Job Vacancy Lowongan

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Career Event & Entertainment dan Basketball Operation - DBL Indonesia


In 2004, DetEksi Jawa Pos started the DetEksi Basketball League (DBL) in Surabaya. It is the first league in Indonesia to promote the Student Athlete concept. Where a player's academic performance is just as important –if not more important-- than his or her performance on the basketball court.

By 2008, with Honda as the main partner, DBL have become Indonesia's biggest basketball league. With over 13.000 participants and over 200.000 spectators in ten provinces.

In the same year, DBL became the first league in Indonesia to collaborate with the world's greatest league, the NBA. Every year, NBA will send its players and coaches to Surabaya, to train DBL players and coaches. For 2009 and the years to come, DBL will continue to expand the concept to other cities and provinces in Indonesia.


DBL Indonesia mencari crew untuk bergabung sebagai
Event & Entertainment Assistant
dan Basketball Operation Assistant.

- Lulusan S1 atau D3 semua jurusan dari universitas terkemuka.
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun (per Agustus 2009) dan belum menikah.
- Menguasai software komputer (Minimal Ms Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris.
- Mengerti basket dengan baik
- Diutamakan yang aktif berorganisasi atau punya pengalaman mengadakan even.
- Domisili (atau bersedia berdomisili) di Surabaya.
- Memiliki kendaraan bermotor pribadi dan memiliki SIM A/C.
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
- Bersedia keliling Indonesia.

Klik link di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan formulir resmi lowongan pekerjaan DBL Indonesia, isi data diri sesuai formulir tersebut.

Kirim formulir resmi DBL Indonesia, surat lamaran, fotokopi ijazah, fotokopi transkrip nilai,
fotokopi KTP, fotokopi SIM A/C ke

DBL Indonesia Office - DBL Arena Jl. A. Yani 88  Surabaya  60234.
atau kirim seluruh persyaratan dalam bentuk softcopy ke

Tuliskan posisi yang Anda inginkan di pojok kiri atas amplop surat lamaran atau di subject email.

Recruitment ini akan ditutup pada 12 September 2009.

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