Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lowongan PhD position in Germany

PhD position in biogeographical modelling at Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany

Modelling habitat use of red deer for improved wildlife management in
protected areas

PhD position (University of Bayreuth)

The Biogeographical Modelling group is looking for a highly motivated
PhD student to take part in a research project on modelling studies
for wildlife management in protected areas, funded by the Deutsche
Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU.

Environmental conditions for red deer in the Bavarian Forest National
park have changed substantially in recent years, through e.g. large
scale bark beetle disturbances or removal of the border fence to the
Czeck Republic. Further research needs arise from initiatives of the
Bavarian Forest National park to bring its wildlife management closer
in line with its philosophy of "let nature be nature".

This project aims at (1) an improved understanding of the factors
determining habitat use of red deer in the Bavarian Forest National
park, (2) a process-based description of the spatial distribution of
red deer activities, e.g. browsing, and (3) the development and
evaluation of alternative management strategies. The project is part
of a larger research program that integrates studies on the dynamics
of forest succession, ungulates and lynxes.

The PhD student will analyze existing telemetry and land cover data
with statistical methods like state space models, and develop a
dynamic simulation model for the habitat use of red deer. There will
be opportunities to develop and follow up on own ideas.

The project is conducted in close collaboration with partners from the
Bavarian Forest National Park Administration (Dr Marco Heurich) and
the ETH Zurich (Dr Lorenz Fahse).

Applicants should hold an MSc or Diploma degree in Ecology,
Environmental Sciences, Geoinformatics, Physics, or related
disciplines. A strong interest in wildlife biology, quantitative
ecology and computational methods is essential. Knowledge in the
fields of ecological modelling, spatial ecology, GIS, programming (R,
C++), and statistics is advantageous.

Salary and conditions
Salary and benefits are according to a public service position in
Germany (Tv-L 13/2). Preferred starting date is 1 May 2009. The
position is available for three years.

The deadline for applications is 15 March 2009, although the position
will remain open until filled. Applicants should send the following
documents (preferably as a single pdf file) to the email address
provided below: a CV, including the names and contact details (email
address and telephone number) of two reference persons, copies of
certificates, and a short summary of research interests.

More info :

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