Thursday, November 28, 2013

Job Vacancy for Executive Secretary



We are a new Insurance Company located in Axa Tower Kuningan City – South Jakarta opening the opportunity for a career as Executive Secretary.

Requirements :

1. Female, Single, Max 28 years old

2. Graduated from Tarakanita Secretary Academy

3. Minimum 3 years experiences as  Executive Secretary to the level of Director

4. Advance computer skill especially Microsoft Office

5. Excellent English communication and written, proficient in Mandarin is an advantage

6. Having great passion in Executive Assistant Area

7. Well organize, reliable and trustworthy

If you meet the requirements please send your application letter with CV, transcript and recent photograph to

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

IBI Bankers Career Expo 2013

IBI Bankers Career Expo kembali hadir untuk anda semua yang ingin berkarir di dunia perbankan.
Job Fair yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Bankir Indonesia (IBI) dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-8 ini akan diselenggarakan pada:

Hari : Rabu - Kamis
Tanggal : 27 - 28 November 2013
Tempat : Exhibition Hall Gd. Smesco
Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 94 Jakarta
Waktu : Pkl. 09.00 - 16.00 WIB

Bank peserta akan diikuti antara lain oleh :
1. Bank Mandiri
2. Bank BCA
3. Bank BTN
4. Bank BNI
5. Bank CIMB Niaga
6. Bank ICBC
7. Bank Danamon
8. Bank OCBC Nisp
9. Bank BRI
10. Bank UOB
11. Bank Saudara
12. Bank Panin
13. Dll

Siapkan diri anda dan daftarkan secara online di www. ibibankerscareerexpo. com untuk mendapatkan ID yang akan digunakan untuk melamar

Keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi (021 3764 3983)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Loker di PT. MKM, Finance, Accounting and Tax Spv (MK-FAT)

PT. Mandiri Karya Makmus is now developing quarry mine project in Bangka. Applicants are invited to join as positions below:
·         Finance, Accounting and Tax Spv (MK-FAT) – Jakarta Based

-          Male/Female
-          Max. 35 years old
-          Minimum 2  years of experience in accounting and tax as a supervisor
-          Brevet A & B Certified
-          Able to prepare and analyze financial report (manually and/or by system)
-          Able to operate accounting software & MS Office
-          Good team work, communication, negotiation, leadership and interpersonal skills
-          Able to work with minimum supervision
-         Domicile : Jakarta
Please send your application letter and complete resume (CV), with recent photograph in minimum two weeks after this advertisement and kindly write the position code on the "subject" column and send it to
Only candidates with the position code will be proceed.
Short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process.

Lowongan Finance Akunting

Sebuah brand and marketing agency berkembang yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan , Indonesia segera mencari kandidat profesional terampil untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:


• Pria / Wanita – diutamakan wanita
• Max 30 tahun
• D3/S1 , Lulus dari universitas terkemuka jurusan Akuntansi
• Memiliki pengalaman dalam kapasitas yang sama min 1 tahun di bidang Akuntansi dan Pajak
• Mampu untuk mempersiapkan Laporan Keuangan Analisis dan Laporan Pajak
• Mampu mengelola keseluruhan Keuangan , Akuntansi dan kegiatan terkait Pajak
• Harus Familiar dengan Perpajakan ( PPn , PPh dan SPT )
• Memiliki sertifikat Brevet A & Brevet B akan menjadi keuntungan
• Independent , proaktif , orang pekerja keras , tekanan terus-menerus , memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang serba cepat dan baik
• Terorganisasi , disiplin dan dapat dipercaya
• Terbukti kemampuan untuk menulis & berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
• Familiar dengan Microsoft office dan Internet
• Siap bekerja segera

Silakan mengirimkan CV Anda melalui email dan lampirkan foto terbaru, serta remunerasi yg diinginkan dan dokumen pendukung tidak lebih dari 3MB dan mengirimkannya langsung ke:

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan diberitahu dan dipanggil untuk wawancara langsung.


Terima kasih

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lowongan Marketing Staff - Adhikarilab Indonesia

AdhikariLab Indonesia Laboratorium Pengujian terakreditasi KAN dengan No. LP-720-IDN yang berbadan hukum PT AdhikariLab Indonesia berlokasi di kawasan Cibubur Jakarta Timur, memberikan pelayanan jasa analisis laboratorium baik untuk perusahaan-perusahaaan manufaktur, food & bevarages, pertambangan, farmasi, rumah sakit, hotel, apartemen, maupun perusahaan berwawasan lingkungan lainnya.

Membuka lowongan untuk posisi :


Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

Mencari/mengelola potensial klien melalui berbagai media (telp, fax, email, internet, database)

Menghubungi Prospek Klien, melakukan Follow Up, membuat Quotation sampai dengan Closing Deal

Menjaga/mengelola hubungan baik dengan klien

Persyaratan :


Max. 27 th

Min. SMU

Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang Marketing/Pemasaran/Sales

Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik menggunakan telepon dan email

Berorientasi Target

Lokasi : Cibubur

Kirim CV ke

International Company as Finance & Accounting Leader

PT. CHIYODA KOGYO INDONESIA, an International Company (PMA), established in 1997 and engaged in manufacturing special purpose machine. In a very rapid development, currently we are seeking highly motivated individuals with right skill, knowledge and personality to contribute with our energetic team for the following position:


(1 Person)


Male, max. 35 years old.
Bachelor Degree in Accounting.
4 years of experience as in Finance, Accounting and Tax, preferable in manufacturing company.
Detail, result oriented, higly initiative, self continuous improvement, able to work under pressure, strong analytical thinking and good communication skill.
Computer literate (Ms. Office), familiar with ERP System is an advantage.
Holding Certification of Tax Brevet (Good Knowledge about tax regulation).
Proficient and understand about accounting (report of balance sheet, profit/loss, General Ledger, Income Statement, etc.).  

Should you meet the qualifications, please submit your application letter, full resume (with recent photograph) and stated expected salary to:



Departemen HRD & GA

Kawasan Industri Jababeka II SFB Blok JJ No. 18 Cikarang

Bekasi 17530  


Accounting & Finance staff Max 30 years old

We are Japanese of companies in Water Purifier with brand Yamaha.

We are looking for smart and talented people to fill our Company for the following position :



1. Male/Female, Max 30 years old
2. S1 Degree majoring in Accounting with minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00;
3. Have at least 2 years experience in:  (1) Finance i.e.: Cash, Banking transaction,  AP, AR
     (2)  Accounting i.e.: Preparation of Financial Statement, Handling full sets of accounts and
     (3) Taxation i.e.: Identifying taxable transaction, Calculation of taxes payable
5. Have at least 1 years experience in Auditor at Account public ;
6. Able to work highly motivated, high deadlines, high integrity good personality and responsible commit

Please send your complete resume with recent photograph by e-mail before  November 15' 2013   to: ""

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lowongan Pekerjaan PT INDESSO - Finance/Accounting Supervisor

PT Indesso Aroma - We are one of the leading Indonesian Manufacturers in Aromatic Chemicals, Natural Extracts and Essential Oils and Distributor of a leading Flavor & Fragrance company. Currently we are looking for dynamic, highly motivated and bright candidates for the positions as:
                                            Finance/Accounting Supervisor
                                                            (Cileungsi, Bogor)

·       Min 3 years of working experience in the related field, preferably in public accounting firm
·       Bachelor's Degree in accounting/ finance
·       Male, max 37 years old
·       Full time position available.

Please submit your application as soon as possible to:

Friday, October 25, 2013

Urgently Needed Finance / Accounting (Jkt Area)

Qyvision PR,  Asia's Best Network Agency (Public Relations Consultant Firm) in South Jakarta and we are focusing on corporate clients such as property, consumers, banking and finance, mining/oil and gas, infrastructure, IT/Technology.  We are looking for the candidates to join our company's expansion in year 2013.
Accounting / Finance

-        Female, Min. 25 years old.
-        Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), Graduate from Reputable University major in Accounting
-        5-10 years working experience as Finance Accounting Staff
-        Fluent in English and computer literate
-        Good interpersonal and communication skill
-        Strong analytical skill and detail oriented
-        Familiar with standard Accounting and Taxation
Please submit your application letter, CV, copies of supporting documents, contact number and recent photograph to

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lowongan Akunting Finance di Jakarta Selatan

Sebuah brand and marketing agency berkembang yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan , Indonesia segera mencari kandidat profesional terampil untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:


• Pria / Wanita – diutamakan wanita
• Max 30 tahun
• D3/S1 , Lulus dari universitas terkemuka jurusan Akuntansi
• Memiliki pengalaman dalam kapasitas yang sama min 1 tahun di bidang Akuntansi dan Pajak
• Mampu untuk mempersiapkan Laporan Keuangan Analisis dan Laporan Pajak
• Mampu mengelola keseluruhan Keuangan , Akuntansi dan kegiatan terkait Pajak
• Harus Familiar dengan Perpajakan ( PPn , PPh dan SPT )
• Memiliki sertifikat Brevet A & Brevet B akan menjadi keuntungan
• Independent , proaktif , orang pekerja keras , tekanan terus-menerus , memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang serba cepat dan baik
• Terorganisasi , disiplin dan dapat dipercaya
• Terbukti kemampuan untuk menulis & berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
• Familiar dengan Microsoft office dan Internet
• Siap bekerja segera

Silakan mengirimkan CV Anda melalui email dan lampirkan foto terbaru, serta remunerasi yg diinginkan dan dokumen pendukung tidak lebih dari 3MB dan mengirimkannya langsung ke:

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan diberitahu dan dipanggil untuk wawancara langsung.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Residential Marketing Manager

We are looking for motivated candidates that excels in the property management to market a Luxurious Residential in Kemang Area – South Jakarta
Residential Marketing Manager

Responsibilities :

Develop and execute marketing strategies to market residential land spaces located in Kemang Area - South Jakarta.
Build relationship with customer, grow customer database and build network with business groups, trade assosiations, consultants and banks.
Conduct positioning, identify new prospect, establish contacts, promote and host visits to site.
Organize trade shows, seminars and direct mail promotions to promote site.
Close deals to achieve marketing targets and objectives.

Requirements :

Degree holder with relevant experience.
Minimum 3 year's sales and marketing experiance.
Proven track records in marketing commercial and residential space will be an added advantage.
Confident to engage top management of businesses and socialite'.
Customer focused and result oriented.
Effective presentation and negotiation skills.

Interest candidates who wish to apply for the advertised position, please email us an updated copy of your resume with photo to with specific "POSITION" in subject of your email.
Only shortlisted candidate will be process on next step.


PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (DKCMI) adalah distributor ekslusif untuk Excavator dengan merek KOBELCO.
Saat ini kami sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim kami sebagai :
Penempatan : Pondok Indah - Jakarta

Kualifikasi :
·         Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan S1 dari jurusan finance/akunting
·         Minimal 5 tahun pengalaman, diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di kantor akuntan publik minimal 3 tahun
·         Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, minimal pasif
·         Computer literate, mampu bekerja dalam tekanan dan tenggat waktu
Kirimkan CV terbaru Anda ke : dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai subyek, tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Finance Junior Supervisor - PT. Tamtama Perkasa

Mohon bantuan untuk menginformasikan lowongan pekerjaan berikut:
PT. Tamtama Perkasa adalah anak perusahaan dari PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan batubara.
Lokasi pertambangan di Muara Teweh, Barito Utara, Kalimantan Tengah.
Kami sedang mencari FINANCE JUNIOR SUPERVISOR yang akan ditempatkan di lokasi pertambangan Muara Teweh, dengan keterangan sebagai berikut:

Laki-laki, berusia maksimal 25 tahun
Pengalaman kerja di bidang Finance selama minimal 1 tahun
Pengalaman di industri pertambangan akan menjadi nilai lebih
Bersedia di tempatkan di lokasi pertambangan Muara Teweh dengan sistem kerja roster (8 minggu : 2 minggu)

Kandidat yang berminat mohon untuk mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke HRD PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi melalui e-mail ke

HRD PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi

Wisma Barito Pacific Tower B Lantai 5
Jl Letjen S. Parman Kav. 62-63
Jakarta 11410

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Urgently Needed Branch Trucking Coordinator at SURABAYA

Branch Trucking Coordinator SURABAYA

Lowongan Kerja


Kami, sebuah perusahaan Logistics International, yang beroperasi focus dalam bidang domestic trucking di Indonesia sedang mencari seorang:





- Pria

- Usia 30 - 40 tahun.

- Minimal pendidikan S1.

- Pengalaman kerja di SURABAYA minimal 5 tahun di bidang Sales-Marketing dan Operation truck serta administrasi transportasi truk (mencakup perencanaan, monitor hingga pembuatan laporan, dan pengawasan kinerja pemasok).

- Menguasai komputer.

- Berbahasa Inggris aktif.

- Domisili dan penempatan di SURABAYA.


Kirimkan CV dan foto berwarna terakhir ke:

Human Resource Department



Paling lambat 30 September 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013


Established in 1996. CTP Line with a strong vision to develop inter-island transportation has been dedicatedly and consistently developing its business to sustain a strong need of domestic cargo transportation linkage with international market, and to bring the business which spread a part by the ocean to the business center of Indonesia with speed timeliness and reliability.


Female, 22 - 28 years old
Experienced in the same field min 1 years
Experience handle USD and IDR
Highly Responsibility, Trustworthy, good communication, Willing
to Work Hard, Good Team Work, Abilityto Work Under Pressure

Job Location : Tomang Raya, Jakarta Raya

Should you meet the requirement above, please send your CV to :

Personal Assistant / Translator to Director

Personal Assistant / Translator To Director
(@Jakarta Pusat Office)

Requirements :
•Female - Age 25 to 35 years old
•Min 2 years working experience and significant demonstrated experience in any of these fields : business planning / program management / HR
•Strong leadership skill, honest and high integrity
•Strong PC background
•Fluent in English (passive and active)
•Mandarin / Cantonese (passive)

We like to hear from you if you have the above qualifications.

Please send your

(a) detailed resume

(b) recent photographs

(c) salary request [ please do not put "negotiable"

(d) When able to start


Monday, August 26, 2013



One of  reputable Shipping Company required qualified and competent candidates to fill the following position in their Head Office in Jakarta


Qualification :

   1.  Male & Female, age max 30 years old
   2.  Bachelor Degree ( S1) in Finance, Accounting and Management
   3.  Hard worker and able to work under pressure
   4.  Good personality, honest and loyal
   5.  Good command in English ( both oral & written)
   6.  Good computer skill
   7.  Fresh graduated are welcome

Interested candidate please email details resume providing education background, experience, current & expected salary and  recent photograph to

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Due to our market expansion, a rapidly growing Jakarta based International Sea and Air

Freight Forwarding located in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, is urgently required a person who ready for a challenge. We are looking for a dynamic and motivated person with the passion for challenge and ready to make a different as:


* Female, age max. 28 years old
* Min. D3 graduate majoring in Accounting / Finance Management
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

* Has English correspondence skill is an advantage


• Female, age max. 28 years old
• Min. D3 graduate majoring in Sea Transportation Management
• Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
• Able to do correspondence in English


• Male / female age max. 25 years old
• Min. S1 graduate majoring in Marketing, Transportation Management, Business
• Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
• Willing to take new challenges, wide networking, good skills in presentation,

General Requirements:
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Computer literate are compulsory
* Able to work under pressure, organized and detail oriented
* Honest, reliable, mature with nice attitude & pro-active
* Fast learner & able to work independently
Please submit your application with a complete Resume, a recent photograph and
fill the job title in the email subject, to:
Human Resources Department
PT Samudera Naga Global
Jl. Raya Boulevard Blok QF 1 No. 23-24
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
Or email to:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lowongan SPG Di ALDO Store

Kami PT. Sepatu Wijaya bergerak di retail  merek ALDO membutuhkan karyawan untuk mengisi posisi di seibu

Supervisor Store

            Syarat - Wanita
                       - Usia min 21 s/d 25
                       - Berpengalaman memimpin toko/ outlet
                       - Rajin, Ulet, Komunikatif, Tim
                       - Penampilan Menarik dan rapih
                       - Tinggi min 158 cm / berat seimbang

Lampirkan lamaran, CV, Copy KTP,surat keterangan kerja, pas foto 3x2(jpeg), ijazah. dengan file word,
Kirim lamaran ke :
Email :

Vacancy for secretary PT Indofood Tbk (Cibitung area)

Dear all,

We are seeking the position of Secretary, with qualifications as follow:
- Female
- Single  
- Minimum Diploma (D3) from Tarakanita Academy.
- Preferably have 2 year experience in position of secretary.
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Computer literate (Email, MS Words, Excel, and Power Point)
- Well organized, attentive to detail, proactive, self driven, fast learner, trustworthy, and able to work independently or in a team

Please send your applications, complete resume & recent photograph to:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lowongan 'Field Collector'

Kami adalah perusahaan alih daya. Saat ini klien kami Perbankan Nasional sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :

'Field Collector'

Kualifikasi :
• Pria / Wanita
• Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Field Collector setidaknya selama 6 bulan
• Terbiasa melakukan mobile collection
• Memiliki Kendaraan Bermotor dan sim C
• Jujur, ulet dan Smart
• Komunikatif dan Memiliki skill negosiasi yang baik
• Target Oriented
• Fokus Pada Customer
• Memiliki semangat untuk berkarier dan berkompetisi
• Memiliki kemampuan pengaturan kerja yang baik dan sistematis
• Bersedia menjaminkan ijasah atau BPKB (pilih salah satu)
• Bersedia ditempatkan sesuai kebutuhan

Menagih dan melakukan kunjungan atau tindakan langsung kepada nasabah yang sudah jatuh tempo pembayarannya serta menjaga agar nasabah selalu melakukan pembayaran kartu kredit secara tepat waktu.

Benefit :
- Gaji Pokok
- Insentif
- Jamsostek
- Asuransi Kesehatan

Jika berminat & sesuai kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan, silahkan kirim CV lengkap ke email :

PT. Sumber Daya Menamas - Prime Resources
Komplek Apartemen Taman Rasuna
Rasuna Office Park Unit DO - 06
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said - Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Monday, July 22, 2013

Lowongan HR MANAGER (Recruitment & Personalia - Training & Development)

PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (DKCMI) adalah distributor ekslusif untuk Excavator dengan merek KOBELCO.
Saat ini kami sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim kami sebagai :

Penempatan : Jakarta Selatan – Pondok Indah
Kualifikasi :
·         Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
·         Minimal memiliki 10 tahun pengalaman di posisi yang sama/similar
·         Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
·         Mampu bekerja dengan tim dan bekerja dalam tekanan
Kirimkan CV terbaru Anda ke : dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai subyek, tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (DKCMI) adalah distributor ekslusif untuk Excavator dengan merek KOBELCO.
Saat ini kami sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim kami sebagai :

Penempatan : Jakarta Selatan – Pondok Indah
Kualifikasi :
·         Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
·         Minimal memiliki 10 tahun pengalaman di posisi yang sama/similar
·         Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
Penempatan : Jakarta Selatan – Pondok Indah
Kualifikasi :
·         Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
·         Minimal memiliki 7 tahun pengalaman di posisi yang sama/similar
·         Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris

Penempatan : Jakarta Selatan – Pondok Indah
Kualifikasi :
·         Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
·         Minimal memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman di bagian administrasi, lebih diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman di administrasi koleksi
·         Computer literate dan mampu bekerja dengan deadline
Penempatan : Jakarta / Surabaya / Samarinda / Makassar / Balikpapan / Pontianak / Banjarmasin / Medan / Pekanbaru / Palembang / Jambi / Padang / Pangkalpinang / Sampit / Semarang / Lampung / Manado

Kualifikasi :
·         Pria, minimal lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
·         Minimal memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai kolektor
·         Mampu bekerja dengan tim dan bekerja dalam tekanan
Kirimkan CV terbaru Anda ke : dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai subyek, tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lowongan Sales PT Laksana Matra Sedaya (Wintec)

PT Laksana Matra Sedaya (Wintec)
Wintec, adalah perusahaan nasional yang mengkhususkan diri dalam bidang furnishing kantor, di mana sistem perkantoran, ruang kerja, dan jasa desain interior adalah fokus utama kami.
Kami sedang mencari orang-orang muda yang dinamis untuk posisi :

Project Consultant Sales
Jakarta Raya


Mencari serta menambahkan data base klien dengan target pasar B2B
Melakukan hubungan serta komunikasi yang efektif dengan calon klien
Membuat Quotation Letter berdasarkan kebutuhan calon klien serta melakukan proses negosiasi dengan klien
Memeriksa pelaksanaan project agar berjalan sesuai dengan kesepakatan
Membantu bagian Finance dalam hal pembayaran invoice dari klien


Pria / Wanita maks. 35 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3
Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi, presentasi, komunikasi serta networking yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dan mahir menggunakan program komputer MS Office
Memiliki kemampuan konseptual, kreatif serta problem solving
Memiliki orientasi pada target mobilitas yang tinggi

Cantumkan Kode Posisi di kanan amplop, dan kirim CV + Photo ke alamat:

HRD PT Laksana Matra Sedaya

Jakarta Design Centre (JDC)
Gatot Subroto Kav. 53, 4th floor, SR 23
Jakarta 10260

atau email ke alamat:

www. wintec. co. id

Lowongan Agency Support Manager (JAKARTA/BANDUNG)

Agency Support Manager (JAKARTA/BANDUNG)

Kualifikasi :

Wanita / Pria
Pendidikan Min. S1
Mempunyai SIM C
Usia 23-30 tahun
Menguasai Komputer (Ms. Office)+ Internet
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Mampu membuat dan memberikan training dengan baik
Mengerti prinsip-prinsip dasar perencanaan keuangan dan investasi
Pernah bekerja di Asuransi Jiwa diutamakan
Mampu bernegosiasi dan bertingkah laku baik
Mempunyai motivasi dan mau belajar
Berpenampilan menarik



Fix Salary Min. 5jt/bulan
Health Insurance


Jika memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirim resume lengkap Anda beserta Foto terbaru:

Urgently Needed : Agency Support Manager (JAKARTA/BANDUNG)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Financial Consultant - PNB

PT Platon Niaga Berjangka is a future broker company specializing in foreign exchange, equity indexes, commodities trading, investments listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Our corporate value are passion, respect, integrity and discipline to become excellent. Now we are looking for candidates joining us to be Financial Consultants, with following requirements:

- Ladies or gentlement, min. 21 y.o
- Educational background: Hold min. D3 any major
- Good looking & communicative
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Ability to work in tight deadline
- Ability to work both in team & individual

Kindly send your resume to before 25 July 2013 at the latest.
Thank you.

www. platonniaga. com

Vacancy at Bank Mizuho Indonesia, Reception/Administration Staff:

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (株式会社みずほフィナンシャルグループ Kabushiki-gaisha Mizuho Finansharu Gurūpu), disingkat sebagai MHFG, atau disebut Mizuho, adalah sebuah grup keuangan yang berkantor pusat di distrik Ōtemachi di Chiyoda, Tokyo, Jepang. Nama "mizuho (瑞穂)" secara harafiah berarti "beras melimpah" dalam bahasa Jepang.

Perusahaan ini membentuk grup jasa keuangan terbesar kedua di Jepang. Bisnis perbankannya peringkat ketiga di Jepang setelah Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group dan Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, dan kesembilan di dunia dengan kapitalisasi pasar pada November 2009.

Saat ini PT. BANK MIZUHO INDONESIA membuka lowongan:

Reception/Administration Staff:
- Wanita, usia antara 19 - 30 thn.
- Pendidikan: minimal D-3
- Bahasa Inggris aktif. Minimal TOEIC Score +/- 500 atau TOEFL: 300
- Ramah, aktif/ proaktif, cekatan, sopan dan penampilan profesional
- Pengalaman tidak diutamakan.
- Komputer aktif MS Office (Word, Excel)
Subject email: Reception/Administration staff

- Wanita, usia antara 19 - 30 thn.
- Pendidikan: minimal S-1
- Diutamakan yang bisa Berbahasa JEPANG.
- Bahasa Inggris aktif. Minimal TOEIC Score +/- 500 atau TOEFL: 300
- Ramah, aktif/ proaktif, cekatan, sopan dan penampilan profesional
- Pengalaman tidak diutamakan.
- Komputer aktif MS Office (Word, Excel)
Subject email: Marketing Admin

Kirimkan CV, Photo, Lamaran, ke email:

Lowongan kerja sebagai SPV di PT. Axindo Infotama

Axindo, Authorized Accessories Distributor Handphone dan Seluler Provider Dealer membutuhkan beberapa staff untuk posisi sebagai:

Sales Koordinator
IDR 2800000 - 4000000
Jakarta Raya
• Melakukan pengawasan terhadap aktivitas sales
• Melakukan analisis day by day terhadap sales order
• Menyediakan laporan sales kepada Branch Manager
• Melakukan evaluasi kinerja Sales
• Pria, usia 26 - 30 thn.
• Pendidikan S1 dari segala jurusan
• Pengalaman min 2 tahun sebagai sales, diutamakan dari industri FMCG.
• Penempatan di Jakarta Selatan
• Mampu melakukan leadership terhadap bawahan
• Terbiasa bekerja dengan team maupun individu
• Rapi, Cekatan, Analisis dan Komunikatif

Lamaran dikirim ke alamat sebagai berikut:
PT. Axindo Infotama
Pejaten Office Park
Jl. Buncit Raya No.79 Blok L
Jakarta Selatan
UP: HRD- Febri

Friday, July 12, 2013

Lowongan Senior Accounts Administrator

PT Imeco Group Companies, National Oilwell Varco - IMO Division, is looking for qualified and experienced individual to join our professional team in Jakarta as follow :

Senior Accounts Administrator

Job Scope:
• Handle AP/AR/GL/Cashbook/Fixed assets/job costing and prepare monthly management/financial reports
• Prepare journal vouchers and monthly accounting schedules
• Issuing of Vendor invoices, monitoring of cashbook
• Support Manager on all accounting matters and monitoring of deadlines for month end closing.
Preparation and submission of Customer invoices.
• Handle the administration matters as assigned by the Manager including Petty Cash for Operational Expenses.
• Adhoc tasks as and when required
• Ensure compliance with internal controls, corporate policies and local legislations
• Liaise with counterparts in Jakarta
• Create of New Work Order for new projects.
• Min 4 years' relevant work experience, with some experience in job costing
• Experience in maintaining full set of accounts
• ACCA (at least Level 2) / Diploma in Accountancy
• Able to work independently, multi-tasking, and meets tight timelines
• Proactive and committed
• Proficient in MS Office
• Ability to use Tracker & Glovia software would be beneficial.
• Able to communicate in English (oral & written) for correspondence with Asia HQ office in Singapore.

Interested applicants are requested to submit their detailed Curriculum Vitae in writing no later than 2 weeks from today to :

Email :

All applications will be treated with Strict; Confidence & Only short-listed candidates will be notified


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Needed: Financial/Accounting Assist. Manager



Male/Female, max 40 years old
Minimum Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or Finance or related subject
Having at least 5 years experience
Fluent in English is a must (will be dealing with Expatriate users in daily basis)
Having good knowledge of Tax
Familiar with IT system/software (SAP, e-banking, Excel, etc.)
Hold Brevet A B Certificate is preferable

If you meet with the above requirements, kindly send your update CV and photo soonest to:
Thanks Regards,

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Looking for Finance/Accounting (FA) - URGENTLY REQUIRED

Qyvision PR,  Asia's Best Network Agency (Public Relations Consultant Firm) in South Jakarta and we are focusing on corporate clients such as property, consumers, banking and finance, mining/oil and gas, infrastructure, IT/Technology.  We are looking for the candidates to join our company's expansion in year 2013.
Finance & Accounting Staff

-       Female, Min. 25 years old
-       Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), Graduate from Reputable University major in Accounting
-       5-10 years working experience as Finance Accounting Staff
-       Fluent in English and computer literate
-       Good interpersonal and communication skill
-       Strong analytical skill and detail oriented
-       Familiar with standard Accounting and Taxation
Please submit your application letter, CV, copies of supporting documents, contact number and recent photograph to

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lowongan Finance Supervisor Laki-laki, maksimal 30 tahun

PT. Tamtama Perkasa adalah anak perusahaan dari PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan batubara.
Lokasi pertambangan di Muara Teweh, Barito Utara, Kalimantan Tengah.

Kami sedang mencari FINANCE SUPERVISOR yang akan ditempatkan di lokasi pertambangan Muara Teweh, dengan keterangan sebagai berikut:

Laki-laki, berusia maksimal 30 tahun
Pengalaman kerja di bidang Finance sebagai Finance Officer atau Finance Junior Supervisor selama minimal 2 tahun
Pengalaman di industri pertambangan akan menjadi nilai lebih
Bersedia di tempatkan di lokasi pertambangan Muara Teweh dengan sistem kerja roster (6 minggu : 2 minggu)

Kandidat yang berminat mohon untuk mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke HRD PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi melalui e-mail ke

HRD PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi

Wisma Barito Pacific Tower B Lantai 5
Jl Letjen S. Parman Kav. 62-63
Jakarta 11410

Friday, June 28, 2013

Lowongan Tax Manager, Paramount Serpong


Paramount Serpong is a group company with its core business in property developer , hotels, apartement, hospitals and universities in an area of 550 acres in Gading Serpong, Tangerang establish in 2006. With our vision "Developed with an integrated concept of nature and life in a modern residential environment", we have countinuously grow with more than 1056 qualified workforce.
In the line of our progress and growth, we inviting qualified and dedicated people to join with us for the following position :


Tax Manager


Liaising with government auditors on tax audits and preparing responses to queries from government auditors;
Assisting head office Corporate Tax function with regulatory requirements to ensure compliance with  tax laws and regulations;
Ensure accurate and timely preparation of income tax returns, related schedules and working papers;
Ensuring prompt and accurate payment of corporate income tax installments and related remittances including associated accounting functions;
Lead tax audit defense
Involved in tax planning


Bachelor's degree in Accounting
Max 40 years old
A proven team leader with a minimum of 10 years of experience with tax planning, tax provisioning, tax compliance, either in industry or in the professional consulting environment (Property Developer experience preferred).
Collaborate and communicate well with other functions and you are able to take initiative with good interpersonal and project management skills.
Matured self-starter, self-motivated, meticulous and committed individual.
Proficiency with Microsoft Office, particularly with Excel for complex tax modeling is necessary
Strong interpersonal skills and a team player with ability to work across multi-functions
Ability to operate independently and willingness to take ownership to drive to completion
Strong leadership well-rounded life experiences
Self motivated and a strong desire to succeed in a high performance environment

Interested candidates can send updated CV to or send to :

Paramount Plaza Building
Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong CBD Lot 1
Gading Serpong - Tangerang

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Bogor Hotel Institute, the biggest school of Tourism and Hospitality in Bogor invites you to join our team as a:


• Male & Female age max 26 years old
• Height for male min 168 cm & female 160 cm
• University Graduate
- Indonesian State University
- Accredited Foreign University USA, UK, Canada and Australia
- Majoring: Communication Study
• Bachelor Degree with min GPA 3.00
• Fluently in English both spoken & written
• Computer literate
• Self motivated & dynamic
• Perfect health condition
• Fresh graduated are welcome
Send your application letter not later than June 30th 2013


Jl.Ir.H. Juanda No. 08 Bogor 16121
Or send by E-mail to :

Monday, June 24, 2013







1.     Handle export/import shipment both Ocean Air shipment.

2.     Monitoring and follow up shipment with customer and shipping line/air line

3.     Communicate with overseas agent for handle cargo or other inquiry.

4.     Make a telemarketing visit R/O customer to get Free Hand shipment

5.      Prepare and issued the Statistic Report for Air/sea Shipment monthly

6.     Assist to communicate with Overseas Agent for import shipment.

7.    Cooperate and create good team work with Sales Team

8.    Preferably good knowledge of Forwarding, logistics or Supply Chain                                    



NB: Please write name and the position on e-mail subject.


Jl. Adhyaksa II D95 Lebak Bulus
Jakarta 12440
Email       :
Website : www. ezyrelo. com

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lowongan Marketing Administrator

We are a well established group of companies in Indonesia with
it's core business in Shipping, Mining, Financing, Plantation and Hotel, invite
talented, energetic, dynamic and highly motivated professionals to join our
team and contribute to our business goals for the following position:
Marketing Administrator
* Male/Female, max 30 years old
* Bachelor (S1) degree in Business Management from reputable University with min. GPA 2.75
* Having min. 3 years working experiences in the same position
·         Computer Literate
·         Having an excellent interpersonal skill and strong
analytical skill
·         Self-motivated professional, able to work independently
and as part of the team.
Duties and responsibilities will include but not limited to:

* Liaising and networking with customers, colleagues and partner organizations
* Communicating and managing customer relationships
* Responsible for reviewing for all lease administration activities
* Overseeing and ensuring that billing and all other financial transactions are being taken care of in a timely manner and informing clients of any missing or late payments
* May be required to provide administrative support to other personnel within the department
Please send your application
letter, CV and recent photograph to the following email address:                           or

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lowongan Customer Service Executive Project Logistics

PT. Altus Logistics Services Indonesia is a leading provider of integrated logistics services to the Oil and Gas and related industries in Indonesia.  Our company has grown in Indonesia and Southeast Asia over the years and continues to expand in other oil and gas regions worldwide to encompass over 700 employees and 35 offices in 11 countries.  Our clients include some of the world's largest Oil and Gas operators and drilling services companies, such as BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Weatherford and Baker Hughes.

Customer Service Executive Project Logistics

Main responsibilities:
·         Follow up the daily activities on freight forwarding, custom handling and transportation and update it to the customers.
·         Prepare, record, and update operational data as well as to coordinate with client and vendor for both air and sea freight for export and import, domestics land transportation to ensure all data recorded accurately and kept up.

Min age 28 years old
Bachelor degree in Marketing / Economic
Having 1-3 years experience in Freight forwarding industries
A good team player
MS office
Fluent in English

Only shortlisted candidate that match with our criteria, will be contact to the further process.
Please sent your application letter and CV not later than 2 (two) weeks from now to:
PT. Altus Logistics Services Indonesia
Menara Anugrah, 5th floor, Kantor Taman E 3.3
Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot 8.6-8.7, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia.
Tel: +62 21 5785 4287 | www. altuslogistics. com
Or sent by email to:, cc.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lowongan Admin Representative (Urgently Required)

We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of:

Admin Representative

Female/ Male, max 25 years old

Hold min. Bachelor Degree from any discipline

Able to communicate effectively in English & Bahasa (verbal & written)

Minimum 1-2 years work experience in related fields & functions


Should you meet the above qualification, please send your full resume email to:

Please mention the position applied on the subject of email.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Urgently Position with Property / Real Estate

My Clients is Property/ REAL Estate looking for motivated person and target progress oriented to join and fill the positions as follow:

1. PM
2. GM Project
3. Recruitment Ass Manager
4. Recruitment SPV
5. Construction Manager
6. Business Development General Manager
7. Business Development Manager
8. HR Manager
9. Legal & Permit Manager
10. Recruitment Asst Manager
11. Recruitment SPV

General Requirements :

1. Male, Age 35 until 42 years old

2. Min. S1 degree in related field from reputable university

3. Experience min. 5-10 years in current positions in Property Developer / Construction company

4. Proficient in English is a must

5.Willing to be located in Medan, Batam, Bali, Makasar, Balikpapan, jakarta

Please send your update cv to : ( Personal Recruiting )

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Vacancy Accounting Supervisor, Min. Bachelor degree in Accounting

We are affiliated with several major multinational advertising/media agencies with over two hundred branches all over the globe. Currently, we are looking for smart, young, highly enthusiastic and proactive individual to be part of our dynamic working environment and serve our local network of agencies.

URGENTLY REQUIRED: Accounting Supervisor
Menara Thamrin 24TH Floor, Jakarta

• Min. Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable university.
• At least 4 years previous experiences in various accounting roles from multinational company. Previous audit experience especially from Big Four is highly preferred.
• Strong accounting skillsets, systems and process knowledge, meticulous, love to work with numbers.
• Ability to deliver high quality and accurate various accounting reports as required.
• Good command in English, both written and oral.
• Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills to engender acceptance at all levels and gain credibility at an early stage.
• Hands-on approach with the ability to cope with deadlines, working together with teams to meet common objectives.
• Confident and diplomatic; tactful and sensitive to cultural differences.
• Positive and contributory attitude to complement the team.
• High integrity; ability to work to the highest personal / professional standard.

Should you meet the requirements above, kindly send your application and CV (with photo) to:

At the latest by 20 June 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Urgently Required - Accounting Staff

Our client, a well known reputable Marketing Communication Consultancy need to focus for their target and they are seeking high qualified candidates to join their dynamic working environment.

If you are a motivated high achiever person, you are welcomed to apply for the following positions :

- Male / Female, single
- Max 27 years old
- Minimal Bachelor degree in Accounting with GPA min 3.0 from reputable university / school
- Max 2 year working experience as Accounting Tax Staff
- Fluent in English
- Computer literate (Ms. Excel, Ms. Word, Ms. Powerpoint)
- E-SPT PPN, Or Taxation Reporting
- Good interpersonal and communication skill
- Strong analytical skill and detail oriented
- Hard worker and able to work underpressure

All position are based on South Jakarta area.
Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full resume and recent photograph with indicate your code of interested in subject (FM or AS) to : at the latest June 22, 2013



Bogor Hotel Institute, the biggest school of Tourism and Hospitality in Bogor invites you to join our team as a:


• Male & Female age max 26 years old
• Height for male min 168 cm & female 160 cm
• University Graduate
- Indonesian State University
- Accredited Foreign University USA, UK, Canada and Australia
- Majoring: Communication Study
• Bachelor Degree with min GPA 3.00
• Fluently in English both spoken & written
• Computer literate
• Self motivated & dynamic
• Perfect health condition
• Fresh graduated are welcome
Send your application letter not later than June 30th 2013

Jl.Ir.H. Juanda No. 08 Bogor 16121
Or send by E-mail to :

Lowongan Technician & Accountant

We are the property arm of Keppel Group, one of Singapore's largest multinational companies with core businesses in offshore and marine, infrastructure, and property. As an established developer, we are geographically diversified across 11 countries in Asia Pacific. Keppel Land has been in Indonesia for more than 15 years with projects located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bintan, Batam, Bali and Manado.


1.   Male, max 25 years old
2.   Min High School / STM
3.   Min 2 years experiences in Mechanical & Electrical.
4.   Understand about Air Conditioning (AC), Electric, Generator, Pump.
5.   Willing to work shift.
6.   Have been working as a technician highrise building.
General Staff
Main duties
1.   Documentation and completing supporting document for Accounting purpose.
2.   Daily Journal.
3.   Weekly Bank reconciliation.
4.   Assist in the preparation of monthly & annual tax filling.
5.   Assist in the updating of internal AP payment system report.
1.   Female, 24 – 30 years old.
2.   Min. S1 Accounting.
3.   Min. 1-2 years experiences in Accounting.
(Fresh graduate is welcome, but experience will be advantage)
4.   Working knowledge in taxation.
5.   Hard worker, fast & keen learner, eye to detail, well organize for documentation.
6.   Fit and able to work under pressure.
7.   Familiar with accounting program (SAP etc) would be advantage.
We are looking for a team player with high passion and accountability. If you meet our requirements, please send your CV in English to:
Put the code "TECH" or "ACC-GS" as email subject.

Lowongan Tax Consultants

Job Vacancy

Open recruitment. The job vacancy that is available in our Firm is Junior Tax Consultants Associates and Senior Tax Consultants Associates.
The requirements are as follows:

Junior Tax Consultants Associates

1.        Male who owned a motorcycle & C driving license,
2.        Maximum of age is 28 years old,
3.        Graduated from reputable University under Economics Faculty's Diploma Degree (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Accounting or Taxation, or at least still under the process for completing his Final Project / Thesis or waiting for Final Panel Examination,
4.        Able to operate basic computer program (Microsoft Office) is a must,
5.        Able to operate MYOB Accounting Program is a must,
6.        Willing to learn and has passion to develop his Tax skills,
7.        Fresh graduate are strongly encouraged to apply (candidates who has experience in managing Tax Reports and / or Financial Report is a plus),
8.        Candidates who has AB Tax Brevet is a plus,
9.        Has to domicile in the West Jakarta Area, particularly Tanjung Duren / Grogol / Duri Kepa / Jelambar.

Senior Tax Consultants Associates

1.        Male who owned a motorcycle & C driving license,
2.        Maximum of age is 28 years old,
3.        Graduated from reputable University under Economics Faculty's Diploma Degree (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Accounting or Taxation,
4.        Able to operate basic computer program (Microsoft Office) is a must,
5.        Able to operate MYOB Accounting Program is a must,
6.        Familiar with Journal and Financial Statement, including Cash Flows Statement is a must,
7.        Familiar in preparing Annual Income Tax Returns for Corporate and Individual,
8.        Familiar in preparing Monthly Value Added Tax Returns and Monthly Income Tax Returns,
9.        Familiar in using e-SPT (electronics SPT) is an advantage,
10.    Familiar with Tax Review, Tax Due Diligence, and Tax Audit (Tax Verification),
11.    Familiar with Tax Advisory (Tax Consultancy) skills is a plus,
12.    Holding AB Tax Brevet,
13.    Experience in the Tax Field at least 2 (two) years,
14.    Has to domicile in the West Jakarta Area, particularly Tanjung Duren / Grogol / Duri Kepa / Jelambar.

If you fulfill the above-mentioned criteria please do not hesitate to send your application along with your Curriculum Vitae, copy of your Diploma or Bachelor Degree, copy of your Academic Transcript, and your latest photograph to SMACO Tax Advisory Services in Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat 2 No. 15, West Jakarta 11470 or you can scan and e-mail all those documents to

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Finance/Accounting (FA)

Qyvision PR,  Asia's Best Network Agency (Public Relations Consultant Firm) in South Jakarta and we are focusing on corporate clients such as property, consumers, banking and finance, mining/oil and gas, infrastructure, IT/Technology. 
We are looking for the candidates to join our company's expansion in year 2013.
Finance & Accounting Staff
·         Male/Female, Min. 25 years old
·         Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), Graduate from Reputable University major in Accounting
·         5-10 years working experience as Finance Accounting Staff
·         Fluent in English and computer literate
·         Good interpersonal and communication skill
·         Strong analytical skill and detail oriented
·         Familiar with standard Accounting and Taxation
Please submit your application letter, CV, copies of supporting documents, contact number and recent photograph to

Lowongan Vacancy for Tax Staff



Female, Max 30 years old.
Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Brevet A & B
Experience as tax accounting min. 2 years
Have knowledge for freight forwarder taxation is a value added
Have knowledge for Tax art 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, PPN & E-SPT
Have a good communication skill in English is a must
Able to work together with team, discipline, and responsible  

Please submit your CV & photo to (Attachment file not more than 500kb)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lowongan Kerja sebagai SPV Finance di PT.Axindo Infotama

Axindo, Authorized Accessories Distributor Handphone membutuhkan beberapa staff untuk posisi sebagai:

Supervisor Finance
*Membuat Laporan Penjualan
*Membuat Schedule Pembayaran
*Membuat Laporan Stock
*Membuat Laporan Piutang dan Hutang
*Membuat Laporan Barang Retur

*Wanita, usia 24-30 tahun
*Pendidikan min, D3 Akuntansi
*Mengerti proses pembuatan laporan keuangan.
*Rapi, Teliti dan Cekatan.
*Terbiasa dengan deadline.
*Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (ms word, ms excel dan internet).
*Diutamakan yang mampu berbahasa mandarin.
*Mampu multi tasking job.

Lamaran dikirim ke alamat sebagai berikut:
PT. Axindo Infotama
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Km 17 No.1c Samping Pegadaian
kalibata POMAD Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12740
UP: HRD- Febri
Tlp: 021-798 2821

Lowongan Staff Account Receivable

Di butuhkan segera Staff Account Receivable utk Perusahaan Migas, dengan kwalifikasi sbb :
1. Wanita
2. usia 22 s/d 35 tahun
3. Pengalaman bag. penagihan
4. Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman dalam penyusunan lampitran berita acara, faktur pajak utk perush
   oil & Gas
5. Menguasai MS Office
6. Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
Lamaran di tujukan ke :

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lowongan Accountant & Technician

We are the property arm of Keppel Group, one of Singapore's largest multinational companies with core businesses in offshore and marine, infrastructure, and property. As an established developer, we are geographically diversified across 11 countries in
Asia Pacific. Keppel Land has been in Indonesia for more than 15 years with
projects located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bintan, Batam, Bali and

1.   Male, max 25 years old
2.   Min High School / STM
3.   Min 2 years experiences in
Mechanical & Electrical.
4.   Understand about Air Conditioning
(AC), Electric, Generator, Pump.
5.   Willing to work shift.
6.   Have been working as a technician
highrise building.
– (code:ACC-GS)
Main duties
1.   Documentation and completing
supporting document for Accounting purpose.
2.   Daily Journal.
3.   Weekly Bank reconciliation.
4.   Assist in the preparation of monthly
& annual tax filling.
5.   Assist in the updating of internal
AP payment system report.
1.   Female, 24 – 30 years old.
2.   Min. S1 Accounting.
3.   Min. 1-2 years experiences in
graduate is welcome, but experience will be advantage)
4.   Working knowledge in taxation.
5.   Hard worker, fast & keen
learner, eye to detail, well organize for documentation.
6.   Fit and able to work under pressure.
7.   Familiar with accounting program
(SAP etc) would be advantage.
We are looking for a team player with high passion and accountability. If you meet our
requirements, please send your CV in English
the code "TECH" or "ACC-GS" as email subject.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vacancy Receptionist


We are a large and most prestigious property management company which
owns and manages portfolio of office buildings, shopping mall,
condominium and hotel in Jakarta and Bali.

At present we are seeking the best and qualified people to fill the
following position:


* Female, age 19-26 years old
* Graduated from Diploma any major and has excellent academic
record ( High school are welcome)
* Experience in the same field for 1 year (fresh graduate are
welcome to apply)
* Good appearance, pleasant personality, self motivated & eager to
* Able to speak in english

Please submit your resume CV and photograph to:

(file not larger than 1 MB)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lowongan Construction Manager in KBR Indonesia

KBR is a leading global engineering, construction and service company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government service and civil infrastructure sectors. To fulfill the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions:
Construction Manager (CM)
The successful candidate will be responsible for the successful project delivery constructing new buildings and facilities as an extension of existing Oil Services Base.  The position is as a site consultant advising the client, and supervising a building contractor.  The construction manager will be responsible for day to day running of the project managing a team of engineers, QS and a site document controller.  He will be responsible to ensure all project management processes are implemented.  
Qualifications and Experience
·         Bachelor Degree qualification in Building Technology / Construction or Civil Engineering or demonstrable site   experience on construction projects.
·         15 years of experience as a Project Manager or Construction Manager.
·         Health and Safety Qualification.
·         Membership of a professional body.
·         Good knowledge of Indonesian Building Regulations.
·         Broad site experience on both vertical and horizontal construction projects.
·         Experience of planning software, preferably MS Project or similar.
·         Good IT skills and experience using Microsoft Office programmes.
·         Excellent English written and spoken communication and site management skills.
1.    Good command of both written and spoken English & Bahasa Indonesia.
2.    Good communication skills and team player.
3.    Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy.
Interested candidates should send their resume in English to:
Mentioning the position applied in the subject email.
DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (DKCMI) adalah distributor ekslusif untuk Excavator dengan merek KOBELCO.
Saat ini kami sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim kami sebagai :

Penempatan : Jakarta - Pondok Indah

Kualifikasi :

S1 Akunting, minimal 1 tahun pengalaman / fresh graduate
Computer literate, mampu bekerja dalam tekanan
Mengenal dan memahami sistem perpajakan di Indonesia

Kirimkan CV terbaru Anda ke : dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai subyek, tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lowongan Mekanik Alat Berat

CKB Logistics adalah sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa layanan logistik terpadu nasional dengan komitmen kuat pada inovasi, teknologi dan service excellence, dalam menghasilkan integrated logistics solutions termasuk project logistics, air freight, sea freight, land freight, custom clearance, warehousing, dan distribution management.

Dengan lebih dari 33 jangkauan jaringan di seluruh Indonesia dan personil yang berkualitas, CKB Logistics bergerak lebih jauh untuk mendukung pertambahan pelanggan. Kami berkomitmen pada kualitas dan kemanan pada proses bisnis kami yang terbukti dengan adanya sertifikasi ISO 9001:2000 dan OHSAS 18001:2007.

Sebagai bagian dari strategi perkembangan kami, kami mencari individu-individu yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi dan berbakat, untuk bergabung dan tumbuh bersama kami sebagai:


Gambaran Pekerjaan :

Maintenance alat-alat berat seperti crane, forklift, wheel loader dan lainnya

Persyaratan :
- Pendidikan min. STM
- Pengalaman sebagai mekanik alat berat selama minimal 3 tahun
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Matak, Kepulauan Anambas
- Bersedia bekerja dengan rota kerja 28 hari on dan 28 hari off
- Memiliki SIO MIGAS Crane yang masih berlaku

Status kerja kontrak 4 tahun

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut diatas, kirimkan segera lamaran dan CV lengkap Anda dalam bentuk MS Word atau PDF, kemudian tulis nama posisi (Mekanik Alat Berat Crane) pada subjek email ke alamat:

Lowongan akan ditutup sampai dengan 30 Juni 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Collection Staff

PT Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk

Perusahaan distributor bahan bangunan yang sedang berkembang pesat mengundang anda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :

Collection Staff
Gedung Graha Atrium, Jakarta

Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

Membuat dan mencetak faktur sederhana dan faktur pajak
Menelpon toko untuk konfirmasi tagihan
Menyiapkan dan menerima faktur tagihan yang dibawa oleh sales
Menginput data faktur tagihan yang sudah terbayar


Diploma semua jurusan
Memiliki kemampuan administrasi, komputer
Pernah bekerja di bidang yang sama selama minimal satu tahun

Jika Anda memenuhi persyaratan di atas, silahkan kirim resume ke

Friday, May 31, 2013

Vacancy for Tax officer

We, PT. Daya Energi Mandiri is one of Contractor & Consultant in Oil & Gas Company that engaged on Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation, also Manpower supply. We aim to meet the needs of our clients with quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness  and deliver outstanding corporate and operational performance, leveraging on the full strength of our capabilities and assets, geographical presence, and people.

Currently we are looking for position:


S1, majoring in Accounting/Tax graduate
Having 2-5 years experiences in tax and accounting
Having comprehensive knowledge of Indonesian Tax regulation (Having Brevet A & B be more Advantage), GAAP & IFRS
Analyzing & preparing income tax return, tax compliance, payroll tax, tax effect accounts, tax fixed asset and maintain all tax records data & documentation.
Analyzing & preparing of tax monthly report, including SPT PPN, PPh 21, PPh 23, Pph 25 and tax yearly report, including SPT PPh 29 and PPh 21 and other related reports
Excellent people skills, a good team player both within the finance team and the business at all levels
Excellent MS Office skills including accounting programmed (SAP program more advantage)
Able to provide accurate & monthly analysis report
Fluent in English both written and oral

Should you interest, kindly send your CV with attach code of position on email subject to: not later than June 8th, 2013.

Job Vacancies - Admin Finance

PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA specializes in the supply, management and development of workforces for the Indonesian mining, energy, and infrastructure development sectors.
We have more than two decades (35 Years) of experience supplying complete workforces or selected work groups to meet the short and long term employment requirements of Major Indonesian and International clients on projects and operations Throughout Indonesia.
Our Company, urgently requires the following position:


Qualification :

         Female, Maximal 30  years
         Education Background : Diploma, Bachelor Degree Or Equivalent From any major (Preferably accounting)
         Experience min. 1-2 years in Similar Position
         like a challenge, good team work, hard worker and high motivation
         Good  Communications
         Able to operate Computer : Ms. Office Application (Excel,Power Point)

Interested applicants have to be ready to be assigned in Jakarta Base, please kindly send in detailed resume stating expected salary and availability to:  
Jl.Poltangan No. 48
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 78837610 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 78837578
Website : www. inamcomanpower. com
Or E-mail :

Monday, May 27, 2013

Front Office Vacancy

A Luxury Villas in Nusa Dua urgently seeking FRONT OFFICE with the following qualifications:

- Male with age max 30 years old.
- Tourism Education Background.
- Computer literature.
- Good communication in English and Fluent in English oral or written.
- Good looking, well grooming, young spirit, dynamic, customer oriented, outgoing personality and having a positive attitude.

Only qualified candidate will be contacted.

Please send your application resume with recent photograph as soon as possible to :

Friday, May 17, 2013

Job Vacancy Secretary Oil Palm PT. Pradiksi Gunatama

PT. Pradiksi Gunatama is a growing company in Oil Palm Plantations. To support our fast growth, we are seeking for highly qualified professional candidates to join our team as:


Location : Jakarta


• Graduate of a reputable Secretarial Academy (*Tarakanita)
• Has experience min. 2 years in related field
• Proficient in English, verbal and written (A MUST)
• Good computer skills (MS Office and internet)
• Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
• Capable and willing to work long hours under pressure
• Neat, accurate, discipline, honest, good looking and fast Learner

If you are confident that you can meet our requirement, please forward your application with complete resume and most recent photograph (in MS Word file) to:

Human Resources Department PT. PRADIKSI GUNATAMA
E-mail :
cc :

Urgently Required : Professional “Barista”

We are looking for one professional girl "Barista" to operate coffee machine in our company's canteen, to operate and also serve the Cafeteria, with specific qualification as follows :

-Girl, age 21-26 years old.
-Good appearance.
-Able to communicate in English.
-Graduated minimum Senior High School education with Hotel discipline.

The Job responsibilities are:
-          To serve the Cafeteria at the 3rd floor.
-          To ensure the cafeteria, canteen, break out areas are neat, tidy and clean all the
-          To supervise Office Boys at each floor, in term of supply of consumables.
Joint of date:
If you meet our requirements, please send your complete CV and recent photograph and expectation to, size not more than 250kb.

Urgently Required Accounting Manager

Dear all,

Urgently required: Accounting Manager with requirements as below:

  Female/Male with max 35 years

·         Audit person is highly prepared

·         Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable University

·         Certified in Finance

·         Min. 5 years as Manager Level in Accounting

·         E-SPT PPN, Or Taxation Reporting

·         Good in English

·         Strong and proven determination, leadership and self-motivated

·         Strong to handle a multi aspect finance operations.


Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full resume and recent photograph with indicate your last salary to

www. smvgroup. com

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vacancy Spv Customer Service


We are a large and most prestigious property management company which
owns and manages portfolio of office buildings, shopping mall,
condominium and hotel in Jakarta and Bali.

At present we are seeking the best and qualified people to fill the
following position:

Spv Customer Service

* Female, 25 - 35 years old,

* Graduated from D3 any major

* Have experience in Customer Service background at least for 3 years.

* Excellent in English both speaking and writing

* Self motivated, pleasant personality, and able to work independently

Please submit your resume CV and photograph to:

(file not larger than 1 MB)

Best Regards,

Liqa Giankahizy

Recruitment Executive|MULIA GROUP

Gd. Wisma Mulia Lt. 53|Gatot Subroto Kav.42

021-5207729 (ext. 2508) |

Lowongan Staff Accounting - Staff Pajak (Tax)

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang batubara dan pertambangan di daerah
Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, membutuhkan :

Staff Accounting dan Tax Staff

Persyaratan :

1  Pria/Wanita , maks 28 thn .
2  D3 Accounting
3. Pengalaman kerja 1-2 thn di bidang Akunting / Pajak

4. Terbiasa bekerja dengan computer ( lancar mengoperasikan computer min MS
Word , Excel dan Outlook ).
5. Rapi dalam bekerja , tekun , jujur , pekerja keras.

6. Mengetahui Software Accurate.

7. Mengetahui prosedur pajak.

8. Memahami prosedur / siklus Accounting, Journal, A/R, A/P, dll

9. Memahami cash flow, transaksi perbankan dan budgenting

10. Diharapkan tinggal di sekitar Jakarta Selatan

11. Tuliskan Posisi yang dipilih pada Subject: ( mis: Accounting – Tax
Staff )

12. Diutamakan bagi yang belum bekerja

13. Untuk Staff Pajak (Tax staff) lebih di sukai pria (owner request)

13. Dapat membuat laporan keuangan

Kirimkan CV + *Gaji* yg diharapkan serta tuliskan Subject Lamaran
(Acconting / Tax Staff) ke , ukuran file tidak melebihi
300KB dan file attachment bukan berupa image (format word/ pdf)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Urgently Needed Accounting Assistant

We are an Indonesian based offshore oil and gas subsea services company located in Jakarta Selatan. We are seeking suitable qualified and experienced personnel to join our team to fill the position as follow:

Accounting Assistant

    – Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting from reputable university
    – Having knowledge of Indonesian Taxation especially in oil & gas industry
    – Possess good software skills in Microsoft office (Word, Excel and power point) & Accurate system (advantageous).
    – Excellent spoken and written Indonesian and English
    – Minimum 1 years experience in similar position, in oil & gas services company is preferred

We offer a competitive salary package, great medical coverage, a progressive career path and the support of an excellent leadership team.
If you are ready to join a growing team of successful professionals, please state expected salary in your covering letter and send your application and CV to

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Urgently Required Accounting/AR Staff


A Well established Law Firm is inviting applicants for the following position and qualifications:

Accounting/Account Receivable Staff

Female, maximum 30 years old;
Preferably Diploma's degree in Accounting;
Fluent in English both written and spoken
Having at least 2 years experience (preferably in A/R);
Good communication and interpersonal skills.

Jobs Desc:

Prepare Monthly Report
Prepare Tax Report
Petty Cash Activity
Handling Collection

Qualified candidates shall submit application letter and complete CV in English and recent color photograph with the position code on the subject, no later two weeks after this advertisement to:
E-mail :

Info Lowongan kerja terbaru

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


A Property Building Management Company located in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta is currently looking for SECRETARY with following requirements:


-          Female

-          Max. 30 years old

-          Having min. 3 years experience

-          At least D3, major in Secretary is preferable

-          Good looking

-          Good communication skill in Bahasa Indonesia and English

-          Computer literate


Send application letter, update CV, and photograph by email to in Ms Word and max. 200 Kb, before May 15th 2013.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Supir Operasional & IT Support

Dear All,

Sebuah production house yang berlokasi di Senayan membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk ditempatkan di posisi:

1. Supir Operasional

- Laki-laki berusia di bawah 40 tahun
- Mempunyai SIM A
- Berkelakuan baik
- Bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan
Untuk Supir Operasional, silahkan menghubungi Bp. YOUDI segera di 081281697877

2. IT Support
- Laki-laki / Perempuan
- BIsa bekerja sama dalam team
- Bersedia bekerja keras di bawah tekanan
- Bersedia bekerja dalam shift: pagi, siang, malam
Untuk IT Support, silahkan mengirim Surat Lamaran & CV ke:

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Lowongan Technician

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Building Management (Data Center) dan berlokasi di Kuningan Jakarta saat ini membutuhkan individu terpilih sebagai:


Persyaratan :

Pria usia maksimum 27 tahun
Pendidikan SMK / D3 / S1 Jurusan Teknik Elektro / Teknik Mesin
Fresh graduate dipersilakan melamar
Belum menikah
Tidak buta warna
Bisa Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power point)
Bertanggung jawab, disiplin, jujur, teliti, mau berkembang dan bekerja keras
Pernah bekerja pada perusahaan Building Management lebih diutamakan
Bersedia bekerja shift
Domisili Jabodetabek

Kirim CV dengan pasfoto dan surat lamaran melalui email: dalam format Ms. Word, maksimum size 200 Kb. Tuliskan jabatan dan nama pada subject email. Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 15 Mei 2013.

Vacancy for IT

IT Jobs
Our Client need urgently professional as follows:

Principal IT Application Developer (experience 15+ years)
Lead IT Application Developer (experience 10-15 years)
Senior IT Application Developer (experience 5-10 years)
IT Application Developer (experience 3-5 years)
Associate IT Application Developer (experience <3  years)

·         Candidate must have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Business Administration or Engineering.
·         Candidate must have experience in systems development and/or applications support which includes experience in analysis, design, programming, support and maintenance.
·         Solid understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP).
·         Deep knowledge of the .NET Framework, including Visual Studio 2010, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, and Web Services.
·         Strong knowledge of software implementation best practices.
·         Strong experience designing and working with n-tier architectures (UI, Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer) along with some experience with service-oriented architectures (SOA).
·         Good understanding of software design patterns.
·         Experience with Microsoft Team Foundation Server, unit testing, and continuous integration.
·         Expert knowledge of JavaScript and experience with JQuery.
·         Ability to quickly learn new concepts and software as necessary.
Jl.Poltangan No. 48
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 78837610 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 78837578
Website : www. inamcomanpower. com
Or E-mail :

Lowongan Personal Asisstant


Royalindo Group, a leading and one of the largest MICE Business
is looking for some highly motivated professionals for the following position :

Personal Asisstant (PA) & Secretary

Responsibilities :
- Provide secretarial support to CEO
- Handle calls
- Meet and greet visitors and principals
- Draft emails and letters
- Prepare documents and presentatations

- Organize appointments / Meeting
- Organizing functions when required
- Ad hoc duties as required

- Female 22-32
- Good looking
- Fast learner
- High motivation, hardworking, and have a high inisiative
- Multitasking person
- Graduate from reputable university and Diploma degree
- Has positive personal attitude
- Ability to communicate with people of all levels
- English & French language is a must

- Fresh graduates are welcome

Please send ur application with resume, recent photograph to :

or send to :

Human Recources PT Royalindo
Gedung PIC, Ground floor
Jalan teluk betung No. 43
Jakarta 10230

Only qualified candidate will be notified for further selection

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Secretary / PA of sales director

Our client  is a global heavy equipment manufacturerbased in Sweden and it is the world's second largest heavy – duty manufacturer in the world.
With global headquarters in Sweden, our client manufactures and assembles its trucks in 15 countries. Our client produces and sells over 100,000 units annually
Secretary / Personal Assistant of Sales Director

Jakarta Raya

* Providing secretarial support and ensure the smooth operate of day to day office/ project activities.
* Travel arrangements and diary management ( Visa and Kitas)
* Taking care personal arrangement (family, doctor, etc)
* Processing and reconciling expenses and timesheets
* Document control and maintaining filing system
* Assist to produce of documents including PowerPoint presentations and document submission.

* Female
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Secretarial or equivalent.
* At least 2 year(s) or maximum 5 year (s) of working experience in the related field.
* Liaise with expats during previous working experience.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent.
Salary Negotiable


Please provide information and send it to
• CV + photograph
• Resume in english
• current employer
• current salary

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Dengan persyaratan sbb:

Wanita, usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan min D-3 dari semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan dari jurusan Administrasi/Sekretaris
Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun dibidang yang sama
Memiliki kemampuan operasional komputer/internet/email dan Bahasa Inggris minimum pasif
Memiliki Kemampuan Komunikasi yang baik
Menguasai Sistem Administrasi dan Pengarsipan yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik serta mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, jujur, rajin, bertanggung jawab, ulet dan mau bekerja keras

Bagi yang memenuhi kriteria diatas, harap kirimkan lamaran lengkap atau diantar langsung ke PT. Nusa Cipta Media, Gedung Nucira
Jl. Letjen Haryono MT Kav. 27 – Jakarta Selatan
Atau via e-mail ke cc :

Monday, April 15, 2013

Job Vacancy Grand Zuri Hotel - BSD City

Grand Zuri Hotel - BSD City, 4 star hotel located in the heart of BSD City urgently need:

1. Bartendress
2. F&B Captain
3. Security Shift Leader
4. Engineering Administration
5. Room Attendant
6. Public Area Attendant

* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree (1,2)
* A minimum of 2 years experience in similar position
* Strong Leadership skill and passionate about training (2,3)
* Age 25 - 35 years old
* Dynamic person, confidence and out going personality
* Excellent command in both written and spoken English

Those interested, may submit their application letter and resume complete with latest photograph and expected salary to:

Human Resources Manager

Friday, April 12, 2013

Vacancy Finance Administration Senior Staff

PT Pancamagran Wisesa
is one of the first class importer/sole distributor companies in Indonesia, in Marble, Granite, Mosaic, Home Appliances, Wardrobe and Kitchen Cabinet.

With expert and experienced human resources in its field, our commitment is to provide the best service and quality based on honesty and trust.


Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accounting
At least 3 years of working experience as Finance Senior Staff / Finance Supervisor
Excellent computer literate and strong analytical skill
Good team player and leadership skill
Have high integrity and trustworthy person
Able to work under pressure
Able to join immediately

Send your application with supporting document and recent photograph (is a must) to:

Please specify the position you are applying for in the subject.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Sunday, April 7, 2013



We are a well – established travel agency since 1986 member of ASITA & IATA, is now seeking the best candidates for position   :

Requirements :
* Female
* Max. age 30 years old
* Min. Diploma degree majoring in Secretary
* Exp. in the same position min. 2  years
* Having good correspondences and secretarial duties
* Familiar with Microsoft offices
* Having Mandarin proficiency
* Good appearance and personality / attitude
Please email your resume & expected salary to :

Terimakasih atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang diberikan.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

URGENT Lowongan Seketariat Umum

PT. Indonesia Coal Resources adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang trading dan marketing batubara dan saat ini kami sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim kami sebagai :
Seketariat Umum

Lokasi : Jakarta, TB Simatupang
Bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan pekerjaan administrasi dan keseketariatan kantor.

Kualifikasi :

·         Wanita, minimal lulusan D3 dari semua jurusan
·         Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman dibidang yang sama
·         Computer literate, mampu bekerja dalam tekanan dan tenggat waktu
Kirimkan CV terbaru Anda ke : dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai subyek, tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Accounting - Finance Manager

A private company which experience in oil services industry, located in South Jakarta requires a highly motivated and talented people to fill in the vacant position:


Accounting & Finance Manager



·         Obtain and maintain a thorough understanding of the financial reporting and general ledger structure.

·         Ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close.

·         Ensure the timely reporting of all monthly financial information.

·         Ensure the accurate and timely processing of positive pay transactions.

·         Ensure the monthly and quarterly Bank Compliance activities are performed in a timely and accurate manner.

·         Supports budget and forecasting activities.

·         Collaborates with the other department managers to support overall department goals and objectives.

·         Monitors and analyzes department work to develop more efficient procedures and use of resources while maintaining a high level of accuracy.

·         Advises staff regarding the handling of non-routine reporting transactions.

·         Responds to inquiries from the Director and other managers regarding financial results, special reporting requests and the like.

·         Supervise the general ledger group to ensure all financial reporting deadlines are met.

·         Assist in development and implementation of new procedures and features to enhance the workflow of the department.

·         Provide training to new and existing staff as needed.

·         Handle personnel issues relating to staff conflicts, absenteeism, performance issues, etc.

·         Work with each supervisor to establish goals and objectives for each year, to monitor and to advise on the progress to enhance the professional development of staff.



·         Educational Background - minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting or Finance

·         Five to seven years prior supervisory experience in the financial reporting/general ledger area.

·         Have experience working in Oil Services Company is an advantage

·         Must be proficient in Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

·         Strong verbal and written communication skills.

·         Strong interpersonal, supervisory and customer service skills required.

·         Ability to multi-task, work under pressure and meet deadlines required.



For those who have qualifications match with the criteria above, please feel free to apply by e-mail to:

Info lowongan kerja lainnya di

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Payroll & Compensation Executive

PT. Altus Logistics Services Indonesia is a leading provider of integrated logistics services to the Oil and Gas and related industries in Indonesia.  Our company has grown in Indonesia and Southeast Asia over the years and continues to expand in other oil and gas regions worldwide to encompass over 700 employees and 35 offices in 11 countries.  Our clients include some of the world's largest Oil and Gas operators and drilling services companies, such as BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Weatherford and Baker Hughes.
Main responsibilities:

End to end in processing of selected (weekly, fortnightly and monthly) payroll(s).
Prepare staff and salary, related reports and employment letters.

·         Calculate and make payroll, pay slips, transfer reports and prepare letter of transfer to the account bank each employee.

Calculation and payment of termination payments.
Undertaking required reporting, both internal and statutory reporting. Incl. creates reports and payment to Jamsostek, overtime reports etc (as required based on company needs).
Responsible for the system, procedural, and process payroll, income tax (Including PPh 21) in accordance with applicable rules and policies of the company.
Handle employee benefit administration and payment.
On-going maintenance of payroll system and leave planning system (if applicable).
Updating and maintaining payroll records.
Liaising with staff and management on payroll related queries.
Interpreting awards/agreements and contracts in relation to overtime, shift allowances etc.
Payroll administration, eg. filing, setting up new starters.


Male/Female with age max. 35 years old.
Min. Bachelor's degree from any related field.
Has min. 3 years experience in Human Resource, with function of Payroll / Compensation and Benefit (preferable have an experience in oil & gas industries).
Understanding Procedural Payroll in general, and able to make more effective SOP.
Good knowledge about payroll system, tax PPh 21 and labor regulation.
Accustomed with salary survey and understand the method.
Diligent, rigorous, consistency, tidy, initiative interpersonal and has ability to work under pressure within tight deadline.
Strong in detail, good analytical thinking, and well organized.
Good filling and Administration skill.
Good command of verbal and written in English, and Effective use of MS Word, Excel and Power Point is required.

PT. Altus Logistics Services Indonesia

Menara Anugrah, 5th floor, Kantor Taman E 3.3
Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot 8.6-8.7, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia.
Tel: +62 21 5785 4287 | www. altuslogistics. com
Or sent by email to:, cc.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Administration Assistant Coordinator

A leading IT Company location at Sudirman - Urgently Needs :

Administration Assistant Coordinator


1. University graduated is a plus
2. Performs administrative duties for executive management.
3. Responsibilities may include screening calls, making travel and meeting arrangements, preparing reports and financial data, training and supervising other support staff, and customer relations.
4.Requires strong computer and internet research skills. Also calls for flexibility, excellent interpersonal skills, project coordination experience, and the ability to work well with all levels of internal management and staff, as well as outside clients and vendors.
5.May assist and coordinate other department
6.Additional responsibilities may include processing expense reports, coordinating the submission of proposals, planning meetings, tracking sales progress, troubleshooting minor technical problems, maintaining department database records
7.Strong computer and organization skills are required
8.Must be fluent in spoken and written English.
9.Able to work under pressure
10.Willing to work hard and highly motivated
11.Can joint ASAP

Skills/Qualifications: Organizational Astuteness, Managing Processes, Process Improvement, Reporting Skills, Change Management, Coaching, Client Relationships, Supports Innovation, Developing Standards, Hiring, Administrative Writing Skills.

Please APPLY ONLINE with your CV, Ijazah, and photo to :

Monday, March 4, 2013

Urgently Required a Junior Secretary

A well established property management company located in South Jakarta is looking for
highly motivated, young dynamic & professionals with positive attitudes
& personality to fill the following position:
Junior Secretary

* Female, max 23 years old.
* Fresh graduate or have 1 year experience in same position.
* Having a good knowledge related to administration and secretarial task
* Good communication and interpersonal skills.
* Able to work independently and good in team work as well
* Good in English both oral and written.
* Familiar with Microsoft Office [MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point].
* Willing to work as a temporary or contract employee (1 year).
If you are interested in joining our team, send your application letter, expected
salary and your CV together with recent photograph to the address below:
Please write 'Position' in the subject of your

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Finance and Acc Officer


We are one of the largest export-oriented Apparel companies in Indonesia. We provide integrated services and solutions to pre-eminent customers in the US, Western Europe and other sophisticated global markets. We own and operate world-class factories in various locations in Java powered by a workforce of 18,000 skilled workers and professionals and by 8000 machines. Please visit for further information.

To keep up with our organizational dynamics, we are looking for highly motivated and passionate professionals to fill the following position
Finance and Accounting Officer (F.A.O)
Jakarta Raya - Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Finance Administration
Finance Transaction
Prepare Monthly Financial report
Prepare monthly tax
Reconcile to ledger


Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Economics or equivalent.
At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Candidate must possess ability in preparation of various financial statements and reports, and inventory accounting
Have knowledge about purchase order, debit note and credit note
English capabilities (both oral and written)
Required skill: Microsoft Excel.
High integrity and strong analytical thinking
Result oriented and attention to details
Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
Preferably familiar with expor impor

If you have the experience and looking for a greater challenge in Garment/Apparel Manufacturing, please send your  comprehensive resume which describe your capabilities and experience with subject title of position - your name [e.g. FAO – Reza] to the following email address:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vacancy Payroll Spv, Payroll Assistant, Marketing Spv,Contract Assistant, HRD, Cost Control

PT EJJV Engineering Indonesia is a world class integrated Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Installation and Start-up services provider in the Oil & Gas Industry working with our clients to add value to their projects. We aim to meet the needs of our clients with quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness and deliver outstanding corporate and operational performance, leveraging on the full strength of our capabilities and assets, geographical presence, and people.
Currently looking for motivated person and target progress oriented to join and fill the positions as follows:

Payroll Supervisor

-       S1 Economic/Accounting with minimum IPK 3 from reputable University
-       Male / Female
-       Fluent in English
-       Having continously experiences in payroll implementation more than 4 years in Construction Industry.
-       Maximal age is 35 years old
-       Intelligent, dilligent, strong leadership, achievable & solving problem, precise, team work.

Payroll Assistant

-       S1 Economic/Accounting with minimum IPK 3 from reputable University
-       Male / Female
-       Fluent in English
-       Having continously experiences in payroll implentatin more than 2 years in Construction
-       Maximal age is 30 years old
-       Intelligent, dilligent, strong leadership, achievable & solving problem, precise, team work.

Marketing Supervisor

-       S1 Engineering with minimum IPK 3 from reputable University
-       Male
-       Fluent in English
-       Having continously experiences more than 4 years in handling project tender, how to manage and follow up the tender/projects.
-       Maximal age is 35 years old
-       Intelligent, dilligent, strong leadership, achievable& solving problem , precise, team work

Contract Assistant

-       S1 Economic/Accounting, Law background with minimum IPK 3 from reputable University
-       Male
-       Fluent in English
-       Having continously experiences more than 4 years about handling and analyze tender contract, follow up, manage and filling the contract or similar position
-       Assist operation leader
-       Maximal age is 35 years old
-       Intelligent, dilligent, strong leadership, achievable& solving problem , precise, team work


-       S1 Economic/Accounting, Law with IPK 3
-       Male
-       Fluent in English
-       Having continously experiences more than 4 years in handling and maintenance, follow up, manage and filling the contract or similar position
-       Providing admin support for HR activities (employee contract, training, performance appraisal, timesheet)
-       Managing legal requirements for employee both for office and project like insurance, JAMSOSTEK, SOS, MCU, travel, etc.
-       Maintaining employee data through internal system.
-       Maximal age is 35 years old
-       Intelligent, dilligent, strong leadership, achievable& solving problem , precise, team work

Cost Control

-       S1 Economic/Accounting with minimum IPK 3 from reputable University
-       Male / Female
-       Fluent in English is a must
-       Having continously experiences more than 4 years handling cost control or budgetary, Invoicing, Financial Reports, MYOB Software.
-       Maximal age is 35 years old
-       Intelligent, dilligent, strong leadership, achievable& solving problem , precise, team work

The work will be mainly in Indonesia, If you meet the requirements, please submit your update CV, recent photograph, ID card, academic certificate and working certificate to cc

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