An attractive remuneration would be provided commensurate with the qualification and experiences of the selected candidates.
If your qualifications meet the requirements above, please send or email your application letter, detailed CV with your current and expected remuneration package, and recent photograph (Ms.Word format no more than 200kb) to the address below.
resume@talentpool- indonesia. com
Thank you
Talentpool Indonesia
Reliable Partner for Human Capital Solution
Outsourcing | Executive Search | Consultancy
email: resume@talentpool- indonesia. com
urgently seeking for the following position:
• Min. 5 years in People Development and Training; and minimum 3 years
in managerial level
• Max. 43 years old
• Suitable industry: Multinational company (FMCG is preferred)
• Bachelor degree
• English skills is a must
• Have experience in competency based people development; sound
understanding of organizational behavior
Job Purpose:
Develop, plan, coordinate and evaluate the development of employees'
capabilities in their skills, knowledge and behavior in their job or
for future career growth to meet individual and company human resource
Please submit your resume to:
Only the shortlisted candidate will be contacted
Talentpool Indonesia is a human capital solution provider focusing in the services of executive search and Human Resource consulting firm in Jakarta .
Our client is an international retail and manufacturing business with operation in 36 markets worldwide since 1828. Today, the Group owns more than 7,200 retail stores running the gamut from health & beauty chains, luxury perfumeries & cosmetics to food, electronics, fine wine and airport retail arms. Is currently looking for;
( Jakarta )
This position will have direct reporting line to Operation Controller. The purpose of this job are mainly responsible for all facets of getting store operate continually and progressively, identify the most effective operation and execution without jeopardizing the company’s standard, ensure the smooth functioning of stores in terms of operating, selling and servicing, maintain the records and location of all asset and inventory.
- Bachelor degree (Master would be an advantage) from reputable university
- Min 4 years related working experiences in retail or consumer sector at managerial level,
- Excellent negotiation and good interpersonal skill,
- Knowledge of visual merchandising,
- Team work coordination ability,
- Excellent analytical skill and effective leader and coach
- Ability to develop and accomplished sales and target forecast
- Fluent in English, both oral and written is a MUST
- Self motivated, can work independently & must be result oriented.
Successful candidates will be offered a very competitive remuneration package. If your qualifications meet the requirements above, please email your application letter, detailed CV with your current and expected remuneration package, and recent photograph (Ms.Word format) to the address below. Position Title must be written on the email subject.
career@talentpool- indonesia. com
Our client, a local company in Jakarta is urgently seeking for:
* Female
* Max. 27 years old
* Mandarin skills would be a plus
* Min. D3 (Secretarial or Administration)
* Must be able to communicate in English
* Good interpersonal skills
* Initiative and proactive
Please submit your resume to:
Only the shortlisted will be contacted
leading Magazine in the Asian Travel
We are one of the leading Magazine in the Asian Travel
and Lifestyle Market, are currently looking for young,
dynamic and motivated people to fill the following
Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager / Manager
- Female max 35 years of age
- Degree in Accounting
- At least 3-4 years of experience in the same position
- Mature, initiative, hard-working, and able to work under pressure
- Having knowledge of AR, GL, Collection and Taxation is preferable
- Excellent Financial Report
- Good leadership skill
For those who are interested, may submit the
Application Letter+CV+Recent Photo to:
Human Resources Division
POBOX 8899, JKPWR Jakarta 10220A
Email :
Please do not forget to state your expected salary
" All applications will be treated confidentially & only short listed candidates will be notified "
One of our clients, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company is seeking
for energetic, professional and capable candidates to join their
successful team. The details of vacant positions and qualifications are
shown as below:
* Min 5 years extensive experience in FMCG industries; as well as
pharmaceutical company
* Possess strong leadership and result orientation
* Energetic and eager to learn attitude
* Proficiency in English and Computer Literate (MS Office) are required *
Has pleasant personality and able to work and manage the team
* Has a strong drive to succeed
* Demonstrate high degree of integrity and professionalism
* Strong network of customers in specific related field
* Must have People Management Skills
2. HR & Training Supervisor (HRTS-002)
• Have at least 5 years experience in Human Resources
• Having wide range experience of handling industrial relation and good
knowledge of manpower regulation and its implementation
• Having high negotiation skill particularly with local government and
local community
• Willing to travelling within Indonesia or abroad
• Have a strong administration skill
• Have strong relationship with Disnaker, Immigration and insurance company
3. Cash Management & Treasury Manager (CMTM-003)
* Degree in Accounting or related discipline
* Minimum 5 years experience
* Experience in International Transaction, Hedging and Foreign Exhange *
Male /Female
* Familiar with computerized working environment such as JD Edward, SAP or
Sun System
* Execellent English
* Max age 35 years old
* Preferably hold relevant certifications (CPA, ICM,ACCA)
4. Financial and Planning Analysis Manager (FPAM-004)
* Responsible for Asia Pacific Finance in the area of Financial Planning,
Financial Analysis, Actual Financial Reporting
* At least 3 years experience in Financial Reporting, Planning and
Analysis * Good communication, presentation and interpersonal skills *
Good skill in excel and power point
* Knowledge in IFRS will be an advantage
* Familiar with computerized working environment such as JD Edward, SAP or
Sun System
* Preferably hold relevant certifications (CPA, ICM,ACCA)
* Directly Report to Finance Director
* Age below 35 years old
Our client offer very competitive remuneration scheme and excellent career
path for qualified candidate.
Should you meet any qualification above please send your application to cc.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Asst. Accounting Manager
Company Description
We are a France multinational company, manufacturing Industrial Diamond and CBN Tools, located in Bekasi, looking for Professional candidates:
Asst. Accounting Manager Post Date: 26 Jun 08
Skills / Knowledge / Experience:
Bachelor degree in Accounring
Treasury, Taxation (VAT, Income Tax, etc)
Reporting and Presentation skill
Excellent Communication and Team Work
Purpose of the Job:
To ensure accounting control of the company’s operation running smoothly and to provide leadership to SGAI accounting activities
1. Coordinate and responsible for
Treasury function which include hedging, investment, cash flow.
Taxation matter in relate with VAT, income tax article 23, 25, and 26, and on time reporting, reconciliation with G/L balance.
2. Coordinates and supervises financial and accounting functions of PT. SGAI in order to
ensure readiness of responses to Saint Gobain headquarter and relevant Indonesian government.
3. Ensures that all accounting and financial practices follow generally accepted professional principles,
including Company policies and that all subordinates personnel carry out their duties to the required
standard of performance and integrity.
4. Reports to and advises the Management and operating personnel n financial policy and other
related matters.
5. Responsible for initiating, developing data and processing financial system analysis
and any improvements related to all accounting and financial operations.
6. Formulates and develops effective financial system to account for
SGAI and ensures that financial projects procedures follow generally accepted accounting practices.
7. Maintain close contact and cordial relation with Saint Gobain Group Accounting Department
as well as relevant government.
8. Assists Country Finance Manager in representing the Company in industry Forums.
9. Reviews functions for all audit reply draft prior to its forwarding to the Country Finance Manager
for further approval.
10. Responsible for:
Maintaining effective organizational structure of the Section and ensuring adequate "manning" of the various functions by competent, well motivated and high integrity personnel.
Ensuring the observance of all Company's rules and regulations and that all legal personnel directives and policies are implemented accurately and promptly.
The personnel matters of subordinates employees, their welfare, appraisals training and development
Updating of self and staff relevant knowledge and expertise for optimum performance of the assigned duties.
Please send your curriculum vitae to:
Human Resources Department
Any emails larger than 100KB will automatically be deleted. No photographs/scan results of certificates are needed for application.
COST CONTROL Post Date: 27 Jun 08
PT Dwi Batara Boga invites suitably qualified candidates to fill the vacancy of :
J o b L o c a t i o n :
South Jakarta
R e q u i r e m e n t :
Age Max 27 years old
D3 or S1 Accounting
Have min 1 year experience but fresh graduate are welcome
Fluent in English
Good computer skill in Microsoft Office (excel)
Should you fulfill the above criteria, we invite you to meet the challenge by forwarding your application not later than 2 weeks after the publication date to :
Put your position applied in the subject column (e-mail)
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Company Description
We are an importer and distributor of houseware based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our company focuses on kitchenware and tableware sourced from all over the world. The majority of products are distributed throughout Indonesia under our service mark, WESTON. We are also the sole agent of IMPERIA and TESCOMA from Italy and ALETTA from USA.
We are looking for the qualified candidate to fill this following position:
Reporting to Managing Director and working with a senior manager, the candidate will correspondence with the supplier, handle the custom clearance administration and also filing/documentation.
Female with age no more than 30 years old.
Minimum D3, any major.
Minimum 1 year experience in shipping/ forwarder is preferred.
Able to operate MS office.
Can speak and write in English. Having Mandarin ability is an advantage.
Can work independently, can take initiative and have ambition for progress.
Please send your CV, photo, reference and your expected salary to our email in 7 days.
Only shortlisted candidate will be notified
Tuban, Bali
R e q u i r e m e n t :
Age Max 27 years old
D3 or S1 Major in Accounting or Administration
Have min 1 year experience but fresh graduate are welcome
Fluent in English
Good computer skill in Microsoft Office (excel)
Domisile in Bali
Should you fulfill the above criteria, we invite you to meet the challenge by forwarding your application not later than 2 weeks after the publication date to :
or using quick apply below
Put your position applied in the subject column (e-mail)
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Warehouse Supervisor
Warehouse Supervisor
* At least 2 - 3 years of working experience in warehousing
* Experience in SAP system
* Able to work under pressure
Qualified individuals who are interested in exploring this opportunity should promptly submit their resumes to before July 1st, 2008.
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Recruitment Consultant
PT. John Clements Consultants Indonesia
Atrium Mulia Building, 2nd fl suite 205
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav B 10-11
Jakarta 12910
Office Phone: +6221-5257436
Office Fax: +6221-5257435
Customer Service Officers
Customer Service Officers (3 Positions Available)
* Minimum 2 years of experience in the same position
* Preferably having knowledge in logistics industry
* Willing to work long hours and able to work under pressure
Qualified individuals who are interested in exploring this opportunity should promptly submit their resumes and recent photograph (attached in your resume) to before July 1st, 2008.
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Recruitment Consultant
PT. John Clements Consultants Indonesia
Atrium Mulia Building, 2nd fl suite 205
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav B 10-11
Jakarta 12910
Office Phone: +6221-5257436
Office Fax: +6221-5257435
MT (Management Trainee) - Bekasi
We are Steel & Galvanize Manufacturing looking for young, energetic and ambitious professionals to join our Outstanding Team. We offer exciting opportunities to all professionals who pursue a challenging career.
MT (Management Trainee) - Bekasi
(Jakarta Raya - Bekasi)
* Male/Female
* Age max 30 years old
* Minimum Bachelor Degree from Technical background, priority 2007-2008
* With min GPA 3.00
* Persistence, proactive and showing continuous interest to learn
* Dynamic, Result Oriented, Mature and Committed finish the task
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
* Fluent in English, Competent in Microsoft-Office
* Will be located in Bekasi
If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photo graph, copy of academic transcript & ID card to the following address :
Tax Manager - Bekasi
Closing Date: 26-7-08
Tax Manager - Bekasi
(Jakarta Raya - Bekasi)
* Male/Female
* Age mex. 35 years old
* Hold Degree in Accounting or Tax, with min GPA 3.00
* Minimum 5 years professional experienced in the same position
* Strong analytical thinking
* Dynamic, Result Oriented, Mature and Committed finish the task
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
* Fluent in English, Competent in Microsoft-Office
* Will be located in Bekasi
If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photo graph, copy of academic transcript & ID card to the following address :
Marketing Admin Staff
PT. DIMA INDONESIA, National Distributor of Guinness Beer, is seeking for highly qualified individuals to join the Marketing Team to meet the current and future growth for:
Marketing Admin Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* To Handle Marketing expenses, and ensure that all administration works are executed efficiently
* Female, below 27 years old
* Hold S1 Degree from reputable university with GPA 3.00
* Minimum 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position
* Highly proficient at MS. Word, Excel, and Power Point
* Excellent verbal & written communication skill in English
* Skill in Mandarin is an advantage
All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please send in a comprehensive resume, hand phone number and photograph to the address below :
Lowongan Pekerjaan
Marketing Manager - MM
Male/Female, max age 35 y.o
Bachelor Degree (S1) in
Mgt, IT or Telecommunications
Having knowledge in
telecommunication transmission ( VSAT, fiber optic, radio microwave)
Exp:3–5 years in sales or marketing for Telecom, Mining, Oil
& Gas
Has a good relation in Telecommunications Mining, Oil & Gas
Project Manager - PM
Male, max age 35 y.o
Bachelor/Master Degree in
Electro Telecom
Exp: 2–3 years in Network Infrastructure & Transmission
Expert in Project Mgt, MW
Transmission, SITAC, Data Networking, and having CCDA is an advantage
SHE Manager - SHEM
Male§ Aby Discipline (IT or Telecommunications are an advantage)§ Willing to be allocated in out of Java Island
§ Having experiences in the same field at least 2 years
Should you meet the above requirements, pls send
your complete CV, by email (attachment should not exceed 50Kb) to or
and, quoting the position code on the email
Lowongan Kerja-Teacher Di BLOOM Islamic school
Alamat: JL. Rasamala Raya no:17. Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12870
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
BLOOM Islamic preschool & kindergarten is an Islamic school that
delivers a high quality standard Islamic teaching and provides a
safe,loving and educative learning environment.
Lowongan Kerja: Teacher
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
1. Having PGTK degree or S1 PAUD degree
2. Having 1-2 years working experience in the islamic/internation al
3. Be able to read Al-qur'an
4. Good commands english both in oral and written
4. Female must wear jilbab
5. Home location around Pancoran,tebet will be preferred.
Tanggal Tayang: 06/26/2008
Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan:
Tanggal Penutupan: 07/31/2008
Silahkan Login di http://Jobindo. com untuk melamar Lowongan ini. Jika
anda belum jadi member, silahkan mendaftar terlebih dahulu
Tax & Payroll Staff
Currently we are looking for high potential candidate to be placed as tax & payroll staff.
Requirements :
a.. Bachelor Degree from Taxation / Accounting / Finance.
b.. We preferable the candidate has min. 1 year experience as tax staff / tax consultant / payroll staff, but open for potential fresh graduate candidate from reputable university.
c.. Good communication in English, both written and oral.
d.. Good knowledge in taxes (income tax, VAT, Pph 23, Pph 25, Pph 29, etc).
e.. Proficient in MS. Office specially in Excel.
f.. Detail, able to work underpressure, able to work individually & team work, having good analytical skill..
g.. Good interpersonal and intrapersonal skill, fast learner and having good initiative.
For those who are meeting the requirements above and willing to explore new opportunity, please send your comprehensive resume in MS. Word format to hannywardana@
Lowongan-PT. Askes (Persero) -27 Juni
dalam bidang Asuransi Kesehatan , membutuhkan :
1. Staf Pengelola Program Kesehatan (kode PPK) Pendidikan :
Dokter,Apoteker/ S1 Farmasi, S1 Keperawatan, SKM untuk seluruh Kantor
Regional, kecuali KR I dan KR XII tidak membutuhkan S1 Keperawatan dan
KR X untuk Apoteker/S1 Farmasi dan KR V untuk SKM;
2. Staf Akunting/Keuangan (kode AKI) Pendidikan S1 Ekonomi
Akuntansi/Manajemen Keuangan untuk seluruh Kantor Regional, kecuali KR
III tidak membutuhkan S1 Ekonomi Manajemen Keuangan;
3. Staf Pemasaran (kode SAR) Pendidikan S1 Ekonomi Manajemen Pemasaran
untuk seluruh Kantor Regional, kecuali KR X,XI dan XII
4. Staf Riset (kode RIS) Pendidikan S1 Statistik, hanya untuk KR IV
5. Staf Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi (kode TIK) Pendidikan S1
Teknik Informatika, S1 Manajemen Informatika, untuk seluruh Kantor
Regional, kecuali KR I,II,VI,VII.
6. Sekretaris (kode SKR) Pendidikan S1/D3 Sekretaris, hanya untuk KR IV
Catatan:KR I (Sumut dan NAD), KR II (Riau,Sumbar, Jambi,Kepri) , KR III
(Sumsel,Babel, Bengkulu, Lampung), KR IV (DKI Jakarta,Banten, Kalbar), KR
V (Jawa Barat), KR VI (Jateng & DIY), KR VII (Jatim),KR VIII
(Kaltim,Kalsel, Kalteng), KR IX (Sulsel,Sultra, Sulbar),KR X
(Sulut,Sulteng, Gorontalo, Maluku Utara), KR XI (Bali,NTB,NTT) , KR XII
(Maluku,Papua, Papua Barat).
Persyaratan :. Pria dan Wanita,usia maksimal 27 tahun dan khusus Dokter
Pasca PTT maksimal 32 tahun. Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) Minimal
2,75 bagi lulusan PTN dan 3,00 bagi lulusan PTS kecuali Dokter IPK
minimal 2,50. Bagi Staf Pengelola Program Kesehatan diutamakan
mempunyai sertifikasi Ajun Asuransi Jiwa (AAAIJ/AAIJ) . Menguasai Bahasa
Inggris. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (MS.Word, Ms Excel, Powerpoint).
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Indonesia. Khusus untuk staff Teknologi
Informasi & Komunikasi (Kode TIK) harus menguasai dan mengerti : Visual
Basic 6.0, SQL Server 2000, Konsep TCP/IP, Local Area Network (LAN),
Work Area Network (WAN), OOP, UML serta memahami Sistem Informasi
Manajemen (SIM).. Pelamar hanya dapat mengakses form aplikasi lamaran
secara online di website http://rekrutmen- binatalenta. com dan mengisi
lamaran sesuai dengan Propinsi asal Pelamar dan posisi jabatan sesuai
dengan latar belakang pendidikan (Pengiriman secara langsung tidak
dilayani).. Maksimal pengisian aplikasi pertanggal 27 Juni 2008
Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan
hak PT. Askes (Persero) serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat. PT. Askes
(Persero) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan dalam proses seleksi ini
tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
q Female
q Min Associate Degree (D3), Accounting
Minimum one (1) year experience in Finance
Computer : Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point
English : Proficient both spoken & written is a must
Please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, copy of your diploma/certificates and transcript within one (2) weeks after the date of this advertisement, to the following address:
HRD Medifarma Laboratories, Inc
Jl. Rawagelam V Blok L Kav. 11 - 13
Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung
Jakarta Timur
- Male or female, max. 35 years old
- Min. 5 years experience as System Analyst in banking application system
- Familiar with AS400 or IBM series would be a preference
- Possess knowledge in IT Project Management
- Proficient in English
- Male or female, max. 27 years old
- Min. 2 years experience in RPG programming of IBM AS400
- Experience in banking application would be an advantage
- Proficient in English
Please send CV to:
PT Tempindo Jasatama
Mid Plaza 2, 12th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta 10220
Fax: 021-5733791
e-mail: hc_adm@tempindo. com
A Jakarta based company with more than 29 years of experience in
providing services to Oil and gas industry in Indonesia .
Requirement :
• Female
• Age Max. 35 Years old
• Minimum Bachelor Degree (GPA above 2.75) from a reputable
local or Overseas University
• Smart person, hard worker, energetic & good initiative &
• Can work under pressure
• Highly motivated and good inter-personality
• Good command of both written & spoken English
• Having good communication skill
• Computer literate
• Should have experience in secretary min. 3 years
Requirement :
• Female
• Age Max. 25 Years old
• Minimum Associate Degree (GPA above 2.75) from a Secretary
• Smart person, hard worker, energetic & good initiative &
• Can work under pressure
• Highly motivated and good inter-personality
• Good command of both written & spoken English
• Having good communication skill
• Computer literate
Requirement :
• Female
• Age Max. 28 Years old
• Associate Degree (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1) graduated with
min. GPA 2.75
• Personality- self started, hard worker, honest, energetic &
good initiative & proactive
• Can work under pressure
• Highly motivated and good inter-personality
• Good command of both written & spoken English
• Having good communication skill
• Computer literate
• Should have experience in administration min. 2 years
• Job location : Jakarta
Sent application to :
HR – Recruitment
PT. Supraco Indonesia
Gd. Radiant Utama
Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 24 Jakarta Selatan
e-mail : recruitment@
Positions with a MNC pharmaceutical organization - Fortune 500 company
divisions. If interested, please send your updated CVs to this email id
1. Internal Controls Executive (Contract)
2. Financial Accounting Executive (Contract)
3. Nurse Clinician, Renal
4. Pharmacist
Detailed descriptions:
Internal Controls Executive (Contract)
Work with external firm on gap analysis of current accounting processes
Review and propose improvement on accounting processes
Re-engineer processes for improvement
Work closely and support Internal Controls Manager on executing process
improvements identified
Document policies, controls, processes and SOPs
Ensure effectiveness of internal controls through set-up and implement
relevant processes and ensuring compliance by business units
Ensure compliance with established guidelines pertaining to the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Job Requirements:
Level II/III of ACCA course
3-5 years experience in financial accounting and/or internal controls
Prior exposure in US MNC is preferred
Good team player who can work independently
Willing to work on a one year contract
Financial Accounting Executive (Contract)
Resolve long-standing open items in the accounting and ensure compliance
with local statutory, US GAAP and group management reporting
Support Controls Manager on executing process improvements identified
Liaise with external auditors to bring financial audit up-to-date
Liaise with tax agents to bring tax filing and audit up-to-date
Ensure effectiveness of internal controls through set-up and implement
relevant processes and ensuring compliance by business units
Ensure compliance with established guidelines pertaining to the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Job Requirements
Level I/II of ACCA course
2-4 years experience in financial accounting
Prior exposure in Big 4 environment is preferred
Willing to work through historical records
Able to work independently
Willing to work on a one year contract
Nurse Clinician, Renal
Actively participates in all aspects of patient care by being
responsible for the assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating of
nursing care.
Collaborate with Healthcare personnel in planning and implementing
holistic care for the patients
Communicate effectively with team members regarding the patient's
treatment and care plan
Monitor and analyze the clinical progress and outcomes of the patients
Conducts dialysis counseling and training to healthcare personnel,
patients and their caregivers to ensure good practices in Peritoneal
Assist in new center start-ups (eg. preparation of new PD centers SOPs)
and maintain good center standards
Organize and coordinate both in-house and key-accounts programs for
patients and healthcare personnel
Track and maintain centers' database – drop out tracking and
Performing home visits for both CAPD/APD
The PD nurse will be required to attend to calls from the patients and
healthcare personnel.
Support organizations' s Business Objectives in driving business
Work closely with the cross functional teams within the organization to
meet business objectives
To actively assist in achieving targets for PD penetration and managing
dropout for key accounts
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing or equivalent with 3 -5 years
Required to have a valid practicing nursing certificate
Any renal therapy experience would be an advantage
Good knowledge of computer software applications: Microsoft Word, Excel
and Powerpoint
Good interpersonal skill and a team player
Bilingual with a good command of English and another local language
Motivated, independent and able to work effectively in a fast-paced
Possess own motor vehicle
Job Responsibilities:
Assist in day-to-day operations of the compounding facility to meet
efficient production and service standards
Supervises the compounding of intravenous drug solutions and/or
nutrition products, or other pharmaceuticals in
accordance with prescriptions.
Liase with internal and external customers/suppliers relating to
services and quality requirements.
Ensures compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPs), quality
assurance and JCI, PIC/S, internal organization, local regulations and
cGMP standards.
Conducts final quality checks of prescription prior to
dispensing/releasin g of products.
Job Requirements:
Degree in Pharmacy required. Pharmacists with practicing license from
Singapore are preferred.
Candidates with recognized pharmacy degree from US,UK,AUS / NZ, CANADA
or University of Science
Malaysia (Universiti Sains Malaysia) are preferred.
1-2 years working experience with high tech I.V. theraphy environment
experience would have an advantage.
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with accuracy
Good communication skills to relate with all people of all levels
Excellent teamwork qualities especially in small team-setting
Able to work 5 ½ days per week in hospital environment.
Job Vacancy – Customer Service
Female with max. age 25 years old.
Diploma degree from any major.
Min. 1 year experience as receptionist / customer service.
Good communication skill in English both written and verbal.
Familiar with Internet and MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
Able to work as a team and have a good interpersonal skill, fast learner, discipline and responsible.
If you meet the above qualifications, please submit your application letter including copy of transcript and recent photograph not later than 2 weeks after this advertisement to address below,
FFi Indonesia
Senayan Trade center 7th Floor Room No.D dan E
Jln. Asia Afrika – Pintu IX Gelora Senayan
Jakarta Pusat.
Best Regards,
We, Choice Management Consultants, would like to introduce our Recruitment & Outsourcing Division specializing in Placement and Selection. The main intention of our existence is to accommodate the needs of corporate clients in identifying well-qualified and experienced candidates for placement in their pivotal positions, through our proven search methodologies and processes.
Our client, a well establish banking industry, is seeking a dynamic and ambitious professional to fill the positions of:
1. Administration to Corporate Business Group
2. Administration to International settlement and trading supporting division
· Hold minimum D-3 graduate from Tarakanita or any related university
· Have experience in in
· Maximum 27 years old
· With minimum 1-2 years of experience in the same field
· Computer proficiency of Microsoft Office and internet
· Able to work in a team
· Well-organized, initiative, creative, independent and self-motivated
· Fluent in English
· Willing to work overtime
· 1(one) year Contract
Interested candidates are invited to submit application by fax or e-mail to the address below, before 2 July 2008. Only Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Human Resources Department
Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: recruitment@ choice-mc. com
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Cost Accountant - Makasar
Our Client, a Multi National Flour Producing Company is looking for a qualified candidate to be based in Surabaya as
Cost Accountant (Makasar)
- Male, S1 from Accounting
- Having minimum 10 years of experience in manufacturing environtment
- Posses high level of integrity and effective Leadership Skilss.
- Ability to communicate with people of diverse cultural backgrounds.
- A good command of both written and spoken English
- Able to work in Makasar
Qualified individuals who are interested in exploring this opportunity should promptly submit their resumes to before June 20th, 2008.
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Recruitment Consultant
PT. John Clements Consultants Indonesia
Atrium Mulia Building, 2nd fl suite 205
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav B 10-11
Jakarta 12910
Office Phone: +6221-5257436
Office Fax: +6221-5257435
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