Job Vacancy Lowongan
Friday, July 29, 2011
Cashier di Balaraja PT. PNM (Persero)
PT. Mitra Utama Madani membutuhkan karyawan/ti yang akan ditempatkan pada Unit Layanan Modal Mikro (ULaMM) PT. PNM (Persero), untuk mengisi posisi Cashier di Balaraja, tangerang dengan tugas dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Tugas dan tanggung jawab :
•Mengelola pencairan pembiayaan secara akurat dan melakukan transaksi penerimaan setoran.
•Usia maksimal 22 tahun
•Belum menikah
•Pendidikan SMA/SMK
•Berpengalaman kerja minimal satu tahun dalam bidang administrasi atau keuangan.
•Memiliki pengetahuan tentang akuntansi dan administrasi keuangan.
•Mampu mengoperasikan computer : Ms. Office (Word dan Excell).
•Memiliki sifat jujur, disiplin, teliti, ramah dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
Perusahaan akan memberikan kompensasi, benefit serta fasilitas dan insentif yang kompetitif. Kirimkan surat lamaran, riwayat hidup (CV) ke alamat :
PT. Mitra Utama Madani,
Gedung Arthaloka Lt. 6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 2, Jakarta Pusat
Atau dapat dikirimkan lewat email ke:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Volunteers Pedagogis - Indonesia Mengajar
*Indonesia Mengajar mengundang para Volunteers! *
Akhir tahun ini Indonesia Mengajar akan mengirimkan 51 Pengajar Muda
Angkatan III yang akan menggantikan masa tugas para Pengajar Muda Angkatan
I. Para Pengajar Muda akan ditempatkan di daerah yang membutuhkan untuk
mengisi kekurangan guru yang berkualitas. Untuk melaksanakan kegiatan di
daerah yang cukup berat dan menantang, makasebelum diberangkatkan para
Calon Pangajar Muda Angkatan III akan mengikuti pelatihan intensif selama 8
minggu. Pelatihan intesif tersebut bertujuan untukmembekali Calon Pengajar
Muda dengan kapasitas dasar terkait kepengajaran dan kepemimpinan sekaligus
menyiapkan fisik dan mental. Secara umum pelatihan berisi seri materi
terkait kepengajaran meliputi aspek pengetahuan sampai keterampilan mengajar
dan sesi materi kepemimpinan yang diselenggarakan dalam metode beragam,
seperti sharing session dengan*leaders*, proyek khusus, dan *outdoor
Salah satu kegiatan dalam pelatihan intensif yang akan dilakukan oleh para
Calon Pengajar Muda adalah Pengalaman Praktek Mengajar (PPM) di Sekolah
Dasar. Dalam PPM, Calon Pengajar Muda diberi kesempatan untuk melatih
kemampuan mengajarnya dalam setting yang natural di ruang kelas yang
Untuk mempersiapkan Pengajar Muda yang berkualitas, terutama dalam
keterampilan mengajar, maka Indonesia Mengajar mengajak para guru, dosen
serta praktisi di bidang pendidikan untuk turut bergabung dalam gerakan ini.
Kami membutuhkan *volunteer* yang akan bertugas sebagai asesor pedagogis
dalam kegiatan PPM di Pelatihan Intensif Pengajar Muda Angkatan III.
*Deskripsi kerja : *
- Bersama-sama dalam tim, menyusun kriteria penilaian pedagogis dan form
penilaian bagi proses Pengalaman Praktek Mengajar (PPM) Pengajar Muda
- Melakukan observasi dan penilaian pada kegiatan PPM di sekolah yang
- Memberikan feedback terhadap proses Pengalaman Praktek Mengajar
Pengajar Muda
- Pendidikan minimal S1
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun dalam kegiatan pedagogis,
diutamakan yang pernah terlibat dalam bimbingan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan
di Sekolah Dasar atau pernah menjadi guru pamong
- Menguasai kurikulum Sekolah Dasar
- Menguasai berbagai metode belajar dan mengajar yang kreatif
- Memahami perkembangan anak-anak usia Sekolah Dasar
- Mampu bekerja sebagai tim
- Mampu melakukan observasi terukur terhadap kemampuan mengajar peserta
- Bersedia untuk tinggal di asrama pelatihan dalam masa PPM (9 hari; 14,15,
17-22 dan 24 Oktober 2011 di Bogor)
Keterangan :
Indonesia Mengajar menyediakan penginapan dan transportasi bagi para Asesor
Untuk mengisi aplikasi dan mengetahui informasi lebih lengkap tentang
Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar, Anda dapat mengakses www. indonesiamengajar. org
Aplikasi yang telah dilengkapi,
dikirim beserta pas foto ke alamat email:
paling lambat hari Sabtu, tanggal 30 Juli 2011.
Bila mengalami kesulitan dalam mengunduh aplikasi, silakan menghubungi Ami di 021-7231430.
Akhir tahun ini Indonesia Mengajar akan mengirimkan 51 Pengajar Muda
Angkatan III yang akan menggantikan masa tugas para Pengajar Muda Angkatan
I. Para Pengajar Muda akan ditempatkan di daerah yang membutuhkan untuk
mengisi kekurangan guru yang berkualitas. Untuk melaksanakan kegiatan di
daerah yang cukup berat dan menantang, makasebelum diberangkatkan para
Calon Pangajar Muda Angkatan III akan mengikuti pelatihan intensif selama 8
minggu. Pelatihan intesif tersebut bertujuan untukmembekali Calon Pengajar
Muda dengan kapasitas dasar terkait kepengajaran dan kepemimpinan sekaligus
menyiapkan fisik dan mental. Secara umum pelatihan berisi seri materi
terkait kepengajaran meliputi aspek pengetahuan sampai keterampilan mengajar
dan sesi materi kepemimpinan yang diselenggarakan dalam metode beragam,
seperti sharing session dengan*leaders*, proyek khusus, dan *outdoor
Salah satu kegiatan dalam pelatihan intensif yang akan dilakukan oleh para
Calon Pengajar Muda adalah Pengalaman Praktek Mengajar (PPM) di Sekolah
Dasar. Dalam PPM, Calon Pengajar Muda diberi kesempatan untuk melatih
kemampuan mengajarnya dalam setting yang natural di ruang kelas yang
Untuk mempersiapkan Pengajar Muda yang berkualitas, terutama dalam
keterampilan mengajar, maka Indonesia Mengajar mengajak para guru, dosen
serta praktisi di bidang pendidikan untuk turut bergabung dalam gerakan ini.
Kami membutuhkan *volunteer* yang akan bertugas sebagai asesor pedagogis
dalam kegiatan PPM di Pelatihan Intensif Pengajar Muda Angkatan III.
*Deskripsi kerja : *
- Bersama-sama dalam tim, menyusun kriteria penilaian pedagogis dan form
penilaian bagi proses Pengalaman Praktek Mengajar (PPM) Pengajar Muda
- Melakukan observasi dan penilaian pada kegiatan PPM di sekolah yang
- Memberikan feedback terhadap proses Pengalaman Praktek Mengajar
Pengajar Muda
- Pendidikan minimal S1
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun dalam kegiatan pedagogis,
diutamakan yang pernah terlibat dalam bimbingan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan
di Sekolah Dasar atau pernah menjadi guru pamong
- Menguasai kurikulum Sekolah Dasar
- Menguasai berbagai metode belajar dan mengajar yang kreatif
- Memahami perkembangan anak-anak usia Sekolah Dasar
- Mampu bekerja sebagai tim
- Mampu melakukan observasi terukur terhadap kemampuan mengajar peserta
- Bersedia untuk tinggal di asrama pelatihan dalam masa PPM (9 hari; 14,15,
17-22 dan 24 Oktober 2011 di Bogor)
Keterangan :
Indonesia Mengajar menyediakan penginapan dan transportasi bagi para Asesor
Untuk mengisi aplikasi dan mengetahui informasi lebih lengkap tentang
Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar, Anda dapat mengakses www. indonesiamengajar. org
Aplikasi yang telah dilengkapi,
dikirim beserta pas foto ke alamat email:
paling lambat hari Sabtu, tanggal 30 Juli 2011.
Bila mengalami kesulitan dalam mengunduh aplikasi, silakan menghubungi Ami di 021-7231430.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Heidelberg is the world's leader in printing technology and
manufacturing and is recognized as the most active and rapidly
developing printing company worldwide. Established in Germany in 1850,
Heidelberg employ 15.981 staff working in 250 locations and provide
services to over 200,000 customers operating in 170 countries around
the world.
We are at the forefront of printing innovation, producing
solutions for all stages of the print media industry, providing our
clients with a wide product portfolio as well as software components
designed to integrate all printing manufacturing processes. Heidelberg
Indonesia is currently looking for a
Skills, values and experience required
A strong, proven track record in sales.
A bachelor degree, preferably in engineering or marketing.
Good English language skills with TOEFL score minimum 400.
A persuasive and driving attitude.
At least three years proven sales experience, preferably selling high
value capital equipment.
Experience in Graphics Arts Industry would be an advantage.
Pleasant, outgoing and enthusiastic personality.
The ability to work as a team player.
Willingness to relocate to Surabaya (East Java)
Job Purpose
The successful applicants will be responsible for selling high value
printing equipments (pre- press, press and post-press) to a variety of
end users in East Java. This will involve visiting customers in
pre-defined areas, increasing sales quantity, managing existing and
new accounts and ensuring an outstanding level of service is provided
to these customers.
Your future and how to apply
Heidelberg's philosophy is to develop an international network of
people with the most varied abilities that are capable of the
seemingly impossible and can function as a team working across
borders. We need motivated employees with know-how, who regard the
lifelong learning process as a normal state of affairs and we expect
these people to become the pillars of Heidelberg's and our client's
strength. We offer an attractive benefit package and excellent career
development opportunities.
If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career
opportunity, then please send your detailed
Curriculum Vitae not later than Friday 29 July 2011 to :
Human Resources
Heidelberg Indonesia, Mulia Business Park
Building 103 E
Jl. Letjen MT Haryono Kav. 58-60
Jakarta 12780
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Lowongan Administrative staff
*Administration Staff*
Exo Investindo now has a vacancy to fill the above vacant position:
*Qualifications: *
1.Someone with accounting background or equivalent qualifications
2. Minimum of 1 (one) years experience background in similar position
(fresh graduate are welcome)
3.Computer Literate / familiar with MS Applications, especially MS Excel
and Access.
4.Good English proficiency, verbal and written ( skill of other foreign
language will be an advantage).
5.Posses the ability to work with details and accuracy and meet the
6.Good interpersonal skills
7. Ability to handle and finish multiple tasks and meet deadlines
8. Good looking appearance
9.Will be based in Jakarta
Interested candidate shall submit the complete CV the latest on July July 29
2011 to:
Exo Investindo
JL KH Mas Mansyur No.121
Citylofts lvl 28 suite 2809
Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia
Phone/Fax: 021 2995 9808
www. exoinvestindo. com
Exo Investindo now has a vacancy to fill the above vacant position:
*Qualifications: *
1.Someone with accounting background or equivalent qualifications
2. Minimum of 1 (one) years experience background in similar position
(fresh graduate are welcome)
3.Computer Literate / familiar with MS Applications, especially MS Excel
and Access.
4.Good English proficiency, verbal and written ( skill of other foreign
language will be an advantage).
5.Posses the ability to work with details and accuracy and meet the
6.Good interpersonal skills
7. Ability to handle and finish multiple tasks and meet deadlines
8. Good looking appearance
9.Will be based in Jakarta
Interested candidate shall submit the complete CV the latest on July July 29
2011 to:
Exo Investindo
JL KH Mas Mansyur No.121
Citylofts lvl 28 suite 2809
Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia
Phone/Fax: 021 2995 9808
www. exoinvestindo. com
NEED ASAP, Accounting Staff, Administration Staff for Internal Auditor Dept
Dear All,
We are syariah banking industry which already establish since 1994, need
potential candidate ASAP for following position:
1. Accounting Staff: code: ACT
1. Male
2. Educational background from Accounting
3. min 1 year in Banking industry prefarable but fresh graduate are welcome
4. Salary arround 2 up to 3 mils (depend on his experience) exclude
transport and overtime allowance
5. Fluent in English min. Passive
2. Administration Staff for Internal Auditor Dept. : code: ADM-IA
1. Male or Female
2. Educational background from Accounting or Business Administration
3. min 1 year in Banking industry prefarable but fresh graduate are welcome
4. Salary arround 2 up to 3 mils (depend on his/her experience) exclude
transport and overtime allowance
5. Fluent in English min. Passive
3. Internal Auditor: code : IA
1. Male or female
2. Experience as internal auditor minimal 2 years in banking industry
3. Salary arround 6 up to 8 Mils (depend on his/her experience) exclude
transport allowance
4. Fluent in English both oral and written
Please send your CV and your application letter to and put to
your subject the code of position (i.e: ACT, ADM-IA or IA).
We receive your application maximal 27th July 2011
We are syariah banking industry which already establish since 1994, need
potential candidate ASAP for following position:
1. Accounting Staff: code: ACT
1. Male
2. Educational background from Accounting
3. min 1 year in Banking industry prefarable but fresh graduate are welcome
4. Salary arround 2 up to 3 mils (depend on his experience) exclude
transport and overtime allowance
5. Fluent in English min. Passive
2. Administration Staff for Internal Auditor Dept. : code: ADM-IA
1. Male or Female
2. Educational background from Accounting or Business Administration
3. min 1 year in Banking industry prefarable but fresh graduate are welcome
4. Salary arround 2 up to 3 mils (depend on his/her experience) exclude
transport and overtime allowance
5. Fluent in English min. Passive
3. Internal Auditor: code : IA
1. Male or female
2. Experience as internal auditor minimal 2 years in banking industry
3. Salary arround 6 up to 8 Mils (depend on his/her experience) exclude
transport allowance
4. Fluent in English both oral and written
Please send your CV and your application letter to and put to
your subject the code of position (i.e: ACT, ADM-IA or IA).
We receive your application maximal 27th July 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Temporary Secretary at ADARO GROUP
Adaro Group is one of the biggest coal producer, operates the largest
single coal mine in Indonesia, and is significant supplier to the global
seaborne thermal coal market.
Adaro believes it is important for our people to have good characters to
support our operations. All of our employees are expected to have good
attitudes, be determined in achieving their goals, be responsive, care
for others, be creative, and be of good integrity.
To support our team, we are currently looking for :
Secretary (Code : SEC)
* Female with maximum 25 years of age
* Minimum Diploma Degree 2 (D3) from Secretarial/ Administration
* Having 1-2 years experiences in similar position
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Good administration skill
* Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually
or as part of team
* Excellent command in English
* Having excellent interpersonal skills
* Willing to be contract for 6 months (August 2011 until January
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter
together with
CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to : <>
Please put the position code (SEC) as your email subject.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
single coal mine in Indonesia, and is significant supplier to the global
seaborne thermal coal market.
Adaro believes it is important for our people to have good characters to
support our operations. All of our employees are expected to have good
attitudes, be determined in achieving their goals, be responsive, care
for others, be creative, and be of good integrity.
To support our team, we are currently looking for :
Secretary (Code : SEC)
* Female with maximum 25 years of age
* Minimum Diploma Degree 2 (D3) from Secretarial/ Administration
* Having 1-2 years experiences in similar position
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Good administration skill
* Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually
or as part of team
* Excellent command in English
* Having excellent interpersonal skills
* Willing to be contract for 6 months (August 2011 until January
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter
together with
CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to : <>
Please put the position code (SEC) as your email subject.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Bank Andara Recruitment, Head of Legal Corporate Secretary
Bank Andara is Indonesia's first wholesale bank specializing in providing both financial and transactional products to microfinance institutions.
Our mission is to be the premier, pioneering financial partner of the indonesian microfinance sector, promoting innovation, and massive outreach to those lacking access to financial services.
Bank Andara is powered by our team of talented, qualified, and dedicated banking professionals who appreciate the challenging opportunities and supportive environment we offer, attractive remuneration and the chance to make positive impact on people's live through the work we do.
We are currently opening the opportunity for highly motivated banking professionals to join us, for the following positions:
Head of Legal & Corporate Secretary
Male/Female, maximum 40 years old
Hold a bachelor degree in Law from reputable university
Minimum having 5 years working experiences as corporate legal in banking;
Having a wide range knowledge in banking products;
Having experience to prepare and review agreement and to provide legal opinion
Familiar with conducting shareholders, BOD and BOC meeting, including meeting arrangement and draw up minutes of meeting
Having experience in dealing with foreign Investors
Familiar with litigation procedures
Excellent in English both writing and speaking
Please submit your application letter, comprehensive resume in English and a recent photograph to :
PT. Bank Andara
Indicating the position applied for in the subject line of the e-mail not later than 1st August 2011.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview appointments.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Assistant Finance & Operation Controller (code: AFC)
We are beef producer with international standard quality that provides the best service. Due to expansion we are seeking for future leaders and candidates:
Assistant Finance & Operation Controller (code: AFC)
· Male or female
· Bachelor or Master Degree in Finance
· Maximum age of 30 years
· Minimum 3 years experience
· Excellent analytical, problem solving and communication skills
· Fluent in English both oral and written
· Willing to be placed outside of Jakarta
Starting Salary: rp. 5.000.000,- - 6.000.000,-
Administration Staff / Data Entry (code: AS)
· Male or female
· Minimum D3
· Age between 20-30 years old
· Minimum 1 year experience (fresh graduate are encouraged to apply)
· Willing to be placed outside of Jakarta
Starting salary: rp. 2.000.000,- - 3.000.000,-
Should you meet the above requirement, please send your CV and application with previous salary & expected salary to:
Not later than July 30, 2011
Please put the code in email subject
Assistant Finance & Operation Controller (code: AFC)
· Male or female
· Bachelor or Master Degree in Finance
· Maximum age of 30 years
· Minimum 3 years experience
· Excellent analytical, problem solving and communication skills
· Fluent in English both oral and written
· Willing to be placed outside of Jakarta
Starting Salary: rp. 5.000.000,- - 6.000.000,-
Administration Staff / Data Entry (code: AS)
· Male or female
· Minimum D3
· Age between 20-30 years old
· Minimum 1 year experience (fresh graduate are encouraged to apply)
· Willing to be placed outside of Jakarta
Starting salary: rp. 2.000.000,- - 3.000.000,-
Should you meet the above requirement, please send your CV and application with previous salary & expected salary to:
Not later than July 30, 2011
Please put the code in email subject
EDITINDO, General Administrative Officer
General Administrative Officer
EDITINDO as start-up company in human capital and consultancy seeks candidates for an General Administrative Officer who should ideally be:
• Male / Female, age not more than 30
• Educational background minimum D3, Experience and Fresh graduates are welcome
• Good initiative, Independent, Honest and Result Oriented
• Maintaining client database and develop relationship with prospect and existing clients.
• Literate to operate Computer using Microsoft Office, website and database
• Proficient verbal and written communication skills in both English and Indonesian
• Pleasant interpersonal skill and teamwork oriented
Please send application letter, recent photo and resume to EDITINDO by e-mail to within two weeks after this advertisement.
The application letter should shortly explain why you are eligible for the job and state your proposed salary/benefit.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted and offered sharing opportunity for future benefit.
EDITINDO as start-up company in human capital and consultancy seeks candidates for an General Administrative Officer who should ideally be:
• Male / Female, age not more than 30
• Educational background minimum D3, Experience and Fresh graduates are welcome
• Good initiative, Independent, Honest and Result Oriented
• Maintaining client database and develop relationship with prospect and existing clients.
• Literate to operate Computer using Microsoft Office, website and database
• Proficient verbal and written communication skills in both English and Indonesian
• Pleasant interpersonal skill and teamwork oriented
Please send application letter, recent photo and resume to EDITINDO by e-mail to within two weeks after this advertisement.
The application letter should shortly explain why you are eligible for the job and state your proposed salary/benefit.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted and offered sharing opportunity for future benefit.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Secretary For Senior General Manager
FOODHALL has expanded at a phenomenal rate and this continued growth means that we are always looking for new people to embrace the supermarket culture.
- Female, age 23-30 years, old
- Experience as secretary min. 2 years
- D3 degree from Secretarial College/Institutions
- Proficient deep level of secretarial skill and personal assistant
- Strong in Business Correspondences
- Good performance, interpersonal and communication skill
- Highly Initiative, Strong Motivation, Discipline & Dedication
- Well Organizer, Trustworthy and Securing Confidential Matters
- Ability to work overtime and flexible hours, possess sense of urgency and high tolerance for pressure
- Advance in speaking and writing, EnglishComputer Literate (MS Office)
Please send your detailed resume and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your email
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Lowongan Account Executive
Our multinational client is located in jakarta currently looking for individuals in the following fields:
Account Executive
• Act as a Marketing Consultant Expert for lots of merchants
• Approach lots and lots of merchants to create successful promotional campaigns with beneficial for merchants and customers
• Establish and Maintain Good Relationship with Merchants
• Be the Core Business of our client company
• Male/Female, age 23-30 years old
• S1/bachelor degree
• Fluently in English (writing and Speaking)
• Have their own vehicle (car/motorcycle)
• Experience in sales or marketing (Prefer have experience at FMCG company)
• Passionate, Energetic, Outgoing, sociable and communicative
• Able to work well under pressure
• Have willingness to learn new things.
• Domicile in west Jakarta and North Jakarta are preferable
• Salary range 3 - 6 million
• Unlimited commission (based on performance)
• Change to Learn and grow along with the company
If you are a suitable match for this position please send your application to:
Our multinational client is located in jakarta currently looking for individuals in the following fields:
Account Executive
• Act as a Marketing Consultant Expert for lots of merchants
• Approach lots and lots of merchants to create successful promotional campaigns with beneficial for merchants and customers
• Establish and Maintain Good Relationship with Merchants
• Be the Core Business of our client company
• Male/Female, age 23-30 years old
• S1/bachelor degree
• Fluently in English (writing and Speaking)
• Have their own vehicle (car/motorcycle)
• Experience in sales or marketing (Prefer have experience at FMCG company)
• Passionate, Energetic, Outgoing, sociable and communicative
• Able to work well under pressure
• Have willingness to learn new things.
• Domicile in west Jakarta and North Jakarta are preferable
• Salary range 3 - 6 million
• Unlimited commission (based on performance)
• Change to Learn and grow along with the company
If you are a suitable match for this position please send your application to:
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