Monday, May 18, 2015

Job Vacancy - Senior Human Resources Consultant


Surabaya, Indonesia – DFAT funded Australia Indonesia Partnership – Promoting Rural Income through Supports for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA)

PRISMA is an Australian government initiative which supports agricultural development in Eastern Indonesia and aims to increase the incomes of 300,000 poor farmers in EJ, NTB, NTT, Papua and W Papua.
PRISMA is seeking an experienced Human Resources expert to provide ad hoc support and advice to the program on personnel related matters.
Minimum education and experience required:

Degree in Human Resources Management or similar discipline;

 >10-years’ experience in HR management positions with an organisation of similar size;
Proven technical knowledge of Indonesian HR laws (including income tax, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), regulations and practice;
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

The purpose of the position is to provide support to the PRISMA HR Manager during times of peak workload to ensure the successful implementation of the program and its related activities.
Interested? Please email noting “Expression of Interest – Senior HR Consultant – your name” in the email subject line and we will send you an information pack.
Applications are being accepted now and will continue to be accepted up to 29 May  2015.
Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lowongan kerja admin lounge maskapai penerbangan charter

Selamat siang,

Berikut ini kami buka lowongan kerja sebagai ADMIN LOUNGE untuk maskapai penerbangan charter dalam dan luar negeri yang berlokasi di Halim Perdanakusumah Airport. dengan kualifikasi sbb :

- Wanita usia 22 - 28 tahun
- Menarik, energik dan ramah
- Mampu menulis dan berbahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar
- Mampu menggunakan komputer dan email
- siap bekerja keras dengan jam kerja shift

Dengan Tanggung jawab pekerjaan sbb :

     1.       Membantu Lounge Suppervisor dalam melayani dan menyiapkan kebutuhan tamu di lounge
     2.       Mengelola dan merapikan stok kebutuhan lounge
     3.       Membantu cabin crew dalam menyiapkan kebutuhan perlengkapan dan catering di pesawat
     4.       Menyambut dan membantu tamu di lounge (customer servicing)
     5.       Berkoordinasi dengan unit ground handling dan departemen lain mengenai keperluan lounge dan penerbangan
     6.       Memesan catering dan memonitor kesiapan dan ketersediaan sesuai daftar yang telah ditentukan

Bilamana anda berminat kirimkan CV terbaru anda ke

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Vacant position for Agency Manager

Vacant position for Agency Manager PT. Supraco Indonesia


A Jakarta based company with more than 33 years of experience in providing services to Oil and Gas Industry, Geothermal and Marine in Indonesia.
We are seeking for best candidates to fill the vacant positions of

Agency Manager


Requirements :
a. Male, max 40 years old
b. S1 majoring Engineering
c. Experience min 5 (five) years in Marketing and Sales Engineer Manager for Oil & Gas
d. Services Company
e.Excellent in English both oral and written
f. Domicile in Jakarta


Please send your Application and latest CV with recent photo as soon as possible to and please cc to with the subject of mail Agency Manager

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Job Vacancy for Executive Secretary



We are a new Insurance Company located in Axa Tower Kuningan City – South Jakarta opening the opportunity for a career as Executive Secretary.

Requirements :

1. Female, Single, Max 28 years old

2. Graduated from Tarakanita Secretary Academy

3. Minimum 3 years experiences as  Executive Secretary to the level of Director

4. Advance computer skill especially Microsoft Office

5. Excellent English communication and written, proficient in Mandarin is an advantage

6. Having great passion in Executive Assistant Area

7. Well organize, reliable and trustworthy

If you meet the requirements please send your application letter with CV, transcript and recent photograph to

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

IBI Bankers Career Expo 2013

IBI Bankers Career Expo kembali hadir untuk anda semua yang ingin berkarir di dunia perbankan.
Job Fair yang diselenggarakan oleh Ikatan Bankir Indonesia (IBI) dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-8 ini akan diselenggarakan pada:

Hari : Rabu - Kamis
Tanggal : 27 - 28 November 2013
Tempat : Exhibition Hall Gd. Smesco
Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 94 Jakarta
Waktu : Pkl. 09.00 - 16.00 WIB

Bank peserta akan diikuti antara lain oleh :
1. Bank Mandiri
2. Bank BCA
3. Bank BTN
4. Bank BNI
5. Bank CIMB Niaga
6. Bank ICBC
7. Bank Danamon
8. Bank OCBC Nisp
9. Bank BRI
10. Bank UOB
11. Bank Saudara
12. Bank Panin
13. Dll

Siapkan diri anda dan daftarkan secara online di www. ibibankerscareerexpo. com untuk mendapatkan ID yang akan digunakan untuk melamar

Keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi (021 3764 3983)

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