Kopkar Bukopin sebagai penyedia/penyalur jasa tenaga kerja bagi Bank Bukopin saat ini sedang membutuhkan:
1. Teller Payment Point
Kualifikasi :
- pria/wanita, single
- pendidikan min. D3 [sedang
menjalani perkuliahan semester
- usia max 25 th
- tinggi badan >160 cm
- diutamakan berpengalaman sbg
- berpenampilan menarik
2. Teller
Kualifikasi :
- pria/wanita, single
- pendidikan min. D3
- usia max 25 th
- tinggi badan >160 cm
- berpenampilan menarik
3. CS
Kualifikasi :
- pria/wanita, single
- pendidikan S1
- usia max 26
- tinggi badan >160 cm
- komunikatif
- berpenampilan menarik
4. Kurir
Kualifikasi :
- pria, single
- usia max 25
- diutamakan berpengalaman
sebagai kurir.
Penempatan Jadetabek only.
Bagi yg memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan datang langsung / kirim CV + surat lamaran dgn melampirkan pas photo terakhir (max.20 KB format Ms.Word) ditujukan kepada:
SDM Kopkar Bukopin
Perkantoran Crown Place
Jl. Dr. Soepomo No.231 Blok C23 Jakarta
Atau email: kkbsdm@bukopin.co.id sebelum 10 Oktober 2011.
Job Vacancy Lowongan
Friday, September 30, 2011
PT TEAM SAFETY CONSULTANTS INDONESIA adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Inspeksi dan Pelatihan Keselamatan Kerja berdomisili di Bintaro- Jakarta Selatan, memberikan kesempatan bagi para profesional untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai:
Persyaratan :
- Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal D3.
- Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun.
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (min. Ms. Excel & Ms. Word).
Kirimkan lamaran melalui email disertai CV dan Pas Photo
ke: recruitment@tscindonesia.com (Ms. Word atau Pdf).
Cantumkan pula "Admin-Jkt" pada subject email
Lamaran ditunggu selambat-lambatnya tanggal 7 Oktober 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Lowongan : Coorporate Secretary PT. Izzisenland
PT. Izzisenland Group is a fast growing Indonesian-based plantation group with an active background in the development of various forestry and agricultural projects.
Secretarial & Office Support Division
We are currently seeking a Corporate Secretary support role; reporting directly to Managing Director and Company Executives.
Successful candidates must possess the following criteria:
Mandatory Criteria:
· A high level of professionalism, maturity and dedication to achieve tasks on time to a high standard
· Excellent attention to detail and problem solving skills is an essential requirement
· Strong organizational and time management skills
· Ability to multi-task and work under pressure
· Self motivated, goal driven and a fast learner
· Ability to work independently and as a team player
· Genuine enthusiasm for learning and development
Essential Requirements:
· Minimum 3 years of solid administrative support experience
· Minimum S1 Graduate in Business major or General Legal Major
· Excellent written, fluent oral in English, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin (Business-level)
· Prior working experiences with established companies within the agriculture field is preferred
· Willingness to travel domestically or overseas when required
· Excellent working knowledge of MS Word, Excel, Power-point and Outlook
· Able and willing to do hands on work
To apply please send your resume through to info@izzisenland-group.com and address to HR Manager (Please note your position applied).Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Secretarial & Office Support Division
We are currently seeking a Corporate Secretary support role; reporting directly to Managing Director and Company Executives.
Successful candidates must possess the following criteria:
Mandatory Criteria:
· A high level of professionalism, maturity and dedication to achieve tasks on time to a high standard
· Excellent attention to detail and problem solving skills is an essential requirement
· Strong organizational and time management skills
· Ability to multi-task and work under pressure
· Self motivated, goal driven and a fast learner
· Ability to work independently and as a team player
· Genuine enthusiasm for learning and development
Essential Requirements:
· Minimum 3 years of solid administrative support experience
· Minimum S1 Graduate in Business major or General Legal Major
· Excellent written, fluent oral in English, Bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin (Business-level)
· Prior working experiences with established companies within the agriculture field is preferred
· Willingness to travel domestically or overseas when required
· Excellent working knowledge of MS Word, Excel, Power-point and Outlook
· Able and willing to do hands on work
To apply please send your resume through to info@izzisenland-group.com and address to HR Manager (Please note your position applied).Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Lowongan : Admin Staff, PT. Izzisenland Group
PT. Izzisenland Group is a fast growing Indonesian-based plantation group with an active background in the development of various forestry and agricultural projects.
We are currently seeking for the ideal candidates to fill in the 2 vacant positions of Administration Staff (AS ) .
The 2 individuals will be placed at Sulawesi & Kalimantan.
Reporting to Branch Manager, providing a solid administration support,
Qualifications :
1. Male, with 3 years working experiences in Administration Job in Plantation / Mining industry.
2. S1 Any Major, preferably from Management / Accounting
3. Willing to be placed out of Jakarta ( Pulau Jawa )
4. English and Mandarin is a must, strong communication skill in verbal and written.
5. Good Administration skills ( Finance Accounting & Legal Jobs)
6. Good Computer Skills
7. Good organizational skills
8. Good interpersonal and communication skills
9. Good personality and able to work in teams
10. Ability to multi-task and work under pressure
11. Fast learner and self motivated
To apply please send your resume through info@izzisenland-group.com and address to HR Manager (Please note your applied position) .Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Sebuah perkebunan kelapa sawit yang sedang berkembang berlokasi di Kalimantan Barat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional dan berpengalaman di perusahaan kelapa sawit.
Kepala Tata Usaha – Kode KTU
Pendidikan SLTA, S1 Accounting
Menguasai administrasi kantor dan accounting
Mampu mengoperasikan computer
Mampu membimbing karyawan baru
Min. Pengalaman 7 tahun sebagai Kepala Tata Usaha di perkebunan kelapa sawit
Mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Dapat bekerjasama secara tim
untuk ditempatkan di Kalimantan Barat
Surveyor – Kode SUR
Pendidikan min. STM Pengukuran/SMK
Mahir dan berpengalaman dalam mengoperasikan Thedolit dan GPS
Mahir dalam mengoperasikan Auto cad
Menguasai software mapping GIS (MapInfo ataupun ArcGIS / ArcView)
Min. 3 Tahun pengalaman di perkebunan kelapa sawit
Mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Dapat bekerjasama secara tim
untuk ditempatkan di Kalimantan Barat
Asistan Lapangan – Kode Asst
Pendidikan S1 Pertanian / SPMA Pertanian
Menguasai Tehnis perkebunan khususnya di tanah mineral (berbukit)
Mampu mengoperasikan computer
Pengalaman sebagai planters Min. 3 tahun untuk S1 Pertanian dan 7 tahun untuk SPMA pertanian
Mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Dapat bekerjasama secara tim
untuk ditempatkan di Kalimantan Barat
Staff IT – Kode IT
Pendidikan min. D3
Mengerti tentang jaringan
Terbiasa trouble shooting hardware
Mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Dapat bekerjasama secara tim
untuk ditempatkan di Kalimantan Barat
Security – Kode Sec
Min SMA/ STM or Diploma
Min 2 Tahun pengalaman sebagai security
Berbadan sehat, jujur dan loyal
Memiliki sertifikat security
Penempatan di Jakarta
Receptionist – Kode RE
Max. 25 Tahun
Min. Pendidikan D3 / S1
Customer service oriented
Tinggi badan min 160cm dengan berat badan proposional
Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Penampilan menarik dengan berwajah oriental
Penempatan di Jakarta
Staff admin HR – Kode HR
· Wanita
· Pendidikan S1.
· Pengalaman min. 2 tahun sebagai HR Officer,menangani Employee Compensation & Benefits
· Mampu mengoperasikan computer,
· Mengusai proses remunerasi, Jamsostek, Asuransi pegawai
· Penempatan di Kantor pusat - Jakarta
Kirimkan Lamaran, CV beserta Foto terbaru ke :
Sudirman Plaza Business Complex
Plaza Marein 19th Floor
Jl. Sudirman Kav. 76-78
Jakarta 12910
Email :
Cantumkan kode lamaran di subject email
Atau sudut kiri amplop
Monday, September 26, 2011
PT Elektrindo Perkasa Utama, 6 posisi
Kami perusahaan nasional di bidang pembangkit listrik swasta yang saat
ini sedang berkembang pesat. Dalam rangka pembangunan dan
pengoperasian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG) di Sumatera dan
pengoperasian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD) di daerah
Kalimantan, kami membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi
posisi-posisi berikut:
1. General Manager (GM)
Pria maks. 45 thn. memiliki pengalaman 15 tahun dalam pengelolaan gas
turbin Aero derivative engine atau diesel engine (bersertifikat),
berjiwa pemimpin, mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif. Bersedia ditempatkan
di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, terutama di Kalimantan.
2. Manager Operasional (MO)
Pria maks. 40 thn. memiliki pengalaman 10 thn. dalam pengoperasian gas
turbin aero derivative engine (bersertifikat lebih disukai), berjiwa
pemimpin, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim, mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif.
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
3. Supervisor (SPV)
Pria maks. 28 thn. memiliki pengalaman 5 thn. dalam pengoperasian gas
turbin Aero derivative engine, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim, mampu
berbahasa Inggris min. pasif. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah
4. Operator (OPR)
Pria maks. 25 thn. memiliki pengalaman 1-2 thn. dalam pengoperasian
gas tubin Aero derivative engine, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim, mampu
berbahasa Inggris min. pasif. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah
5. Senior IT Support (SeIT)
Pria maks. 35 thn.Lulusan S1 Teknologi Informatika sejenis, memiliki
pengalaman 5 thn. dalam bidang IT, memahami set-up dan perawatan LAN,
menguasai program : lotus, oracle database, maxima, google apps, lbh
disukai yang memahami software akuntansi dan human resources, mampu
berbahasa Inggris.
6. Staff IT (SeIT)
Pria maks. 30 thn. Lulusan S1 komputer dengan IPK min. 2.8, memiliki
pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun, menguasai konsep LAN, menguasai
instalasi windows mampu berbahasa Inggris.
Kirimkan CV, Foto dan lamaran lengkap ke:
PO BOX 6781
JKUP 14240
Atau melalui email ke:
Tuliskan Kode Posisi yang dilamar pada subject email/surat lamaran.
PT Elektrindo Perkasa Utama ; 6 posisi
Closing date: October 08, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
PT. Anta Tirta Kirana, a Manufacturing and Trading Company is seeking
highly qualified proffesional candidates to join our team as :
Single, usia max 30 tahun
S1 Akutansi Ekonomi
IPK min 3.00
Aktif Inggris
Memiliki teknik negosiasi yang baik dengan supplier
Mempunyai relationship yang baik dengan supplier
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Pengalaman min 1 tahun
Dom Jakarta Barat
Kirimkan CV dan lamaran ke :
Green Garden Blok Z4 No. 21-23
Kedoya Utara, Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11520
email: hrd@antatirta.co.id
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Lowongan Map Update Staff
PT Ayoklik Indonesia, adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT yang sedang membangun web portal yang menyediakan direktori kota, membuka lowongan sebagai Map Update Staff dengan kualifikasi sbb:
- punya motor
- paham wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya
- Usia max. 25
- bisa bahasa inggris min. pasif
- min. Lulusan SMK / SMA
- Lebih disukai domisili di kebayoran dan sekitarnya
- terbiasa menggunakan internet
- Mau bekerja keras, cepat belajar, mandiri, dan disiplin
- Full Time
Tugas Map Update Staf:
- Berangkat ke lokasi yang ditugaskan supervisor dan melakukan pengambilan foto.
bila berminat, kirim cv ke email karmila@urbanesia.com
Sunday, September 18, 2011
LOGISTIC OFFICER for national oil and gas company currently in exploration drilling
A national oil and gas company currently in exploration drilling are
looking for suitable candidate for :
Bachelor degree
Age between 30-40 years old
Minimum 5 years experience in similar position
Good knowledge in drilling materials & rig, able to handle
procurement including transportation
Problem solving oriented and able to work under pressure
Hard working, punctual, discipline
Good personality
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are a must
Excellent team player or individual
Able to work within flexible hours
If you meet the above qualifications, please send your application
with detailed resume, recent photograph and put the
HR & GA Departement
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sebuah grup perusahaan swasta nasional yang sedang mengembangkan
usahanya di bidang pelayaran dan pembangunan tangki minyak BBM di
Kalimantan Selatan membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga berpengalaman untuk
mengisi posisi strategis sbb:
Requirement :
Berpengalaman di perusahaan Tug & Barge
Berpengalaman atas pengelolaan operasional minimal 10 set kapal Tug & Barge
Pernah menjabat posisi minimal Operation Manager
Pernah memimpin dan/atau membentuk satu tim yang terdiri dari
orang-orang teknis, anak buah kapal dan administrasi pelayaran
Mengerti teknis perawatan badan dan mesin kapal
Mengerti administrasi pelayaran terkait dengan pelabuhan dan
perhubungan laut
Kirimkan Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup berikut pasfoto
berwarna terakhir ukuran 4x6, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan yang
dilamar pada sisi kanan atas amplop ke
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav. 59 – Jakarta 12190
Friday, September 16, 2011
Call Center Officer (CCO) in IT Problem @ PT EDI Indonesia
PT. EDI Indonesia (www. edi-indonesia. co. id) is an IT Company that has been operated in Indonesia since 1995. We are looking for high quality candidate to become member of our team as CALL CENTER OFFICER in IT Problem with the qualification:
1. Male / Female, experienced in similar area would be an advantage
2. min SMK Telkom, SMK, D3 in Computer/Information Technology, Electro, preferably having knowledge / experience in programming or IT Network & System
3. Age max 27 years old
4. Appearance: smart, business like, professional
5. Able to work within a team or individually
6. Good communication skill
7. Good voice and tone
8. Service oriented and helpful attitude
9. Hard-worker, smart, responsible and able to work under pressure
10. Familiar with PC
11. In a good health condition
12.Willing to work in shi
13. The position will be placed in Jakarta
If YOU'RE the one who are we looking for, please sent your resume, complete CV and Recent in photo, 1 File (pdf or word) max 500 kb before September, 20 2011 to ritzki.ak@edi-indonesia.co.id
Put Position Code (CCO JKT) for Jakarta as E-mail Subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Vacancy Accounting & Tax Officer in Multinational Company
One of KBR Company, a worldwide leader in the design, engineering,
Procurement and construction of bulk material handling and processing
Systems for the power and mining industries seeks talented and experienced
Indonesian nationals to fill the following position:
- Responsible in accounting process
- Accounting process starting from the transaction until the preparation of financial statements.
- Calculate and reporting taxes for monthly and year-end
- Analyzing & preparing income tax return, tax compliance, payroll tax, tax effect accounts, tax fixed asset and maintain all tax records data & documentation.
- Analyzing & preparing of tax monthly report, including SPT PPN, PPh 21, PPh 23, Pph 25 and tax yearly report, including SPT PPh 29 and PPh 21 and other related reports
- S1 Accounting from reputable University.
- Male/Female with max age 30 years old (preferably female).
- Broad knowledge and experience in Tax and Accounting at least 4 years in EPC Company
- Excellent in MS Office.
- Comfortable multi tasking in an aggressive, competitive environment, and working under pressure.
- Ability to deal with multiple priorities and working independently.
Interested applicants should send their resume, in English to FJKTREC@kbr.com
DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted
Vacancy for Secretary Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo law firms
Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo is one of Indonesia 's largest and most dynamic law firms. We are urgently seeking the suitable candidate to join the best team for the position below:
Requirements :
- Minimum D3 from Secretarial background
- Single, age under 25 years old
- Computer Literate
- Enthusiastic and result oriented
- Good interpersonal and communication skill
- Hard worker and willing to learn
- Fluent in English, both verbal and written
If you believe that you are suitable for this position, please submit your comprehensive resume within 14 days to: meryl@lgslaw.co.id
All applicants will be treated in confidence and only short listed candidates will be notified,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Vacant Position: HR Assistant, S1 Psikologi
Salah satu klien kami yang bergerak dibidang manufacturing membutuhkan kandidat HR Assistant dengan kualifikasi sbb:
- Pria/Wanita
- S1 Psikologi
- Memiliki pengalaman 3-4 tahun di industri manufacturing
- Menguasai dan memiliki pengalaman dibidang:
Recruitment dan Selection
Industrial Relationship
Legal/Undang Undang Ketenagakerjaan
Pengembangan SDM
- Memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat
- Lokasi Penempatan: Cikarang
Bagi yang berminat, silahkan kirim CV lengkap ke lusy@fritmandiri.co.id
Project Manager, Civil Work NIPINDO PRIMATAMA
Perusahaan Pertambangan Batubara dan Civil Work membutuhkan segera :
Project Manager - Civil Work (Code: PM-Civil)
Scope of works:
1. Membuat perencanaan organisasi, anggaran, metode kerja maupun
membuat time schedule, dan melaporkan secara detail perkembangan
2. Merencanakan, melaksanakan, menganalisa, mengevaluasi &
mengimplementasikan system dalam menyediakan hasil produksi yang telah
ditetapkan RAPP.
Persyaratan :
1. Pria, Min 32 tahun
2. Pengalaman min. 3 tahun sebagai Project Manager dan pernah
mengerjakan minimal 3 project berbeda (diutamakan yang berpengalaman
di Proyek Pembangunan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit/Dermaga)
3. Pendidikan Min. S1 Teknik Sipil
4. Memahami aplikasi alat-alat berat untuk pekerjaan sipil
5. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office, Ms. Power
Project/Primavera, Auto Cad, internet)
6. Menguasai Manajemen proyek, teknik pekerjaan, kontrak dan
perjanjian lainnya (SPK, BAP)
7. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik ke internal maupun eksternal
9. Memiliki kemampuan Leadership dan team work yang baik.
Tuliskan kode PM-Civil pada Subject email Anda.
Kirim lamaran lengkap dilampirkan CV dan dokumen pendukung lainnya ke
alamat email:
Cc: charles@nipindo.co.id
Monday, September 12, 2011
Assistant Manager / Manager Planning, PT. BIO INTI AGRINDO
We are Palm Oil Plantation PMA company Invested by Daewoo
International (POSCO FAMILY) which operate our business in Merauke,
We invite the qualified candidates who have some experiences in
plantation, come and join us to achieve promising career :
Assistant Manager / Manager Planning
Qualification :
* Male
* S1 Forestry graduated with good qualification
* Min. 5 years working experience
* Have good knowledge in License (HGU) & planning project
* Work location in Jakarta
If you meet the qualifications above,we invite you to submit your
comprehensive resume and details of work experience. indicate the
position above as email subject to :
or send to :
BEI Building Tower I, 29th Floor Suite 2903
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
We are Palm Oil Plantation PMA company Invested by Daewoo
International (POSCO FAMILY) which operate our business in Merauke,
We invite the qualified candidates who have some experiences in
plantation, come and join us to achieve promising career :
Assistant Manager / Manager Planning
Qualification :
* Male
* S1 Forestry graduated with good qualification
* Min. 5 years working experience
* Have good knowledge in License (HGU) & planning project
* Work location in Jakarta
If you meet the qualifications above,we invite you to submit your
comprehensive resume and details of work experience. indicate the
position above as email subject to :
or send to :
BEI Building Tower I, 29th Floor Suite 2903
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Friday, September 9, 2011
Senior Accountant/Senior Tax Accountant
Senior Accountant/Senior Tax Accountant
Bachelor degree in accounting/finance with 8-10+ year of experience in accounting preferably within the oil & gas industry.
SAP knowledge a definite plus.
Must have the knowledge, experience and confidence to work independently but at the same time be able to cooperate and support others in the team.
Able to communicate in English both oral and written.
Procurement Coordinator
Bachelor degree in relevant discipline with minimum 6 years of experience in EPC phase within oil and gas project.
Having experience in various project such as offshore, LNG and FPSO is advantage.
Familiar with PTK/007 and its revision.
Experiences in assisting Committee in reviewing technical and financial of every tender process prior submitting to Bid Committee for further recommendation and part of Bid Opening Team.
Able to perform independently with minimum supervision as well as a team member.
Having ability to communicate in English is a must.
Contract Specialist
Bachelor degree in law or other relevant discipline with minimum 7 years of experience in
managing / administering contracts of major capital projects of offshore Oil & Gas processing facilities.
Capable of managing all aspects of contracting functions for complex major capital projects.
Broad knowledge of external contracting best practices and trends.
Good presentation and communication skills
Experience in developing new standard of contract and keep up with regulatory developments and ensure that all standard contracts and clauses are up to date to ensure compliance with the latest (issued) regulations.
Experience with major claims & dispute resolution – including mediation and arbitration.
PTK 007 certified
Those who have qualification above are encourage to apply. Please send your updated CV to applicant@opacbarata.co.id attractive remuneration package will be provided for the selected candidate.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
· Male/Female between 25 - 35 years old
· Possess minimum a Bachelor Degree from a reputable University (local/overseas) majoring in Accounting
· Having Brevet A & B will be an advantage
· Having at least 1 years experience in Accounting, Finance
· Communication skills in English both oral and written is a mandatory (Computer literate especially in Microsoft Excel, Word & Able to operate Accounting Program
· Self-driven, autonomous, analytic and creative attitudes,
· Have excellence Administration and Filling skill
· Committed to continuous improvement, keen on accuracy, number and detail aspects
· Able to work as an individual and as a team. And have a strong self determined personality.
· Ability to handle high workload, can tolerate stress, good organizational skills
Should you meet the above qualification, we invite you to submit your credential
NB: Please write name and the position on e-mail subject.
Jl. Adhyaksa II D95 Lebak Bulus
Jakarta 12440
Email : hrd@ezyrelo.com
Website : www. ezyrelo. com
· Male/Female between 25 - 35 years old
· Possess minimum a Bachelor Degree from a reputable University (local/overseas) majoring in Accounting
· Having Brevet A & B will be an advantage
· Having at least 1 years experience in Accounting, Finance
· Communication skills in English both oral and written is a mandatory (Computer literate especially in Microsoft Excel, Word & Able to operate Accounting Program
· Self-driven, autonomous, analytic and creative attitudes,
· Have excellence Administration and Filling skill
· Committed to continuous improvement, keen on accuracy, number and detail aspects
· Able to work as an individual and as a team. And have a strong self determined personality.
· Ability to handle high workload, can tolerate stress, good organizational skills
Should you meet the above qualification, we invite you to submit your credential
NB: Please write name and the position on e-mail subject.
Jl. Adhyaksa II D95 Lebak Bulus
Jakarta 12440
Email : hrd@ezyrelo.com
Website : www. ezyrelo. com
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Junior Secretary, Jakarta Selatan
We are as a global contractor for offshore operation services, with strong local presence in strategic and emerging areas such as Asia Pacific and South East Asia.
In INDONESIA we have base office in Jakarta Selatan.
Now we are welcoming you to be one part of us with description:
Project Administrative scope, incl. operation personnel requirements, travel arrangement, hotel / accommodation arrangement, and other secretarial / administrative jobs
- Minimum Diploma Degree majoring in Secretary. Preferably from AKSEK TARAKANITA
- Female, age 20-25 year old
- Have min. 1 years experience as Secretary
- Fluent in English (oral and written) is a must
- Excellent skills in MS Office (esp. Ms. Power Point), administrative job and business correspondence
- Proactive with excellent communication and multi tasking skills. Willing to work late and/or during weekend
- Good personality, creative, high integrity and demonstrate the ability to work in a team and individual environment
Please send your resume not later than 7 (seven) days after this advertisement to :
Recruitment: Maria Agatha with E-mail id : m_agathay@yahoo.com
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection
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