As one of the largest global providers, Weatherford helps build innovative mechanical solutions, technology applications, and services for all phases of oil and gas developments. Weatherford operates in over 100 countries and employs more than 40,000 people worldwide.
We are seeking to find highly qualified candidates for the following position:
· Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering or equivalent
· At least 5 – 8 years' experience in oilfield industry; having Well Testing experience will be advantage
· Ability to work under pressure
· Willingness to work in varying conditions
· Must be safety conscious as each assignment will involve the implementation of health, safety and environmental procedures
· Team worker - ability to work in team
· Must be willing to spend extended periods of time at any field location
· Excellent spoken and written English is required
We offer career growth in an exciting, challenging and rewarding professional environment both in the position advertised and beyond.
To apply, please send your application and CV with FE - TPS as subject before
20th November 2012 to
NOTE: Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted
Weatherford is an equal opportunity employer.
Job Vacancy Lowongan
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Sekretaris Direksi PT. Funworld Prima
Dibutuhkan Segera :
PT. Funworld Prima sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa rekreasi keluarga yang telah mengelola berbagai jenis arena permainan selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Saat ini sedang membutuhkan :
Sekretaris Direksi
kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Sekretaris (diutamakan Tarakanita)
- Pengalaman 1 - 2 tahun (Fresh Graduate are welcome)
- Diutamakan yang memiliki kualifikasi khusus (Chinese)
- Mengerti Bahasa Inggris min. Pasif
- Bisa mengoperasikan Komputer (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point, E-mail)
- Memiliki kepribadian yang menarik, berinisiatif dan dapat bekerja cepat
Kirimkan CV anda ke :
PT. Funworld Prima
Gedung Pusat Niaga Lt. 4 Ruang 430,
Arena Pekan Raya Jakarta Kemayoran
Jakarta 10620
atau melalui e-mail di :
PT. Funworld Prima sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa rekreasi keluarga yang telah mengelola berbagai jenis arena permainan selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Saat ini sedang membutuhkan :
Sekretaris Direksi
kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Sekretaris (diutamakan Tarakanita)
- Pengalaman 1 - 2 tahun (Fresh Graduate are welcome)
- Diutamakan yang memiliki kualifikasi khusus (Chinese)
- Mengerti Bahasa Inggris min. Pasif
- Bisa mengoperasikan Komputer (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point, E-mail)
- Memiliki kepribadian yang menarik, berinisiatif dan dapat bekerja cepat
Kirimkan CV anda ke :
PT. Funworld Prima
Gedung Pusat Niaga Lt. 4 Ruang 430,
Arena Pekan Raya Jakarta Kemayoran
Jakarta 10620
atau melalui e-mail di :
Sunday, October 21, 2012
kami PT DOMAS LAJU SEJAHTERA perusahaan perkapalan membuka lowongan untuk posisi
Accounting (CODE : ACC)
(Jakarta Raya)
* Melakukan rekonsiliasi
* Melakukan jurnal transaksi pembiayaan & Operasional
* Menyiapkan laporan bulanan
* Melakukan tugas-tugas akuntansi lainnya
* Wanita, usia maks. 28 tahun
* S1 – Akuntansi min. IPK 2.7
* Memahami dasar-dasar Akuntansi
* Menguasai Excel (function, pivot)
* Dapat bekerja mandiri maupun team
* Proaktif, disiplin, jujur dan mau kerja keras
* Memiliki kemauan untuk belajar hal-hal baru
kirim cv ke
www. domas-ls. com
Accounting (CODE : ACC)
(Jakarta Raya)
* Melakukan rekonsiliasi
* Melakukan jurnal transaksi pembiayaan & Operasional
* Menyiapkan laporan bulanan
* Melakukan tugas-tugas akuntansi lainnya
* Wanita, usia maks. 28 tahun
* S1 – Akuntansi min. IPK 2.7
* Memahami dasar-dasar Akuntansi
* Menguasai Excel (function, pivot)
* Dapat bekerja mandiri maupun team
* Proaktif, disiplin, jujur dan mau kerja keras
* Memiliki kemauan untuk belajar hal-hal baru
kirim cv ke
www. domas-ls. com
Friday, October 19, 2012
Accounting Assistant Manager
Our Client, Multinational Fast Moving Consumer Good company with famous brand in Indonesia is seeking suitable candidates
to join their team as
Accounting Assistant
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Department from reputable University
Maximum 36 years Old
Minimum 7 years exp in accounting area and Min 1 year in similiar position from manufacturing company
Experienced in preparing financial report and strong knowledge of Taxation both concept and regulation.
Proactive and good initiative to carry out the jobs and can analyze financial reporting.
To insure that corporate accounting system run with PSAK and available regulations.
Having experiences in cost accounting
Able to prepare tandard and Operating Procedur (SOP)
Expert in Microsoft Office
Having experiences in Public Accountant Firm (KAP) and IFRS implementation would be advantaged
Able to work independen or in team
Universal Synergy- Executive Search Consultant
Note: please quote position you will apply in email subject
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Lowongan RS Premier Bintaro
RS Premier Bintaro adalah salah satu rumah sakit yang berada di bawah naungan Ramsay Health Care Group Australia, yang senantiasa berupaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di semua bidang. Komitmen terhadap peningkatan kualitas layanan ini ditunjukkan dengan keberhasilan RS Premier Bintaro berhasil meraih Akreditasi Internasional dari JCI (Joint Commission International) pada tahun 2011.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan SDM berkualitas untuk menempati posisi:
1. Pendidikan min Sekolah Menengah Farmasi atau D3 semua jurusan
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Usia maksimal 28 thn
4. Pengalaman min 1 tahun di bidang yang sama ( memiliki pengalaman di Rumah sakit lebih diutamakan)
5. Dapat berbahasa Inggris aktif
6. Mampu mengoperasikan computer min. Program Ms Office
7. Handal, cepat, tepat, ramah, proaktif dan konsisten.
8. Diutamakan tinggal disekitar wilayah Bintaro dan sekitarnya
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab:
• Merencanakan dan menyusun jadwal preventif maintenance
• Melakukan perbaikan peralatan elektromedis sesuai dengan batas kewenangannya.
• Mengusulkan pergantian peralatan yang sudah tak layak pakai atau peralatan baru
• Menganalisa penyebab kerusakan dari alat tersebut atau dari kesalahan pengguna alat
1. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akademi Teknik Elektromedis
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bagian maintenance medis
4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
5. Memiliki disiplin, integritas dan dedikasi yang baik serta dapat bekerja dalam tim
6. Mengerti mengenai K3, Patient Safety dan Infection Control (INOK)
7. Memiliki skill managerial dan leadership yang baik
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan S1 Keperawatan/ D3 Keperawatan/ D3 Kebidanan
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Memiliki SIP/STR/SIB
4. Tinggi badan: min, 155 cm
5. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer dengan baik
6. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, min. pasif
7. Mempunyai disiplin, integritas dan dedikasi yang baik serta berorientasi kepada customer
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan D3 Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di Rumah Sakit
4. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer dengan baik
5. Memahami dan mampu melaksanakan penyelenggaran Radiologi
6. Memahami ilmu dasar Administrasi
7. Managerial skill , Communication skill, Customer oriented
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, min. pasif.
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan D1 Asisten Perawat
2. Usia maksimal 28thn
3. Pengalaman min. 3thn di rumah sakit
4. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
6. Berkepribadian baik
Bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi silahkan mengirimkan CV lengkat berikut foto terbaru melalui pos maupun email:
HRD RS Premier Bintaro
ANNEX Building
JL MH Thamrin No 1, Sektor 7 Bintaro Jaya
Tangerang 15224
Atau email ke:
(cantumkan posisi yang dilamar)
Saat ini kami membutuhkan SDM berkualitas untuk menempati posisi:
1. Pendidikan min Sekolah Menengah Farmasi atau D3 semua jurusan
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Usia maksimal 28 thn
4. Pengalaman min 1 tahun di bidang yang sama ( memiliki pengalaman di Rumah sakit lebih diutamakan)
5. Dapat berbahasa Inggris aktif
6. Mampu mengoperasikan computer min. Program Ms Office
7. Handal, cepat, tepat, ramah, proaktif dan konsisten.
8. Diutamakan tinggal disekitar wilayah Bintaro dan sekitarnya
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab:
• Merencanakan dan menyusun jadwal preventif maintenance
• Melakukan perbaikan peralatan elektromedis sesuai dengan batas kewenangannya.
• Mengusulkan pergantian peralatan yang sudah tak layak pakai atau peralatan baru
• Menganalisa penyebab kerusakan dari alat tersebut atau dari kesalahan pengguna alat
1. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akademi Teknik Elektromedis
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bagian maintenance medis
4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
5. Memiliki disiplin, integritas dan dedikasi yang baik serta dapat bekerja dalam tim
6. Mengerti mengenai K3, Patient Safety dan Infection Control (INOK)
7. Memiliki skill managerial dan leadership yang baik
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan S1 Keperawatan/ D3 Keperawatan/ D3 Kebidanan
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Memiliki SIP/STR/SIB
4. Tinggi badan: min, 155 cm
5. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer dengan baik
6. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, min. pasif
7. Mempunyai disiplin, integritas dan dedikasi yang baik serta berorientasi kepada customer
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan D3 Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi
2. IPK min. 2,75
3. Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di Rumah Sakit
4. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer dengan baik
5. Memahami dan mampu melaksanakan penyelenggaran Radiologi
6. Memahami ilmu dasar Administrasi
7. Managerial skill , Communication skill, Customer oriented
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, min. pasif.
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan D1 Asisten Perawat
2. Usia maksimal 28thn
3. Pengalaman min. 3thn di rumah sakit
4. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
6. Berkepribadian baik
Bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi silahkan mengirimkan CV lengkat berikut foto terbaru melalui pos maupun email:
HRD RS Premier Bintaro
ANNEX Building
JL MH Thamrin No 1, Sektor 7 Bintaro Jaya
Tangerang 15224
Atau email ke:
(cantumkan posisi yang dilamar)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Admin staf at Software Pajak Company
Sebuah Perusahan yang bergerak di bidang Software Pajak di Jakarta membutuhkan segera Staff Administrasi dengan kualifikasi
sebagai berikut:
1. Wanita belum menikah
2. Pengalaman kerja maksimal 1 tahun / fresh graduate lebih diutamakan.
4. Lulusan Akedemi Sekretaris yang memiliki reputasi baik.
5. Disiplin, cepat tanggap, gesit, inisiatif dan dapat bekerja dalam team.
6. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.
7. Mengerti/menguasai administrasi penjualan.
8. Dapat mengoperasikan MS. Excel & Word.
9. Mau mempelajari hal-hal baru.
Semua lamaran dilengkapi dengan CV ditujukan kepada HRD Manager email: selambat-lambatnya 3 minggu setelah iklan
ini diterbitkan.
sebagai berikut:
1. Wanita belum menikah
2. Pengalaman kerja maksimal 1 tahun / fresh graduate lebih diutamakan.
4. Lulusan Akedemi Sekretaris yang memiliki reputasi baik.
5. Disiplin, cepat tanggap, gesit, inisiatif dan dapat bekerja dalam team.
6. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.
7. Mengerti/menguasai administrasi penjualan.
8. Dapat mengoperasikan MS. Excel & Word.
9. Mau mempelajari hal-hal baru.
Semua lamaran dilengkapi dengan CV ditujukan kepada HRD Manager email: selambat-lambatnya 3 minggu setelah iklan
ini diterbitkan.
Monday, October 15, 2012
PT Metropolitan Televisindo
(B Channel TV)
B Channel,
a new television company based in Jakarta, currently looking for suitable candidates to fill the vacant position of :
Jakarta Raya - Senayan
Handle incoming and outgoing phone
Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.Female, max 25 years old
Required skill(s): Phone Courtesy, Communication Skills, English.Required language(s): English, Bahasa IndonesiaGood looking
Applicants must be willing to work in Senayan.Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.Full-Time position(s) available.
A fulfilling career and attractive remuneration
package awaits those that meet the criteria
you meet the above criteria, we welcome you to be part of our exciting
team. Please send your application letter/portfolio and complete resume
with your
personal data, experience, education background, GPA, and latest
photograph in one resume (max 300kb) in pdf or doc format within 2 weeks
of this advertisement via email to :
(B Channel TV)
B Channel,
a new television company based in Jakarta, currently looking for suitable candidates to fill the vacant position of :
Jakarta Raya - Senayan
Handle incoming and outgoing phone
Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.Female, max 25 years old
Required skill(s): Phone Courtesy, Communication Skills, English.Required language(s): English, Bahasa IndonesiaGood looking
Applicants must be willing to work in Senayan.Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.Full-Time position(s) available.
A fulfilling career and attractive remuneration
package awaits those that meet the criteria
you meet the above criteria, we welcome you to be part of our exciting
team. Please send your application letter/portfolio and complete resume
with your
personal data, experience, education background, GPA, and latest
photograph in one resume (max 300kb) in pdf or doc format within 2 weeks
of this advertisement via email to :
Sunday, October 14, 2012
PT.Kemiko Indonesia, is a foreign company, member of chemico group, are trading company for raw material for cosmetics and food ingredients, packaging and equipment.
To support our business expansion, we invite all professional to be part of our team:
- Female max 28 years
- Min. Bachelor from reputable university with GPA >2.75
- Fresh Graduated are welcome
- Fluent in english both oral and written and computer literate
- excellent communication skills, administration skill and able to work under pressure
- Dinamic, active and passionate
Please send your CV to:
thank you
To support our business expansion, we invite all professional to be part of our team:
- Female max 28 years
- Min. Bachelor from reputable university with GPA >2.75
- Fresh Graduated are welcome
- Fluent in english both oral and written and computer literate
- excellent communication skills, administration skill and able to work under pressure
- Dinamic, active and passionate
Please send your CV to:
thank you
Thursday, October 11, 2012
HR Recruitment and Admin Staff
HR Recruitment and Admin Staff
- Male/female, max. age 30 years old, Single
- Bachelor Degree, Major in Psychology, Law or Management
- Having experience in handling human resources & administration
activities min. 1 year
- Familiar with filling system
- Computer literate & proficient English
- Communicative, strong personality, dynamic, energetic & disciplined
- Can work under pressure, having capability to work as a team or
Remuneration :
1. Gross Salary
2. Attendance Allowance
3. Jamsostek
4. Health Allowance (in / out patient)
Benefits :
1. Permanent employees
2. Yearly Bonus
3. Yearly - Salary Adjustment
4. Career path
Working Area : Cawang Commercial Estate
please send your application letter, CV and a recent photograph via
e-mail to:
Only short listed candidate will be interviewed.
- Male/female, max. age 30 years old, Single
- Bachelor Degree, Major in Psychology, Law or Management
- Having experience in handling human resources & administration
activities min. 1 year
- Familiar with filling system
- Computer literate & proficient English
- Communicative, strong personality, dynamic, energetic & disciplined
- Can work under pressure, having capability to work as a team or
Remuneration :
1. Gross Salary
2. Attendance Allowance
3. Jamsostek
4. Health Allowance (in / out patient)
Benefits :
1. Permanent employees
2. Yearly Bonus
3. Yearly - Salary Adjustment
4. Career path
Working Area : Cawang Commercial Estate
please send your application letter, CV and a recent photograph via
e-mail to:
Only short listed candidate will be interviewed.
Finance Analyst
Chemonics International Inc., a leading international consulting firm, seeks to fill the following long-term, full-time position for a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Indonesia Changes for Justice (C4J). The primary objective of the C4J project is to improve the performance of Indonesia's justice system, a prerequisite for good governance and sustained economic growth, through cooperation with the Supreme Court and Attorney General's Office (AGO) of the Republic of Indonesia.
Finance Analyst
Overall requirements
The Finance Analyst is responsible for assisting the Deputy Chief of Party and Chief of Party to conduct analyses and provide appropriate advice to C4J leadership and staff on financial aspects of planning, implementation, and evaluation of the USAID/C4J project. The Finance Analyst will work closely with the Finance Manager to achieve the goals. The position is based in Jakarta.
The Finance Analyst will at all times adhere to and act according to the Chemonics Professional Code of Ethics ("Living Our Values") and will make the principles of the Code a part of the project's culture and standard operating procedures.
The Finance Analyst will ensure that professional and transparent relationships are maintained with all C4J staff, project partners, donors, counterparts, vendors, and others with whom she interacts, throughout the life of the project.
Specific requirements
The Finance Analyst will perform the following tasks independently, with minimal supervision:
Assist the Deputy Chief of Party in preparing documentations to accurately track and process project expenditures.
Provide input on the financial aspects of project work plans, expenditure plans, and budgets.
Assist the Deputy Chief of Party in monitoring the financial and accounting performance of C4J implementation in meeting C4J work plans, expenditure plans and budgets.
Work closely with the Finance Manager and other C4J staff to monitor expenditures, and manage budgets and financial plans, such as for training programs, procurement, and subcontracts.
Assist the Deputy Chief of Party during reviews of financial performance of C4J activities to reduce variances between projections and actual disbursements.
Provide assistance and advice to subcontractors and vendors on the maintenance of records and general financial discipline requirements of USAID.
Provide financial data on training activities relating to monitoring and evaluation staff..
Work closely with the management team to ensure that projected expenses are accurate.
Review transactions and reports prepared by the finance office, and serve as backup to the finance team, such as when understaffed, as required.
Perform other finance duties as required.
The Finance Analyst will report directly to the Deputy Chief of Party. S/He will prepare regular oral and written progress reports that demonstrate the status of project financial operations, as well as other reports as required.
As teamwork is crucial to the success of the project, the Finance Analyst will be expected to coordinate work with other technical, managerial and administrative C4J staff, as per direction from the Deputy Chief of Party and the Chief of Party.
Qualifications and Salary
At least 5 years financial management experience with large-scale international projects preferred.
Extensive familiarity with US Government generally accepted accounting procedures required.
Proven experience working with USAID-funded projects preferred.
University degree in business administration, accounting, or relevant field required.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia required.
Time Frame
This long-term, full-time position will begin immediately with an annual approved level of effort of no more than 260 days per year. The employment agreement will be renewed on an annual basis following a positive performance evaluation. The C4J project ends on May 11, 2014.
Interested applicants for this position are requested to send a cover letter and resume (references will not be contacted prior to the interview) to as soon as possible but no later than 14 October 2012. This vacancy will be open until the position is filled. Please indicate the position in the subject line. Only the strongest candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries, please. The successful candidates for these positions will be subject to USAID approval and USAID local salary scales for technical positions.
Chemonics International (www. chemonics. com) was founded in 1975 and is one of the largest U.S. consulting firms providing expertise in developing and emerging-market countries for initiatives financed by USAID.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
FMCG Various Requirements
Our Client is joint venture multinational company who has more than 4 factory in Indonesia for Chemical, Seed, and other just been expand their business in dairy consumer goods is looking for :
1. National Sales Manger
a. More than 2 years experience as national/regional sales manager in consumer goods company
b. Good track records in managing modern trade and general trade sales
c. Good in execution, good leadership, and willing to go to field most of the time
d. Experience in managing trade promotion also serve as our NKAM (National Key Manager)
e. Have Passions in developing new brand
2. Brand Manager
a. More than 3years experience as brand manager in consumer goods company
b. Young and energetic, about 30 years old
c. Have creative ideas in doing co-branding and ATL Promotion
d. Have passions in developing new brand
Sent your updated CV to and
1. National Sales Manger
a. More than 2 years experience as national/regional sales manager in consumer goods company
b. Good track records in managing modern trade and general trade sales
c. Good in execution, good leadership, and willing to go to field most of the time
d. Experience in managing trade promotion also serve as our NKAM (National Key Manager)
e. Have Passions in developing new brand
2. Brand Manager
a. More than 3years experience as brand manager in consumer goods company
b. Young and energetic, about 30 years old
c. Have creative ideas in doing co-branding and ATL Promotion
d. Have passions in developing new brand
Sent your updated CV to and
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Vacant position at JP Kenny
PT Wood Group Indonesia with one of its subsidiaries J P Kenny ( is one of the world's largest and most innovative pipeline and subsea engineering and management contractors, with over 30 years experience, and 1300 professional staff in 10 worldwide offices.
We are seeking highly qualified professionals t fill in position listed below:
1. Lead - Pipeline, lead/senior/eng
2. Senior – Pipeline Engineer
3. Lead – FEA engineer
4. Senior – FEA Engineer
5. Procurement, senior
6. Senior – HSE Engineer
Interested applicants are requested to write the subject for position and submit their detailed Curriculum Vitae not later than 16 October 2012, to :
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
kami PT DOMAS LAJU SEJAHTERA sebuah perusahaan perkapalan, membuka lowongan untuk posisi :
Accounting (CODE : ACC)
(Jakarta Raya)
Melakukan rekonsiliasi
Melakukan jurnal transaksi pembiayaan & Operasional
Menyiapkan laporan bulanan
Melakukan tugas-tugas akuntansi lainnya
Wanita, usia maks. 28 tahun
S1 – Akuntansi min. IPK 2.7
Memahami dasar-dasar Akuntansi
Menguasai Excel (function, pivot)
Dapat bekerja mandiri maupun team
Proaktif, disiplin, jujur dan mau kerja keras
Memiliki kemauan untuk belajar hal-hal baru
untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Bekasi
kirim cv ke atau
www. domas-ls. com
Accounting (CODE : ACC)
(Jakarta Raya)
Melakukan rekonsiliasi
Melakukan jurnal transaksi pembiayaan & Operasional
Menyiapkan laporan bulanan
Melakukan tugas-tugas akuntansi lainnya
Wanita, usia maks. 28 tahun
S1 – Akuntansi min. IPK 2.7
Memahami dasar-dasar Akuntansi
Menguasai Excel (function, pivot)
Dapat bekerja mandiri maupun team
Proaktif, disiplin, jujur dan mau kerja keras
Memiliki kemauan untuk belajar hal-hal baru
untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Bekasi
kirim cv ke atau
www. domas-ls. com
Vacancy AE and SAE
A fast growing brand & creative agency based in South Jakarta, Indonesia is urgently looking for candidate(s) to fill in the following position:
General Requirements are:
Bachelor Degree Graduate from reputable University
Age 21-28 years old max
Good appearance with good networking
Good Command in both Indonesian and English
Good skills in preparing proposal, presentation, negotiating and leading overall project
Have an interest in the brand marketing and advertising
Having an experience min. 1 year as an AE and min. 2 years experience as SAE in an advertising agency / graphic house/ media publication would be an advantage
Must be able to work on a tight deadline and prepared to work overtime if needed
Highly motivated, mature, innovative, open minded and own the spirit of team work
Job Description:
- liaising with, and acting as the link between, the client and advertising agency by maintaining regular contact with both, ensuring that communication flows effectively
- meeting & liaising with clients to discuss and identify their advertising requirements
- presenting, alongside agency colleagues the campaign ideas & budget to the client
- brief creative and media department and assisting them with the formulation of marketing strategies
- presenting creative work to clients for approval or adjustments;
- writing client reports, contact report & monitoring the effectiveness of campaigns
- prepare 'pitches', along with other agency staff, to try to win new business for the agency
Please apply in confidence with your updated CV/resume (only CV/resumes in English will be considered) by email and attach your recent photograph and send them immediately to .Only short listed candidate will be notified
Monday, October 1, 2012
Eka Hospital: Finance & Accounting Manager
Eka Hospital is a private general hospital committed to provide quality health care service from dedicated and professional staff using the latest technology and the highest standard facility. We are looking to hire the best-in-class people and provide them the good environment and necessary resources to grow their full potential as:
Develop and implement financial policies and procedures
Financial reporting and strategic planning
Monitor and control of finance activities
Bachelor degree of Accounting from reputable university
At least 5 years of experience of finance & accounting processes
Accurate able to make financial & accounting report
Result and detail oriented, along with strong analytical skill
Excellent communication skill and self-motivated
Computer literate
Willing to worked at BSD City, Tangerang
Please submit your CV with a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ekahospital .com
Develop and implement financial policies and procedures
Financial reporting and strategic planning
Monitor and control of finance activities
Bachelor degree of Accounting from reputable university
At least 5 years of experience of finance & accounting processes
Accurate able to make financial & accounting report
Result and detail oriented, along with strong analytical skill
Excellent communication skill and self-motivated
Computer literate
Willing to worked at BSD City, Tangerang
Please submit your CV with a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ekahospital .com
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- Urgently Needed SECRETARY
- Info Lowongan Assistant to Director and GM
- Vacancy Payroll Spv, Payroll Assistant, Marketing Spv,Contract Assistant, HRD, Cost Control
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